seeittwice's avatar


8 points

Hi Stefan. I liked the format but live play Is good as well so maybe you can mix it up and use session review when you have a interresting session. Videos that focus on specific topics would be fine to. Like cold calling a 3bet in or out of position with different stack sizes. Or river play in varius situations.

Jan. 11, 2015 | 3:18 p.m.

Hi Mark.
Great video as always

In the first hand with ATS. I think the cbetter could have a draw heavy range with his 50% cbet. wouldnt most people cbet more in to 3 other players with a strong hand? at least when he has poor position. Might not change it in to a call, because the pusher is less likely to have a draw.

Nov. 14, 2014 | 9:19 p.m.

It works in google chrome if that helps you, by clicking the widen button. in IE i can watch on full screen because the button doesnt exist. Hope this helps

Oct. 24, 2014 | 10:41 p.m.

OK Stefan. Maybe I should try to stick your ranges, though I believe many spots will be marginal due to rake and will rely on us having some kind of edge vs the stealing player. So I think that A highstakes pro would still defend wide(maybe as wide as at high stakes) if he were playing 25plo-200plo, but if he had to play the same field as on highstakes he would be forced to tighten his range because so many spots will be to marginal to be ev+, and I think that he would be forced to adjust his range in a lot of other spots as well. Like isolating with a hand that is befind villians range because he have position. But the question is how much? So for defending the BB I think it depends on expected average pot size and and expected EV of the hand. To be ev+ we need to wind back some part of the bb we would have lost if we fold. But if we expect the average pot to be 20bb when defending (might be far off and this number might be bigger if the opener is in early position and lower when he steals but 20bb means that there will be remover around 1bb from the pot to rake) and that 1bb will remover from the pot to rake. Then the initial bb we tryed to defend is already removed from the pot if we win it. So in this case we need to expect to win more than 1bb on average pre rake to make it a correct call. So I believe of dessions when defending a hand outside maybe top 35% vs a range within 35% would fall ind to the category where we need a edge vs villian top be ev+ and it a fair assumption that the edge need to translate in to atleast 1bb pre rake(maybe less for SN or SNE). And a 1bb edge in one hand seems to be pritty big for 1 hand so some of the ev often will need to come from the hand as well get up to 1bb+ ev+ pre rake.

Sorry if this post isnt well formulated and have a lot of wrong assumptions. But I think the topic is important, ass we post a lot of blinds at 6max. And any thing that can give an extra edge is important to me these days :)
Sorry about my bad English


Oct. 22, 2014 | 10:08 p.m.

Hi Steve! No problem with live videos! I enjoy watching them aswell :)

I have a suggestion for a future topic, when you got the time. In Janne Juutilainens last video he talks about definding BB. Maybe you could share your view on how this strategy will apply to micro and small stakes given the big diffrence in rake payed.


Oct. 19, 2014 | 10:56 a.m.

Ok, I see I didn´t think it 100% through. It might be benificial when Things go well, but to much focus on results is wrong :) especially when results are bad.

For me any focus on results infact have some negative inpact on my game.

If I win in PLO I either have difficulties to motivate myself to play the NeXT session And when I do play I expect to lose, and lose focus on my play because I have to also evaluate weather I will win or lose the flip, or that he propably have have top set or nut full house because im supposed to lose now even tho his range clearly might indicate that its right to call. Same when I have a winning SNg or tournament session, I might shy away from marginal or high variance standard spots because I think im supposed to lose.

And I am definitely guilty of bad eating and exercise happits. But it can be tough to break the bad circle :(


Oct. 15, 2014 | 8:19 p.m.

Hi James

Great video! I think it might be individual how for examble it effects your game if you post hands, and update people on you results(or some). I think it can be negative for some people like you described or it might encourage some to play their best poker, if they enjoy the feedback from good results.



Oct. 14, 2014 | 9:20 p.m.

Hi Robin

At 22.40 you bluf big on river with low 2pair after repping nuts on turn on 5c7cAh3h9s

I think that you will get more credit for a straight on the river with a smaller bet size maybe around 60-70% pot. 75%+ looks more like nuts or nothing. If you had nuts on turn I dont think you wil have the nuts on the river more than like maybe 20% maybe a bit more. And i dont think it makes sense to bet big on the river with nuts.

At 3.10 you isolate on db with 5jjas third in and cal a bet in pos hu. I think the ISO questionable, you build a pot with a hand that rarely have the nuts, and you a likely to see the flop multiway.

After you call the 3bet I think he will have what he had(AAxx) atleast 75% of the time(atleast many regs with a non high 3bet% will) So given that the the turn and river is unlikely to improve any of you I think I would give up on turn or river a alot without a read. I also think that your flop bet size might be to big (I woul prefer to have atleast a 70% of the pot left on the river if I want to bluff.


Oct. 9, 2014 | 8:38 p.m.

