Lots of perils awaits you though, esp regulations costs... please don't underestimate the time/ressources this implies. Each country in Europe (and probably elswhere) has now their own complicated regulations, licenses.... a lawyer's dream - and a nightmare for everyone else.
If I were you, I'd go for a Bitcoin only site, distanciate myself from the company (e.g. being only the "image", as an employee), have the company offshore, open shop to the world as a whole, gansta style.
Actually this is the only way I see it working tbh, unless you have $500m + of VC money....
Just my 2c's ofc, and most of all : GLGL
Sept. 8, 2016 | 7:12 p.m.
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Wow....that is ballsy.
Lots of perils awaits you though, esp regulations costs... please don't underestimate the time/ressources this implies. Each country in Europe (and probably elswhere) has now their own complicated regulations, licenses.... a lawyer's dream - and a nightmare for everyone else.
If I were you, I'd go for a Bitcoin only site, distanciate myself from the company (e.g. being only the "image", as an employee), have the company offshore, open shop to the world as a whole, gansta style.
Actually this is the only way I see it working tbh, unless you have $500m + of VC money....
Just my 2c's ofc, and most of all : GLGL
Sept. 8, 2016 | 7:12 p.m.