spartacus87's avatar


4 points

Your PLO HU videos are the best!  keep on making PLO HU videos :)

Dec. 4, 2013 | 3:53 p.m.

Hand History | spartacus87 posted in PLO: PLO400 HU very deep river spot
BB: $913.20
SB: $2358.50 (Hero)
Preflop ($6.00) (2 Players)
Hero was dealt Q 5 8 4
Hero raises to $8, BB raises to $24, Hero calls $16
Flop ($54.00) 5 8 Q (2 Players)
BB bets $32, Hero calls $32
Turn ($118.00) 5 8 Q 2 (2 Players)
BB bets $90, Hero calls $90
River ($298.00) 5 8 Q 2 2 (2 Players)
BB bets $208, Hero raises to $916
Villian is a PLO HU midstakes reg.

He calls 30% oop and 3bets 20% pre.

Do u think we can get out AA , KK here ?

I would definitely call some sets /2pairs this deep, so my range consists boats and trips.

The problem is that we also rep some busted draw type hands like 674,679 , JT9, hh , but i would never bluff shove with them in this spot.

Nov. 20, 2013 | 7:02 p.m.

* 2)   although we want to shove with all of our value combos, because sizing shouldn´t affect the decision a lot.     So i guess  smaller sizing works better as a vacuum play, but not range play

Nov. 20, 2013 | 12:20 a.m.

1) his turn calling range was wide, so  he flats naked Fd´s and straight wraps turn.

2)  good idea , this should work even better

Nov. 20, 2013 | 12:17 a.m.

Hand History | spartacus87 posted in PLO: PLO400HU river bluff shove
BB: $1237.25 (Hero)
SB: $574.50
Preflop ($6.00) (2 Players)
Hero was dealt A T Q 6
SB raises to $12, Hero raises to $36, SB calls $24
Flop ($78.00) 3 K 4 (2 Players)
Hero bets $56, SB calls $56
Turn ($190.00) 3 K 4 J (2 Players)
Hero bets $130, SB calls $130
River ($450.00) 3 K 4 J 3 (2 Players)
Hero bets $443.50
Villian is a PLO midstakes reg. I assume he´s raising either flop or turn most of his sets/2pairs.

So his riverrange is naked Kxxx, 56,52, dd** . We assume that he calls with every K*** and 3*** .

To make a shove profitable in this spot, he have to go to the river with enough hands WITHOUT a K or 3 in it.

I put this numbers into PPT and it shows that Villian only has a K or 3 43% of the time, given the above river range.

Do u think we have a profitable bluff spot here?


Nov. 19, 2013 | 3:57 p.m.

SB: $532
BB: $653.50 (Hero)
Villian sitting on PLO200-600 HU tables, so i assume he´s an HU-regular

No other reads; it was in the beginning of the match
Preflop ($6.00) (2 Players)
Hero was dealt K T Q 5
SB raises to $12, Hero raises to $36, SB calls $24
Flop ($78.00) 2 Q 2 (2 Players)
Hero checks, SB bets $56, Hero calls $56
Turn ($190.00) 2 Q 2 J (2 Players)
Hero checks, SB bets $150, Hero calls $150
River ($490.00) 2 Q 2 J 9 (2 Players)
Hero checks, SB checks
River is an interesting spot, because in my opinion all 3 options shove (290 eff. behind), c/c and c/f are justifiable.

I think the Turn range of an average mid-stakes regular is very strong, although we turn our hand kind of faced up, as we often have AA,KK with this line.

This is because very few regulars 3barrel this boards without having reads.

For barreling turn i put him on boats( slightly reduced because of Qx blocker), trips, KT,T9,FD´s

After checking the river my assumption is, that he shove all boats, check back most unimproved trips, shove A high Flush , and checking most worser flushs and straights.

After this analysis we should c/f once we check....

Do u have any idea, how Villians react to a rivershove, given that we dont represent bluffs , but no other hands like rivered AA or KK high Flush makes sense?

Is he calling naked trips on river?
Final Pot
SB has 4 7 2 T Hero has K T Q 5 Hero wins $483.50

Nov. 6, 2013 | 6:53 p.m.

absolutely agree with you once i read it.  as played do u bet /call or bet/fold it ?

