scotty 's avatar


1 points

Here's the way you need to look at it. You are the one being exploited. How can that be? I'm playing a GTO unexploitable strategy? Here's an extreme example but it proves the point you open SB with a 40% GTO range BB 3bets a range only containing AA then you 4 bet a 15% GTO range. You're GTO 4bet strategy in that example is torching money and massivley -EV. Only when your opponent is 3betting optimally should you 4bet optimally. If they 3b less your opens gain EV. If they 3b more your 4bets gain EV. Try running a filter to see what your pools 3b freq. is in that spot and then their 5b freq. I assume both will be less than equilibrium

Aug. 21, 2023 | 11:30 p.m.

Yes overfold and yes it's worth it to deviate. You have to understand that the GTO chart you're following DOES NOT equal the highest EV strategy. The chart is only maximizing EV against another GTO perfectly clairvoyant opponent. Which in reality at the tables is not happening. Learning theory should help you understand how to deviate to maximize EV. Learning theory is not copying a chart.

Aug. 21, 2023 | 5:09 p.m.

Do an old school equity calculation. Your hand vs his range and then see if your getting the right odds. Don't forget rake in your maths. Also you're asking others to put villain on a range when you presumably have stats on him and have experience in that specific player pool so imo you should be able to assign him a range better than we can. As far as the 5b sizing I think jam would be my only size.

Aug. 10, 2023 | 5:59 p.m.

Comment | scotty commented on Tracking my Game

Hey YellowSanz, if you don't want to enter your results manually there's good software on the market for that i.e. Holdem Manager, Poker Tracker or DriveHud. Also 2k hands is nowhere near enough hands to make any real conlcusions from. 50k is a glimpse and 100k is an okay snapshot. I know it's tough but don't focus on your results especially in the short term.

Aug. 10, 2023 | 5:41 p.m.

Hey ssaz, great job on completing the course and taking your game seriously. First thing I would recommend is changing the graph to display in bb especially if it's a sample with different stakes. Second thing is and I know it's tough but don't focus on your graph. Especially with small samples, it's really just noise and a graph can't provide the advice you're looking for. Just focus working on your ranges in different spots and what your opponents are doing and try to maximize EV.

Aug. 10, 2023 | 5:27 p.m.

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