shadowjack's avatar


8 points

Damn, I accidentally flagged your comment, Big. Hopefully you find this response. I thought you might have meant BB vs SB, it seems like a good range! Thanks too for helping out :)

June 13, 2016 | 8:58 p.m.

Is that range vs the small blind or limpers with position on you? Also, does he talk about this in the video? I have watched it weeks ago and I don't recall anything about attacking limperrs.

June 13, 2016 | 6:25 p.m.

Thanks for your suggestions! Earlier I tried 22+, A8s+, ATo+, KT+, QJ+, JTs, J9s, T9s, T8s, 98s, 97s, 87s. It worked pretty well but there wasn't much limping that session so I didn't really get to test it.

June 13, 2016 | 4:17 p.m.

Which hands do you consider raising in this spot? I recall doing analysis on this several years ago and found that a tight range worked best, but now I can't find my notes and I can't seem to configure the HEM2 filters to analyze this. I also don't have piosolver or anything like that so it's a little tricky to study.

Currently I raise 99+, AJ+, ATs+, KQs. I would like to know if I'm missing out on profit. I know a lot of players raise pretty liberally in this spot. Does anyone have solid information on which hands can show a profit here?

June 13, 2016 | 3:52 a.m.

Post | shadowjack posted in NLHE: 3b Profit in SB Question

According to my database from 2 years ago I was losing money when 3betting AJ, KQs, KQ, KJs, KJ, QJs, QTs. Since my new database was started in late 2016 I have not been 3betting these hands very much from the small blind and my play has improved a bit. Even though I had a pretty good sample size I think a combination of running bad in this spot with these hands and occasionally playing poorly in large pots may be the primary reasons for the deficit. I am also pretty certain that I was 3betting too often because I didn't want to cold call and probably ran into a lot of bad spots because of it. But mostly I would 3b those hands against a late position open.

Do you guys 3bet these hands from the small blind? Are you profiting? I'm really considering going back to 3betting these hands because I think I can show a profit with them now, but I would love some feedback before I give it a try.

May 31, 2016 | 7:48 a.m.

AQ is an auto-call for me. I find recreational players often show up with worse in these spots.

May 28, 2016 | 11:59 p.m.

Comment | shadowjack commented on Time Management

Excellent video! I wasn't sure if I would be in the right mood to watch a video on this topic but I decided to give it a try and found myself quickly absorbed into it. I am very productive already but I don't always manage my time very well. I think this will help me increase productivity further. Thanks!

May 28, 2016 | 10:47 p.m.

Over 3 buyins deep this is an easy call, even versus such a large raise. This is a chance to win an enormous pot and you have a very powerful hand.

May 28, 2016 | 12:57 a.m.

Cool, thanks.

May 26, 2016 | 9:20 p.m.

So the main takeaway from this is that raising the bottom of your range on the button in a 6 max game when everyone folds to you yields a higher chance of getting 3b/called vs simply being in a 3 handed game and being on the button?

May 25, 2016 | 4:42 p.m.

Damn, people are hoarding the secrets ;) The good news is that I've been making adjustments and things are turning around. I think a big part of the problem was timing tells left over from my 20 tabling days.

May 22, 2016 | 10 p.m.

Anyone here showing a profit flatting 3bets vs the blinds when you're on the button? I am mostly concerned about non-premium hands. If you're showing a profit I'd love to know how. In my database I'm losing about double the amount I would have lost by folding and I have a deficit with many different hands. My current database only has 65k hands but the other one with 200k hands showed similar trends.

I used to be very deadly in this scenario about 5 years ago but now my results are not good. I'm doing pretty well 4bet bluffing and trapping big hands vs OOP 3bets but my flatting non-premium hands is simply not looking profitable. I understand how to employ many different strategies in this spot and used to pilot them to a nice win rate but now I don't seem to know what I'm doing.