Nov. 1, 2013 | 8:36 p.m.

SB: $752.50 (Hero)
BB: $2133.50
Villian is a good reg. He 3bets 21% and coldcall 19% pre.

He cbets 78% / 53% / 55% on flop /turn / river

Preflop ($6.00) (2 Players)
Hero was dealt 7 6 K 4
Hero raises to $8, BB raises to $24, Hero calls $16
Flop ($54.00) T 8 5 (2 Players)
BB bets $28, Hero raises to $80, BB calls $52
Calling flop is also fine and definitely the standart.

Reason for raising is
1) for toughness , as it´s hard to combat against as we are 200BB deep and i am in position.
2) i expect to get a good amount of folds, as his 3b% +cbet% is high enough.

Turn ($214.00) T 8 5 6 (2 Players)
BB checks, Hero checks
My Intuition is that i have to bet this turn, but fold to a raise.

But bet/folding seems so weak to me, as the pot is big and there are a lot draws /combodraws he potentially could cr the turn with.

But in my experience opponents just CALL hands like Sets , QJ9, Double FD , set + FD and raise only nutstraight here.

What´s your experience in this spot?
River ($214.00) T 8 5 6 3 (2 Players)
BB bets $100, Hero calls $100
Final Pot
BB has J J 5 5 Hero has 7 6 K 4 Hero wins $407.50

Nov. 1, 2013 | 3:39 p.m.

Post | spartacus87 posted in PLO: PLO200 HU

Do u bet turn ? If yes bet/fold? 

What do u think of his river leading range? (leading range in general here)

I have no special reads about Villian, but he´s probably a fish.

Once he check /calls the flop he´s likely on a naked FD, weak AA, some K+ some overs and some 456 type hands which will not bet/stack off.

I also think he will c/r all flopped 2pairs /sets, AA+FD , so there are no K7 ,K3,73 ,KK,77,33 , AA+FD in his range.  

On Turn i was unsure if i can bet/call , thats why i check back river 

On River it´s tough to find a hand we beat , but also a hand he plays this way  which beats us .

Hands he can play this way are turned K4  ,  rivered KT,  rarely 456 and busted FD´s .  But the fact that we block FD´s also make me fold this hand?    


Aug. 13, 2013 | 3:11 p.m.

Ok, so do u bet all 2pairs if u are Villian ?   If yes, do u just bet/call off all 2pairs ?

Aug. 7, 2013 | 3:54 p.m.

I know Villian was a reg, but we played only a few hands so far.

Obv we have to know opponents tendencies to give a good answer.

Anyway, i think this is a tough spot, because most Villians will check behind most worser 2pairs /pair +FD / pair+straightdraw   and bet kind of polarised  ------->  given that c/c or c/r turns out not very well

That´s why we have to bet the turn, but once he raised turn , his range is mostly sets or straights , so we can bet/fold although it seems pretty weak. 

Do u bet/call or bet/fold as default ?


Aug. 5, 2013 | 7:56 p.m.

Villian was a PLO HU midstakes reg.  He was 3betting about 30% pre and didn´t fold to 4bets yet.

I think we can pot/shove flop also, but i decide to check back flop, although we have poor playability.

The turncard brings us a FD. 

I guess Villian have realised that i am weak here and can´t really do something vs a bet with my naked overpairs.

So i assume he will stab a LOT  on turn here.

My preferred Play on turn is just shoving here, as it makes our life easyier +++ we have okish equity vs 2pair++++ we can be slightly away of his pair + FD hands, which he´s commited to call.

Do u agree with shoving turn here?


July 31, 2013 | 10:51 a.m.

Villian was a fish and 3bets 20% pre.  He was cbetting 80% flop.

I raised this flop , as he doesn´t hit this flop well  ++++ we have blockers to KK ,AA ++ double gutshot

Turn play: 

How do u play on turn?

His likely hands he called flop with are    AA , KK  , QQ ,  5xxx , 67 ,

I dont know how to play turn, since we are blocking a lot of his bet/call range (  AA, KK, low card straight combos with our 7 and 3 )

Are u comfortable of bet/folding turn to get out  AA , KK ,QQ here? Which betsize do u choose? 

Or do u prefer checking back ?


