2 points
Both of you are right but Paradigm24's logic was closer to what I was thinking.
The minute he check raised me on the flop I felt like his range was heavily tilted towards flush draws, overpairs, and maybe even straight draws. A set of 6s was possible; set ofs 9s and 3s less likely due to my 2 pair.
When I decided to peel and he leads into me on the turn, I felt like at that point my hand is strong against the range he'd take that line with so I ended up stacking.
He ended up having a set of 9s...
Sept. 18, 2016 | 6:59 a.m.
Youre right on both edits: I meant 2 pair and straight draw. Also I met Villain bet 88.43
Sept. 18, 2016 | 6:53 a.m.
1/2 6 max PLO.
CO: Villain ($200)
Btn: Hero ($367)
Hero hand: 9c7c8h3s
CO opens to $7. Hero calls. SB and BB fold.
Flop: 6h9h3d
Villain checks. Hero c-bets $6.98 into $17 pot.
Villian raises to $37.09. Hero calls.
Turn: Kd
Villain bets $88.43 into $91 pot
Jam on flop with SD, top 2 pair plus heart blocker? Or just give up on turn?
Sept. 17, 2016 | 3:06 a.m.
I agree with all of that. But if I get check called on the flop what should my line be on the turn?
Another way of asking the q is how many bets do i want to be making with my AA, AK, QQ, JJ in this scenario?
If I get check raised on the flop with that range I am usually behind and will likely fold.
If I get check called and then checked to on the turn, my instinct would be to bet again. I could balance range by checking back some of my AA, AK on that turn and betting some. If I bet 100% I open myself to a lot of check raises on that turn with FDs, trips, SDs, etc.
But then those situations are always kind of gross because if I check back on turn and he pots into me on river I need to be calling it off probably 30% of the time on a blank river, right?
Sept. 17, 2016 | 1:11 a.m.
Thx for that feedback.
Ive been working through Tom's PLO theory courses which have been solid. Range construction is something im working on now. My PLO play needs a lot of work but im finding the resources on this site helpful and I want to keep engaging with the community via hand sharing and discussion
Sept. 16, 2016 | 12:49 p.m.
BB- $162
UTG- $191
UTG+1 (HERO)- $264
Hero hand: Kc7cQsJs
Blinds 1/2. UTG flats. Hero opens to $6. Folds around. BB calls and UTG calls.
Flop: Ks2s2h
It is checked to me on the flop.
Do I c-bet here? If I get raised I have to fold. And then what would my line be on the turn? Just give up?
Curious for thoughts.
Sept. 16, 2016 | 11:35 a.m.
I feel like standard play would have been flat the BB, bet 1/3 pot when checked to on the flop, check back the turn after the blank and, if i did check back on the turn, I would have to give up by the river unfortunately. You agree with that line?
I just reviewed my hand history from my sesh last night and my notes on the player were that he was opening extremely wide pre-flop in most positions and then check calling with a wide range as well. He is probably a reg but some of the hands he was showing up with in showdowns made him seem loose passive. I am just back in the game so I dont have a lot of hands with anyone yet and im guessing his play was likely circumstantial given the pool in mid-stakes PLO on stars is pretty competitive...
I had been playing extremely tight and my 3-bet range pre was so tight that I thought that flop hit my range harder. C-bet seemed like the natural move once I took that line pre-flop. When the turn and river fired blanks it made most sense for me to keep repping a strong hand (set, top 2 pair, etc).
What do you think? I was trying to mix it up but maybe it was a pretty -EV play...
Sept. 16, 2016 | 11:12 a.m.
I agree with jonna that turn is a fold. I mean really what is the plan on river? Even if we get there we cant be good enough times for it to be +EV
Sept. 15, 2016 | 1:51 p.m.
Sorry new to all of this...what type of software do you use to upload your hand like that?
Sept. 15, 2016 | 1:50 p.m.
Hey guys...just recently returned to Stars after a very long hiatus. Game is 2/4 PLO, 6 handed.