Generally what I like to do is evaluate the flop and determine how well it fits my opponents range. If they check I will often stab if the board misses their range but if otherwise I will take the free card. Versus a cbet my floats are doing very poorly and my opponents usually barrel the turn or look to check raise the turn, overall I'm getting punished in this regard. I sometimes raise the flop as a bluff, particularly on ace high flops so I can attempt to bluff out KK-99 and that play used to work very often for me but now it seems that players are very aware of it and they usually call or raise back. Are there any flop textures that work well for bluff raising the cbet? Maybe something like 854? I even wonder if they would fold to the raise with AK or AQ, I find my opponents to be very sticky and hard to move off of a hand. I have also tried calling the flop with light/medium strength hands and then if I bet the turn they often call or raise, but usually they just double barrel and I call again, and then they often shove. I have also tried repping big hands and getting very aggro post flop but that has gotten me into trouble as well. Ofcourse I still do well when I can flop draws and generally play them for stacks, but most of the time the flop misses me and I need to bluff or give up.

I'm at a bit of a loss as I feel I have a wealth of experience and my win rate in this spot used to be enormous, but after a two year absence from the game I feel that I went from strong to weak in this regard. Most aspects of my game are very strong still and my win rate is quite good, but losing more by calling than folding with decent hands is unacceptable. I should note too that I have experimented with calling a wide variety of hands and generally tailor my calling range to their 3b%.

Any advice or insight is greatly appreciated. I really need to plug this leak. Thanks :)


May 21, 2016 | noon

I'm playing $10NL currently.My advice for a quick improvement would be to double barrel if the turn brings a jack or queen as an overcard and it doesn't connect well with the board. For example, 459Q.

May 19, 2016 | 10:44 p.m.

Thanks for the detailed reply, it is quite helpful. I had a two year absence from the game and my balance in 3b pots has suffered. I've been working lately to add more balance with checking flops both with air and hands of varying strength.

Regarding balance in these spots though, I have to wonder if it has to due with my balance or it is a metagame aspect of the games I'm playing in. I notice that people call the flop nearly always in 3b pots, at least against me. I have a suspicious image and play very aggressively. I have adjusted recently by lowering my aggression, adding more balance, and increasing my % of value 3b in position as that's where I get the least credit. Adjustments have been going quite well but I'm still in a rut with AK and AQ.

It's very nice to get some feedback as I've always done all my research alone. I think I will do the following:

  1. Continue to work on my overall balance. While I'm not sure if this issue is a metagame issue or a problem with my image and balance, more balance is definitely needed in my game.

  2. I need to triple barrel more with these hands.

  3. I want to try check folding on more flops and check raising or check call flop and check raise turn.

    1. I do need to slowplay more instead of cbetting so frequently with my big hands.

May 19, 2016 | 7:18 p.m.

I'm on a pretty bad run of losing with AK and AQ, but especially AK. I 3b most people with it both in and out of position and I tend to cbet flops where I have decent equity or when I think it misses the bulk of my opponent's calling range. If a good turn card comes I will barrel and I'll often barrel on a turn card that is unlikely to change the strength of my opponents hand, largely because people seem to call the flop nearly every time there is not an ace or king on board. The problem is that people never seem to fold when I cbet or double barrel, it's as if they expect me to have big cards and won't drop there hand unless I triple barrel all-in. I don't mind doing that but when it is practically a necessity to win the hand at this point I think I must be doing something wrong.

I do have extensive experience and strong results throughout my career, but I'm pretty sure I'm unaware of some aspect of playing these hands and it's not just a bad run. I've tried check calling when OOP and it rarely ever leads to me winning the hand. Usually they bet the flop because they think I'm weak and then they bet the turn, but if an ace or king turns they shut down and I don't get paid. I have considered check raising missed flops on reasonable boards as it looks incredibly strong and punishes loose 3b calls and flop stabs, however, I have not tried this yet. I have tried checking back in position and that has yielded some pretty good results. I often check back the flop and then call or raise the turn or fold if the board is very unfavorable.

I'd love to hear your opinions on how to handle these spots.


May 19, 2016 | 5:49 a.m.

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