5 points
Min 21:56
I think about this diffrent once ive min opened by mistake and should of jammed. Im compunding the mistake by not calling vs the jam correctly. If run in HRC all @ Nash A8o makes 1.09 bb with the call.
If i tighten Button a smidge to 14.3%, 44+ A3s+ A9o+ KJs+ KQo ( which is up for debate. some people jam loser than nash anyway )
A8o still makes 0.24bb Whilst i understand the "Stack utiltiy" argument. There has to be a inflection point somewhere. We cant pass every edge. 0.24bb is 24bb/100 winrate after all.
OFC theres always icm even if its very light early stages. Where to draw the line with passing +ev spots for future edges has been a subject ive thought about alot. Im no closer to a definitve answer. I suspect thats because there isnt one :)
May 13, 2022 | 5:11 p.m.
Excelent. I thought i had a good grasp on this spot and stack depths. The way you have broke it down is very clear and made me think again :)
Looking forward to drilling them with your sub categories/notes printed out.
edit* could you prehaps do a simillar format @ same depths OOP. HJ v BTN ?
May 10, 2022 | 7:27 p.m.
Good videos. They have gave me pause for thought. I think im a little to wide in areas post bubble. Certianly to wide in calling off pre bubble.
Apologies if you have covered it.... What about the factor that ICM considers the tournament is over the after that hand. Even with FGS turned on... It still only accounts for a few hands into the future. So it undervalues the future value of having a big stack?
Is the answer somewhere in between CEV and ICM ? Its quite nebulous.
March 10, 2022 | 12:47 p.m.
Id never consider shoving this hand if the blind increase wasn't imminent. I'd happily fold down to 5bb. However given the Increase in the next few minutes is it ok to shove as low down as 63s? Or would it be better to let bb hit me at current level defend to a min raise and shove any flop with remaining 4.6 bb into pot of 5bb. Or call it off with Nash v any shove pre.
I'm guessing its marginal EV difference?
June 18, 2019 | 3:25 p.m.
I have a specific hand below I would like thoughts on please.
Im @ 7.1BB
Final table live bubble - pay jump negligible from 10 to 9th
Two tables of 5.
Bb 1/2 ante
Blinds 8000/16000 A8000 up to 10000/20000 A10000 in the next 4 minutes. - so will lose all fold equity with shoves once blinds hit me this round.
I am by far shortest stack. No other shortys on 2 tables. No one getting in the mix with each other.
I have 7.1 big blinds utg - 5 handed. 2 of the players behind are over folding. Small blind & Big blind calling correct.
6-3 suited ok shove? with future game playing out. Is it better to just let the blinds hit you and leave it in the lap of the gods?
Thoughts please :)
June 17, 2019 | 6:23 p.m.
Leaving out the exposed card.
My instinct said the TT call was close so i run the spot in HRC and it says TT is a fold to the BB 3b all-in shove..inserted images below. Am I missing something in how I've set this spot up?
Ive since run it with an ante of 12 to reflect the button ante better, No difference
Oct. 10, 2018 | 10:42 a.m.
Enjoying your video series Ryan. Thank you.
When constructing your 3b ranges what ratio of value hands to "bluffs" do you aim for?
Specifically when you have no info on Villan so your not making any adjustments.
Aug. 2, 2018 | 9:36 a.m.
All good points.
The add on on almost all sites is a no brainer. As its normally double the chips for the same buy in.
When I first started playing years ago rebuys were never raked in mtts. It was the accepted logic by al good regs to rebuy straight away.
Stars rebuys for example - on average I still see 2 or so players take the rebuy straight away. I no longer do. Was just wondering if there still stuck in the old way of thinking.
Ill detail the nuanced situation I'm facing is below. It touches on the subject of overlay that you bought up
There's a site in the UK that runs satellites online twice a week to there flagship live events
5 x £1110 seats GTD. Total prize pool £5560. I like playing these as the fields are super soft and I have no problem selling my seats at the live events for almost face value.
Its a £110 initial buy in ( the 10 is rake ) in for 3000 chips
1 optional rebuy for 3000 chips @ £110 (10 is rake again)
1 add on for 5000 Chips @ £110 ( this bit is a no brainer )
These sats regularly overlay. Lets say on average its regularly in the region of £1800 to £500. Great value.
Now given all that info. What should my approach be on taking the optional raked rebuy straight away?
In short am I decreasing or increasing my EV by taking it?
Further i info you have to be below starting stack to rebuy. If I see a couple of super fish on the table double early, I often take the rebuy if I can Or even donk of a couple of hundred chips to take it. As these players are so bad I want to match there stack.
June 28, 2018 | 1:45 a.m.
Just interested on thoughts regarding taking the initial rebuy to 2x starting stack when its raked?
We have a significant edge over the field. Of course were always taking the addon when its more chips for the same price of the initial buy in.
2 scenarios:
Normal Stars type MTT - 15% of field paid. Normal pay structure.
Satellite MTT which of course would have a Flat pay-out structure. EG. 25 enter 5 get seat.
Thanks :)
Good vid.
Ive not done much with HRC beta... Im assuming it's like HRC vanilla for push fold spots when accounting for ICM. In as much as, it assumes the tournament is over the very next hand.
So with that assumption in mind, could it be undervaluing the futre ev of building a bigger stack and being able to apply ICM pressure ourselves when covering players.
This would then swing the solution a little closer to Cev ranges. Could just be the difference off an odd pip here and there.
Or am i way off with how it works?
Dec. 6, 2022 | 6:57 p.m.