smurfofshadz's avatar


0 points

Think about 1 thing, UTG2 calls off UTG1s shove, but its "only" about 5BB and his stack is about 35ish BB.
so his calling range could be very wide. Any Ax any suited T+ cards etc etc. Abit also depending on his playing style, how tight has he been? Has he played alot of hands lately, or is it the 1st hand he plays in 20+ hands?

The buyin of the tournament could also playin alot, also if its a knockout etc.
So the question you need to ask is , will he call if you push? :)

March 1, 2013 | 3:41 p.m.

Yeah i know what you mean ... hm but i Try to remember when i suckout, its not always u get to know though...

March 1, 2013 | 10:25 a.m.

In my opinion, i'd rather see the flop.. specially after a 4bet. It could obviously gotten problematic since it was an ace on flop and all hearts.
i dont see aproblem with the 3bet. When he 4bets, as you say, quite early, im guessing he usually has a kindof premium hand ... unless you have seen him previous to this 4-5-bet with air....

getting it in preflop with KQo this early though, is fairly weird. Depending on the stacksizes which where involved in that hand, and how it played out...

anyway, you got it in with a coinflip for abit more than half your stack... in my eyes, you Have to have figgured out that you was up against at best a coinflip, or?

pretend you call the 4bet. he then would have had about 3700 and you about 8100 in chips. the flop would be about 3800.
you are 1st to act, say you lead out for 1500. the question is then, what would happen obviously. He'll probably shove, with only the Ace as scarecard, and the flushdraw.

Come to think about it, i think just calling preflop would be a good play. you keep the stacksize down, and are 1st to act after flop.

again, table dynamic, how has the hands played out before.

Feb. 27, 2013 | 4:53 p.m.

It is as you say, near FT, and he's a bigstack... he will probably push you alot. but its hard to know without knowing the table dynamic pre this hand...

Feb. 27, 2013 | 4:23 p.m.

thanks for the replies, but um didnt you forget about the runner runner x card?! i know ive read somewhere about that 4/2 rule, so i shuld have known that, also, found a calculator on the phone actually...

but, one thing that i was also aming at was the fact that I Feel that i loose ALOT of those situations where im huge favour ... which sucks, but is hard to do anything about, right?!

Feb. 26, 2013 | 4:50 p.m.

How often should you win, when ahead ...
with 2 cards to come, in lets say 100 spots.
(meaning, you get the chips in, when beeing ahead with 2 cards to come, in 100 different spots during several tournaments)

example. you have overpair on dry flop, he has 1 overcard, like Ax and x is below your pair.
or you get it in with Ax vs Ay and your x is bigger than his y. again on a dry board.

to me it feels as if 65-ish% of the time is expected?!

Feb. 17, 2013 | 9:41 p.m.

im thinking he quite often has Ax here. Likely AT+, depending on how he's been playing. Kx suited is another possibillity, especially if i read things correctly that he was in late position?! + he's bigstack after all...

then again, he is bigstack so he could have air ...

Feb. 17, 2013 | 9:04 p.m.

i would take into consideration like, how many 3bets has this dude done, vs, how many 4bets have u done. because if this is your 1st 4bet, maby the guy figgures out that you have a strong pair, and is sitting with a semi-strong ace and thinks he might outflop you. hes got button after all.

Feb. 17, 2013 | 8:51 p.m.

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