July 30, 2013 | 4:29 p.m.

i didn´t see the cards, because i was bet/folding there

July 30, 2013 | 10:24 a.m.

Do u think Villian will fold all trips and worser flushes?

July 27, 2013 | 1:45 p.m.

Villian was a reg.  He saw me bluff3barreling in rr pots.  I think i had a bluffy image overall.

I valuebet the river, because i was thinking that i get value from worser flushes/ trips. The double paired card on the river also decreases the likelyhood of a boat very much. 

Once he shove over my riverbet this deep, i think i am almost always beat, as  he i assume that he only calls trips +worser flushes here and only  shove Nutflush or boat here.

Do u ever see someone shoving worse here ?  (  we need to be good 15%)


July 26, 2013 | 5:28 p.m.

Villian was a fish. He calls 70% oop and 3b 8%. .

He raises 74% ip and cbets 64%.   His WTSD was 42 and his aggression % was very low.  So he was more on the loose/passive site.


BET :  

 Betting is good if:    1) he calls with worser 2pairs like  T6,T8,K8,K6  + occasionally 1straightcard blocker like a 7.     2)  he 3bet/ship some % of his sets / good wraps (9874,8743) on flop OR turn. 

---->  @ 1)     Although he´s a bit on the loose/passive/callingstation side  i dont see much light calls downs with weaker 2pairs here.         @2) He was on the passive side, so he´s more likely to not raise sets /wraps flop or turn,  which increases the number of hands beating us on the river.

conclusion:   betting is not good vs this opponent. ( I think most opponents dont call with weaker 2pairs here without a crazy dynamic?)


check/ call is good if :    1)  he turns  weaker 2pairs / 1pair+busted draw type hands into bluffs 2) he is not vbetting sets here. 

conclusion:  @1)  This Villian is more likely checking back that hands.  ( like most Villians?)

@2) This Villian is checking back sets, too.   (Like most Villians?)

Conclusion: If he´s not bluffing here and not vbetting sets, it often goes check check and his betting range is very small. BUT then his betting range  only concludes straights and we have to


So vs this Villian  c/f is the best option. (!?)

All thoughts are welcome.  What do u think is the best option vs most opponents?


July 26, 2013 | 5:19 p.m.

i guess this is a standard spot,  but i would like to know your general thoughts on this spot. 

What reads do u need to bluff this river? 

This Villian was a "fast player"  so he 3bets sets flop , and raise at least A9 on the turn. 

So his river range is A7, A3  ,  A + something,   T98, 8765, 9765,  (9 or 7 )+ turned FD. 

Even with this range + we block wraps / OESD´s  it´s hard to find enough hands he can fold to make a bluff profitable , right ?


July 19, 2013 | 12:13 p.m.

thanks, your comments are always welcome :)

July 12, 2013 | 3:52 p.m.

Villian is a big fish and 3b 60% pre  + bet flop + turn 75% .  

The River card is a very good card for our range , since we have many backdoor FD´s in our range.  

What do u think fishes are folding here?  do u think they fold A9 A8 A2  or even sets here ?


July 12, 2013 | 10:22 a.m.

Post | spartacus87 posted in PLO: PLO200 HU river cr bluff

Villian was a PLOHU reg.   Not many hands played so fast.  He seems to play aggressive ip  and barrel a lot.

What do u think of a river bluff here? 

I know  we dont have many KJ combos in our  cc flop  cc turn range.  I also know that we can have many missed draws, so it´s tougher to make Villian fold.

But  I almost never see Villians bluffing here and always look into KJ if i bet/call in this situation with  J straight.

Do u fold a J straight in this situation? 

Do u cr  a J straight for value here?


July 10, 2013 | 1:12 p.m.

Villian was a reg.  we played only 80 hands on  2 tables.  He barreled lots of turns AND rivers in this time.  Normally most Villians shut down their action at least on the river, but he barreled much rivers. 

What do u think of this river cr ?

1)   i checkraised flop  0%  in this 90 hands , so i can rep slowplayed boats ( QQ, 99)

2)  i  dont 3b all AA combos , so i can rep AA on riv

3) i can rep  A5 

4)  he can barrel some missed draws (KJT ,   678 , dd )

5) he can bet a single 5 , 95 ,  AQ  for value ,  ( + fold them to a raise ? ) 

What do u think ?