This might be a false assumption. But if we assume that a avrage pot when defendinge BB vs utg-DB is 15bb then you would win 0.5 bb less on average when taking down a pot after defending your bb.

If that was the case, How do you think it would it affect you range when defending?

My guess is that if we say you can defend 80% with a profit at 25-50. Then you will "only" win 0-0.5 bb wit a big chunk of your range like maybe 25-50% of it given that your average opponent is either very competent or World class. So if you had to play the same opponents as you do now just at micro or small stakes instead. Then it would effect your range quit a bit. So when defending bb at lower stakes you need to judge your range more vs the player and his range, than just vs his range Atleast with the part of you range on average expects such low return that you need to have a small or big edge vs the player to make a profit.



Oct. 5, 2014 | 1:22 p.m.

Great video as always!

How would it effect your range if you were playing low or micro stakes(rake)?

I think you played very good in all hands .

Oct. 3, 2014 | 8:53 p.m.

I Think that it is good to bring the small blinds tendencies in to the equation when you decide to limp on the button. Like if he is very lose aswell or three bets a lot. Unless they are tight postflop.

If we steal a lot on the button with our entire range anyway our range would still be weak on high boards in three bet pots right? And if we limp most very weak TT,JJ,QQ and KKxx We can slow roll on dry high boards if we think we will face a lot of barrels. And as a side bonus we get more maneuverability on the boards that we believe will miss his/her range.

I think it might be ok to open limp some hands from the CO aswell if the DB is tough and maybe still consider how BB and SB playes. Or will it be to unbalanced versus good players if we still want to raise the strongest part of our range?

How about if the players behind us are unknown? Maybe we should limp from all positions with some part of our range aswell. Or is it better to play a tighter range?

Phil would you make any changes in your limping strategy if you played at small or micro stakes?

Sorry about my bad English


Sept. 13, 2014 | 12:13 a.m.

I think you you need 2nut flush or something to VB river. Unless you know he herocall a lot or that its safe to fold to a river raise. His preflop range should be pritty strong.
so I would prefer to stab less on turn unless you know he have a lot of give ups when he check the flop.

Sept. 11, 2014 | 1:49 a.m.

Hi JNandez87

You say you prefer a flat in this spot given how Deep you are. And you were in a similar spot in your last video with a653DS around 200bb Deep.

But as far as I know we should have a wide range for 3betting Deep out of position than with normal stacks at least if we want to play GTO or against tough opponents so we wont get punished when our range miss the board.

So i guess the reason that you dislike 3betting 279jDS is that your hand is to non nutty right? But if it was Db vs Co 300bb Deep vs a fairly wide range it would be ok right?

Would you 3bet in the spot in the screen shot if you were 100 or 150 bb Deep And Db steal 50% or more? This hand have 45% Equity vs a 50% PPT range, 46.4% vs 70% range and 49% vs 100% range. But range obv. does great vs his range.

How much does is it affect you decision that you are almost 300bb Deep with the BB aswell? Lets say the BB could be a LAG, TAG, Nit, very lose player(he will flat alot)

or a total unknown. (sorry if this is taking it to far, given that its rare to be 300bb Deep vs 2 players without ante)

Thanks for your contribution to RIO. I really enjoy your videos!!

Sorry about my bad English


Sept. 4, 2014 | 12:42 a.m.

Ty. Just sux to see a monster flop after the fold :), and I missed on some big pots lately by folding marginal spots pre. So felt like checking this time.


July 18, 2014 | 5:56 p.m.

Thyestes #7 - $0.10-$0.25 - USD Pot Limit Omaha

DB: ($19.75 in chips) 
SB: ($12.50 in chips) 
BB: ($15.33 in chips)
UTG: hero ($64.15 in chips)
MP: ($28.03 in chips)
CO: villian ($99.79 in chips)

hero [Ts Jd Qs 9c]
hero: raises $0.60 to $0.85
MP: folds
CO: raises $2.05 to $2.90
DB: folds
SB: folds
BB: raises $6.75 to $9.65on1ukaz: posts big blind $0.25


I only have 25hands on BB, no 3bt or 4bt so far. And I only have 100 hands on Co, with 57% VPIP,

12% 3bet 1 time from SB and 3 time from BB. I am Deep with CO so he could be wide.

But I still thing that the BB 4betting range is pritty aaxx heavy, given that cold calling 4bets at plo25 is fairly common.

I had tanked a bit before I came to my conclusion, that 5betting is a bit to marginal given rake? ?!

and i liked flatting a bit more, but at this point I thought that CO could view my tanking as weakness and maybe increase his 5betting range. So I made a weak, tight fold because I didn´t want to get 250bb in vs a

dominating Broadway hand aqjts or kqjts.




July 18, 2014 | 2:58 p.m.

