skithetrees's avatar


39 points

Hi Ben I just have a basic question that is somewhat related to the concepts in the video, but also to poker overall. If you could only choose one thing to do to improve for the rest of your career what would it be?

Jan. 11, 2017 | 10:33 p.m.

Jan. 9, 2017 | 5:08 a.m.

Nice video Kevin.

AJ @9mins well explained!

Think a lot of population is gonna try to take a sd but your reasoning for turning it into a bluff was convincing.

Jan. 8, 2017 | 5:57 p.m.

Hey great video: Sauce please talk about how the solver algorithm works with respect to the A2cc hand @35mins.

Also from a practical standpoint.

Jan. 8, 2017 | 2:40 p.m.

easy to get out of line and be betting to many ace highs. sauces recommendation of having As seems great or at least having any spade in ur hand. not that having Ac5s is such a huge difference to Ac5h but at least it lets you control your frequencies with ur potential double/triples.

Jan. 8, 2017 | 11:13 a.m.

Comment | skithetrees commented on Where's Teunuss??

<3 teunuss videos. was sad to see him take a hiatus as its some of the best nl 6m content on rio.

Jan. 8, 2017 | 11:07 a.m.

yeah its fine, and dare I say standard.

Also its becoming increasingly popular to overbet on the turn here with presence of 2 fd's, and him not taking any aggressive actions up to the point, so overbet ur strong hands and some of ur draws (but not everyone, as there is a lot of them!!)

maybe a size of like 1.2-1.5x pot or $.90-1.1.

Jan. 8, 2017 | 11:02 a.m.

fold turn unless you pick up more equity (spade, A,K).
really optimistic call down.

Jan. 8, 2017 | 10:57 a.m.

Comment | skithetrees commented on ak in 3b pot

agree to commit or fold turn.

feels dirty telling you to fold turn, but if you are confident with ur read in him being nitty, (and I wouldnt be that confident at all with only 14 hands), I think you can just dump it.

Jan. 8, 2017 | 10:51 a.m.

w/ out a read on 3b tendencies both decisions here gotta be relatively close. solver gonna probably tell you to mostly call and occasionally raise. like 75/25.

At microstakes like this, I assume the player pool are more likely to be passive/stations leaking money and not overagressive 3bettors so I think you are up against a stronger 3b range and might wanna mostly just call flop. obvious advantage to raising is getting him to fold hands that are currently dominating you (...lets say some regs always 3b AK and cbet this flop) As getting AQ/AK/AJ hands to fold is nice as they pushing are good equity and is one of top considerations to why solvers might be raising these to fold out hands like that and also stack him with worst draws (which again, I am not sure microstakes players are going to have JThh in their range to the degree a midstakes player will).

Jan. 8, 2017 | 10:43 a.m.

okay gotcha, so what did he have again on last hand after you checked back? Not that it matters all that much, and I expect you to be good most of time, but nice2know.

Jan. 5, 2017 | 5:39 p.m.

Cool, makes a lot of sense. Great analysis, thanks phil!

Jan. 5, 2017 | 7:27 a.m.

I realize flopzilla is your thing and I learned some things from watching your latest 2 videos. So thank you.

Just wanted to point out that you can just copy/paste the last hand history into crev, take the range you gave him in this video, take ur own range for calling the 3bet, put the bet sizes in postflop, input the flop, and see what the solver spits out. on a side note, I dont see why pio solver is any better then crev (which also has a solver and its faster). very useful for heads up pots.

In general, how often is AKs/AKo a 4bet for you (assuming you opened MP and he 3bet in bb)?

Jan. 4, 2017 | 11:53 p.m.

Comment | skithetrees commented on Big Pots (part 2)

Besides KhQh hand you are using much more traditional sizing. As mentioned in other videos and the general trend for 6max,
=> a lot of people are using 1/3 flop cbet sizing in a bunch of spots. Sometimes without good justification.

Is this something you are experimenting with doing more? Seems like its a concept that needs to be applied carefully and gradually.

Jan. 4, 2017 | 5:01 p.m.

so what did he have the last hand where u had aces and checked river?

When the river came Q (and both fd's missed), I mean it helps his hands like , considering that these combos didnt 3bet pf or crf and maybe some of the and (sticky), but still doesnt change all that much. I can understand the check because you probably felt like you were going to mostly get value owned, and he doesnt have all that many hands to call with.

Shouldnt the A2-AJss combos that you gave him be discounted as well since those are popular hands people are 3betting with. not sure how much that will change the equity, if at all, and thus optimal bet size.

Jan. 4, 2017 | 4:51 p.m.

Comment | skithetrees commented on Big Pots (part 2)

@25mins ... We 3b JTss in sb vs co open, flop Q95ss, you c/r
@36mins ... We 3b JThh in sb vs co open, flop 873hh, you c/r

In your models, how often is solver telling you to c/r these versus betting? How are you able to balance this appropriately in game.