July 10, 2013 | 1:05 p.m.

shoving turn is a very good idea, i did not think about this line so far.  But u are right , he has to fold 2pairs / better draws and  maybe he folds even sets.    

July 8, 2013 | 2:48 p.m.

I dont remember exactly :(   ;   but the argument that i block 89T and flushes  is a very good point vs bluffing here

July 4, 2013 | 5:37 p.m.

What do u think of the river barrel? 

We block QQ   for a QT straight and we can get out  weak 2pair ,Kxxx, 345 wrap type hands   ++++ prevent us from getting bluffed 

July 4, 2013 | 2:53 p.m.

Post | spartacus87 posted in PLO: PLO200 HU 3barrel bluff

Villian is a midstakes PLOHU reg ,

Do u like the river barrel? 

Our Range is uncapped.  We come with a lot of  KT, T8, KK,  high FD´s   to the river in our range .

Villians range is capped, because he will raise many of his sets/ 2pairs on flop or turn.  So his range on the river is Txxx, Kxxx, rivered Flushes and MANY DRAWS.     Vs our river barrel he will fold all of his draws and his Kxxx hands and probably his naked Txxx hands.  



July 4, 2013 | 2:46 p.m.

Villian was a midstakes reg and flat 27% / 3b 40% pre.

do u just pot/shove this flop ? 

do u think we can bet/fold this flop ?

As played, do u like shoving turn as he can fold his FD´s , straights draws, pair + lifecards he floated with?????


July 4, 2013 | 1:50 p.m.

At least sometimes, especially this deep.  We can also rep J7 combos.    Do u think Villian expect us to 3bet it everytime?

July 4, 2013 | 1:40 p.m.

Villian is a midstakes HU PLO reg .   He coldcall oop 27% and 3b 41%.

He dont fold to 4bets. 


I cbet the flop, because i want to take down the pot and it hits my 4bet range well. ( AA, good KK,  good highcard rundowns. 

After he called i give him a range of KQT, JQT, QT9,AQT, KT9 , FD´s ,

I assume he would raise his KJ , JJ ,KK (22), (K2?)  combos, but i am not entirely sure.


On Turn i decide to check behind, as it would SUCKS to get raised on the turn with my 2nd nutstraight ++ FD.


I can never have AT , as i would bet it on the turn .   But i can have a lot of KQ, QJ, JJ,QQ, combos because i would not bet it on the turn.
 So my range is kinda protected here vs bluffs.

He can lead river with KQ,QJ or AT,   but we can rule out KK JJ 22 combos.

So to make Calling river a good play, he have to turn some KJ,KT, J+FD, gutshot +FD into bluffs.

Do u call this river ?


July 4, 2013 | 1:38 p.m.

Villian is a PLO HU midstakes reg and his lowest limit is 1/2.  He calls 27% oop  and 3b 41% (!!!) pre .

Flop :

He CR Flop 20%  and folds to cbets 50%.

I give him a kind of polaired CR RANGE of    JJ , 77 , 33 , (50%) J7,  AsXs,  89T,  and some air / naked gutter type hands.   I rule out J3  and 73 combos because he would much more likely flat these hands.

Turn :   

I think on turn he cc at least some of his J7,  JJ, 33 combos as he was the type of player betting polarised on turns / afraid of getting raised this deep.

 he will definitely bet his  gutshots and FD´s on turn.

I think u CAN fold the turn, because on most rivers we will hate to face aggression.

But T, 9, 8, J and spades are good cards for us.
So i call the turn.

River : 

What do u think of an river shove ?????

We can credibly rep  JJ and J7 in our range + We block one J .  

77 is very unlikely and there are not much 33 combos in his preflop cold calling range.

Furthermore we can discount at least some J7  combos, because he never craise with all J7 combos the flop +  he ´s  much more likely to c/c the turn with those .

The Question is if he vbets/ bluff enough of the time, to make this move +EV. 

I think he bets the Nutflush,  Nutflushblocker,  J blocker on his own !?

What do u think of his betting range here?

Do u like the river shove or do u think there are simply not enough combos he would bet/fold?


July 4, 2013 | 1:02 p.m.

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