8 points
Hi! Nice vid.
At 42min KJ hand.
Will you continue some of flush/straight/nonAce rivers with KJ (and maybe other if not KJ)?
Sept. 16, 2017 | 1:37 p.m.
Your CREV model says that against x/r opponents folds 25% of a time (0.45*0.55), and we need 3200/6700 = 47% of folds for pure bluffs. Difference is huge. I mean that bluff efficiency is bad, and we mainly rely on our equity with drows. We can be +EV relatively 0 with our nut FD, but it still seems -EV relatively callEV, unless we gain big overfolds on future streets (what is hard i guess).
What you think about that? I missed something or flop bluffs are really bad in real games?
Sept. 13, 2017 | 3:30 p.m.
Hi! Nice play and comments.
At 14:40 you probe 82 with overbet size. Seems like we want to bet less with lot of our small pairs (4x, 22-66). What logic of this size? You exploit something or it is you general size for this spots?
Sept. 4, 2017 | 6:05 a.m.
Hi Ben. At the end of video, you said that 3bet w 66 was a mistake. Is it mistake in raise size choice, or in constructing your mix (3bet close to 100% instead of 25%)? If it second, how can we fix this type of mistakes, being human? I like the idea of controlling my frequencies in common nodes (3bet pre, 1/2/3 barrels etc.), but when I trying to do it on rare nodes my brain doesn’t keep up.
What type of approach you prefer: to aim for accurate frequencies in your mixes as much as it possible, or the main point is to identify clear strategies and mixes, and build mixes roughly?
Sorry for my english, hope you understand the main idea of question.
Sept. 3, 2017 | 4:25 p.m.
Hey Teunuss, great vid.
On 22 and 29 min you use very tight BU opening ranges vs aggressive opps. What do you mean by aggressive opps? If It is about preflop 3bets, how much they must 3bet to make such tight ranges preferable.
Hi, nice session.
J9o @ 35:45 Seems like just fold 2nd pair on flop is good idea. My pio says that it 50/50 mix with all Jx (besides AJ). But given the fact that boys also have bet33 size, upper seems just greedy one in practice.
A6o @ 18:50 AA4r board. Did you solve this hand? Withing hand i also thought that 3bet on flop is not good. But it seems that being OOP 3bets are fine even on such dry board. PIO also says, that any Ax on this river not even close to fold. What do you think about your reads, that opponent value heavy, from this perspective? In other words: how low should be profit of pure call to make you go against computer outputs and follow your assumptions, when you have strong feeling. Will be very interesting to got your conclusions, if you will run sim.
July 13, 2019 | 12:15 a.m.