Villain in SB with $398
Hero in BB with $380
Hero hand: Jh10d9h6s
Action pre- folds around to SB and he 3x raises to $12
I had been flatting big for most of game and want to develop a 3-bet range in the BB that has some single-suited connectors (thoughts on this are welcome but to me this seems standard)
He flats. Pot is $56.
Flop: JdKh4h (hero flops mid pair and flush draw)
Villain checks, Hero bets 50% pot, Villain calls.
Turn: 5s
Villain checks, hero bets $68, villain calls.
River: 4c
Villain checks, hero bets $188. Villain folds.
Advice on turn and river?
I feel like the flop texture heavily favours my range here. Turn is a blank and checking back pretty much surrenders. I think I have a decent amnt of fold equity and im setting up for a decent river bluff. Once I c-bet turn I feel like I am committed to firing on most rivers.
I think the river pairing the board will generally be better for my range as well.
Sept. 15, 2016 | 1:40 p.m.
I am down.
July 12, 2015 | 9:26 a.m.
Im on button with Qd8d9d4s. C/O opens, I flat, BB 3 bets to $19. C/O calls and I call.
Flop is 3 4 8 rainbow. I flop top 2 with back door flush draw to the diamonds.
BB leads out with a bet of $43 into a $55 pot. C/O raises to $188. I have $342 behind. BB has $130 left and c/o has $70 left.
I decide to shove and I get called by both.
BB has AA5J with no flush draws on the board (just an overpair) and CO has 10c6c8h5d for a one pair, back door flush draw to the clubs and an open ended strait draw.
On the flop I am ahead but I am an equity underdog to the CO. The CO ends up hitting his back door flush draw.
Was that a bad play on my end? I mean the board was ridiculously dry and I dont understand how any of the 2 pairs are in either of their ranges so it really just left open ended strait draws or sets which I have blockers to.
June 29, 2015 | 7:22 a.m.
Hey guys,
So Im playing 1/2 short-stacked on Full Tilt ($80 max buy in). Im in small blind with K10Q6 ds and a stack of about 400. UTG is short-stacked with about 80 in front and he raises to $7. Didnt get the feeling that he was a reg- he was flatting a lot pre flop, playing pretty loose and I watched him make a few awkward decisions in the 40 mins of play leading up to that point. Also worth pointing out that he didn't have auto refill on which may be stupid to use as an indicator but it just added to my feelings that he probably was playing a very wide range pre-flop and was looking to gamble it up.
The button flats and at this point I am stuck between folding and raising pot. I can almost never find a compelling reason to flat in the SB. Because the play is loose and I feel like I deserve some respect for my 3 bet SB I decide to pot it in hopes that I can iso UTG and get rid of the guy who limped the button.
So I kind of get what I want and the UTG shoves and at this point i feel committed to making the call. He shows up with a decently strong hand.
Was this a bad play? I am only going to get shoved on by hands that beat me most of the time. Trying to figure out if the fold is the profitable move in the long run when most players are short-stacked.
Any advice appreciated.
June 29, 2015 | 6:53 a.m.
I am inclined to agree with User X. Hard to think you're not an equity favourite in this position. Check raise on the flop risks you not getting maximum value out of your hand but a) I think you need a check-raising range on the flop that includes a lot of 2nd or 3rd nut draws against a player like this who is going to be putting you in tough positions come turn/river if you get there and face a huge bet b) if he has 2 pair or an overpair it sounds like he might shove which we would love in this spot c) by the off chance he has a set it's still not a terrible position to be in and d) if he folds, it makes your life easy.
General question though, what were your stats against him? Curious if he 3 bets a lot when check raised on the flop? If he folds a lot when check raised I think your check call makes more sense given you know what his line is on the turn.
My preference would have been to check raise flop if he likes to get it in a lot or check shove turn given he seems to bet 3 streets almost always.
also interested
Jan. 6, 2017 | 10:01 a.m.