Jan. 4, 2017 | 1:26 p.m.

do not play much plo, but watched this.

@47 mins
jungle opens, u call Qc9s2sJh.

board: 2c3cAc,Qh,7h.

Jungle bets half pot, half pot, pots river.

Are we folding to much if you just dump this on flop? You mentioned not seeing this size scheme, so you werent accustomed to it. What is the more traditional sizing used by regs on this board texture? Would this sizing be something you might incorporate yourself on flush boards?

You kind of hinted at fact that 1/2, 1/2, pot was more likely to be value, because when they half pot turn usually not nuts, so its usually a thinner value bet. So how thin do you think it could be in this spot?

You didnt bluff catch ingame with the Qc, do you think you muck a lower flush very often say 7c5cXX? Folding an actual flush and calling with this hand seems like it would make a lot of sense but hard to do in game.


Jan. 4, 2017 | 10:59 a.m.

Hello, my question comes about the general way to approach big hands oop on dry flops. I feel like too often that I fastplay these and it is costing me $. Are there any videos or resources that deal with this topic?

Dec. 27, 2016 | 6:17 a.m.

Hi, could you guys make or send me to a video to show me when it is appropriate to call 3 bets with pocket pairs? Oftentimes I will be facing a small 3 bet and not know if I truly have the odds or not. In addition I would like the video to talk about how a third player changes the dynamic ie. I call a raise with 77 and get squeezed. The original raiser calls and now I am last to act. How does the extra money in the pot influence my decision making?

Dec. 22, 2016 | 8:17 a.m.

Comment | skithetrees commented on Facing 4-Bets


Dec. 7, 2016 | 5:36 p.m.

Comment | skithetrees commented on Facing 4-Bets

Hi Tyler, Thanks for the vid.

Genuinely curious about the JJ fold to the small 4 bet @ 19:40. If you are planning on folding to a 4 bet doesn't it just make more sense to stick this into your flatting range?

Dec. 7, 2016 | 6:37 a.m.

Interesting thought, vladxxx. Furthermore,

Ah-Qs-6d-8s -- (2s)
potential bluffs//gutshots for opponent:

He bluffed 57, without a spade, on the river, for 62% pot. Shouldn't he bluffing hands only with a spade given the large amount of missed gutshots?

I guess some of these combos he wont always bet the flop with. Think he cbet flop for just under half pot. {45,57,JT} is 3 card straight for him on the flop, {9T} has some good turns too, expect him to mainly always c-bet those and not always cbetting {T7,97,95} but maybe still occasionally? Sound right?


Oct. 15, 2016 | 11:45 p.m.

how often is 1/3 flop cbet preferable? Is it mainly on boards where we have a range advantage and benefit from him folding regions of his range that have substantial equity but are hard continue with?

In some spots you arent 1/3 cbettig, but as you mentioned earlier in this video that this is old footage? Any comments on when you clearly think 1/3 flop cbet is clearly the wrong play? Thnx.

Oct. 10, 2016 | 10:04 p.m.

Hi Innerpsy,
I enjoyed the video, but I am wondering about the application of GTO concepts for micro stakes games like NL25 and NL50. Do you feel that learning these concepts are important for these levels? If no, at what level does it become important?

Aug. 1, 2016 | 7:28 a.m.

@25 mins .. slight laugh ... "well we got GOT".

Not that you need more compliments, but I think a lot of player pool who takes a beat like this are more likely to feel it a bit more. You can shrug it off like it aint no thang, just as you ideally should. Worth noting for many of us.

@27 mins
Your play with Q8o on 4c-8c-Qs-7h-Kd

Just wanted to say nice hand! A lot of semi-bluffing hands, in your spot, I'd have just bet the turn with. So its a play where I would feel pretty value heavy getting to the river. Since you are sauce, I know that is not case and you are appropriately balanced. My question is do any hands stand out as good semi-bluffs on turn, for check-raising turn and following up on the river? (..I was thinking something like 5x4x, which you may not always bet this flop with)

I assume you are only going for the turn cr for value with your strongest hands (44,88,QQ, Q8, 6x5x = 22 combos). Given river sizing, you can have ~15 bluff combos. But you are not always check-raising these ott, so if this turn cr is only happening 25% of time, we only need ~4 bluff combos.

In general, I'd expect a lot of player pool, in your spot, to just bet turn themselves, with their semi bluffs, and be very value heavy once they cr turn and shove the river, especially this specific river, in which no potential straight or clubs came in. Think the call with Q5o is pretty meh, and it definitely has to be meh given what you showed up with. You do not have to give me your exact strategy, and you can feel free to ignore any of my questions or this whole thing if you feel I am asking for to much. However, I am a live donkey dabbling in online so appreciate the time. Thanks sauce for the good videos.


April 2, 2016 | 9:09 a.m.

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