Your welcome. Good luck with you Family and poker career. And congrats about your recent Family increase!! Must be nice. I agree that the level of PLO videos is already very high. And you already contribute alot with great posts in the threads for many videos. But im glad that you are considering making a series, and that Phil likes the idea also :)

April 10, 2014 | 12:49 p.m.

would love to Watch a plo video from you Zachary. A review of an other player would be fine if you Still dont play online.

Hope Phil will concider that, and you wont turn him/us Down :)

March 28, 2014 | 2:22 p.m.

I agree on the the fold. Wp UL Trondeez.

But would this ever be a call if both players had a very high VPIP, flop aggression

factor and raise CB% ? like 50% VPIP for both villians, button raise cb30% or

more over decent sample. Or is 77 now a more likely so its still a fold?

Feb. 19, 2014 | 2:23 a.m.


I have reduced my openinge size to 2.2x and 2.5x from Db and Co to make my steals cheaper.

And I prefer to do it with my entire range to be balanced. The downside is that my 4bets now

become smaller aswell. I play mostly Zoom, and at lot of players seems to have a low 3bet range

vs steals, so its tough to build a 4bet range where my hand itn´t face up vs alot of players.

And if I 2.2x db and Sb 3bet to 7.1 then I can only 4bet to 21.8 with a flop SPR around 1 to 2.

And if im co vs Sb my 4bet size will be 26.5bb So im not able to get 30-35% of my stack in preflop

100bb deep. So my best option is propably to call the 3bet with most of my aaxx 100bb Deep, and be a bit deceptive.

But then when im DB vs SB or BB my entire range is pritty weak and i might get barrelled alot

and have to fold my overpair a ton if I dont flop something with it, which sucks when im not able

to CB at all.

If I just flat 3bets should I then hero call When villian is unlikely to have 2pair or better? fold alot

on connected ond very connected flops? And just hope to get good value if I flop a set or a flush Draw?

Any suggestions?


Thanks in advance!

And sorry about my bad English


Feb. 19, 2014 | 1:24 a.m.

I guess you need to know weather he is capable of bluff raising river.

In the hand villian 2x on the Db, and he also had a 3.5x range in the same spot.

I thing thats makes it less likely that he have T-J-Q-K or strong kkxx type off hands,

but maybe that part should be more jjxx end weak kkxx heavy? And his river raise more

bluff heavy? unless he just randomly 2x or 3.5x



Feb. 19, 2014 | 12:32 a.m.

In the 56qccc hand. If we are going to check some low flushes as PFR, Maybe it is ok to make some

delayed cb bluffs?, given that we have more medium/low flushes in our range in Co then Mp or Utg.

Though it might be better if we are in position, and will never face a bet on flop when we check.


Feb. 18, 2014 | 4:30 p.m.

I agree that its a clear fold. 6% pfr, 0% 3bet= 99% aaxx. If the 3better was allin after the pot cb.

I can see some merits to a check raise because we now have the odds vs a set vs the 3better.

But the play must still be pritty marginal.

Feb. 18, 2014 | 4:14 p.m.

Im not sure im the right one to ask about a correct range.

But maybe qjt8s, qj98ds, qjt8ds, qjt7ds and maybe qt98ds, qj97ds

But I think the Lag needs to be very weak or in the blinds for the last two

hands. I think qt98ds, qj97ds qj98ds are tough hands to play 3 or 4 handed.

And if you dont have position things gets worse. And rake might make it

breakeven or losing.

I think its tough to rep a 7 from your position. If he c-bets a lot in Sr-pots,

we can maybe expect him to do the same in 3bet pots.

I think his bet size makes more sense with a AAxx without a flush than if he

has a fllush Draw as well. And if he has a naked overpair you have the right

odds to net 4bb before rake. So you would need to always be right on that read,

or have some fold equity.

I think he should have more sevens in his range than you. I would never

bet pot with a 7. I play zoom mostly, and some players likes to cb pot or

donk pot with trips atleast in SR pots.

And I guess it makes a Little sense if hes scared to lose a big pot if the flush

complets on the turn.

But the more I think of it this is actually a pritty tough spot.

Your range should be pretty weak on this board. Rundowns with a 7

is a very small part of your range, and you rarely have a overpair,

and if you have a overpair its rare that you have a 7 with it.

So a good thinking player would probably expect to have a lot of fold Equity

on this board. So if he almost always take the pot Down with a pot size

c-bet(or less) he might have a lot of air in his range.

Readless I would still fold. But against some players it might be a good

spot to go out of line.

Sorry for rambling and Thanks for making me think about it :)


Feb. 7, 2014 | 1:45 p.m.

Hi. I dont think you have any fold Equity vs his bet size.

I think this hand is a fold preflop in mp when you a LAG behind you.

I dont like this hand in a multiway pot, or out of position heads up.

Feb. 7, 2014 | 1:30 a.m.

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