53 points
I love the idea of this series too. What is the quizzing tool you're using there?
July 20, 2024 | 4:47 p.m.
Great video. I learned a lot. Looking forward to the final table and heads up sections.
26:15 At what stack depth should the 15bb player stop having 3Bet Not All-Ins and only have reshoves instead?
36:24 Why only play 3Bets, no flats in this situation?
July 16, 2024 | 5:25 p.m.
Paul, I got a lot out of two videos! My highlights of this one were: playing our hand how it wants to be played vs recreational players, noting players who play their hand rather than their range and adjusting accordingly, and the data on click 3bets from recreationals in the first hand.
There were couple of spots (4:05, 21:30) on top left table where werner limps, BTN isos, and you debate 3betting. I'm curious what range of hands you think would actually be good to 3Bet here, considering we really want werner to be in the pot?
7:25 -- Loved hearing how you read into the timing when BTN snap checks back turn. My takeaway is that when opponents act immediately, we can discount their hands that would probably like to have a think before acting?
Any plans to make a live play video in the future? I would like to see how you think through these hands in real time, since that is something I struggle with.
July 12, 2024 | 12:15 a.m.
First time watching a video of yours. I’m impressed by the clarity with which you break down each spot, and it was entertaining too. I do enjoy televised play reviews. Gives it a little extra spice.
My highlights:
At 13:35, your talk about how the Qh is a good card to bluff with because it blocks villain's bluffcatchers was a revelation for me. I never thought about this aspect of blockers. It will help me when deciding what hands to use as bluffs.
In hand 3 on the 984 flop, I found useful your explanation of how easy it is to overbluff on these boards, and also how we can exploit opponents who overbluff by 3Betting them.
Any case for checking the turned set at 27:55? I thought this would be a good spot to induce and protect our checking range. 1 SPR so we could still jam river. If not a good idea, why not?
July 5, 2024 | 12:45 a.m.
12:10 -- Wow, I never knew how to count combinations by multiplying like this! Thanks
July 4, 2024 | 4:36 a.m.
New subscriber here, and first time watching you. I enjoyed and learned a lot from hearing you talk through these hands.
21:10 -- On the Jack turn, when you say, "We're repping a Jack here, which is worth a lot more than half pot, so I would overbet", it was an 'aha!' moment for me to think about what I'm repping and what it's worth when thinking how much to bet.
27:50 and 38:30 -- I liked seeing how you ranged these two opponents when they shoved, because these spots always confound me and my brain shuts off. It seems like you think they're mostly capped in both hands, as two pair and sets would use smaller sizing. That makes a lot of sense.
Also liked hearing near the end why we prefer opening hands with blockers over low pocket pairs with short stacks behind.
Congrats to radtupperware on the victory!
July 4, 2024 | 4:17 a.m.
Hey, thanks mx404 . That's right, I remember now! Very useful to know. I definitely tend to fall in this trap myself way too often. Cheers.
July 3, 2024 | 8:02 p.m.
Timestamp when he goes over this? I don't recall this part of the video and it sounds like something useful for me.
July 3, 2024 | 3:02 p.m.
Illuminating and entertaining video! I enjoy your teaching style. It’s valuable to hear your off the cuff reactions and thoughts about each spot. Props to TRUEPOWER for letting this be a public video.
July 1, 2024 | 3:25 p.m.
This was extremely educational and entertaining too. A clinic on exploiting recreational players. I love how clearly you explain your thought process and reasoning.
An alternate title could've been "Limped Pots with werner333" 🤣.
12:46 -- You say AJo isn't a good hand to squeeze since the opponents are shorter stacked. What kinds of hands do you prefer squeezing with in this scenario?
24:34 -- Very useful info about recreational players' donk size being indicative of their hand strength. I'm always at a loss facing that action.
35:05 -- Nice use of emoji 👋. Then it is fascinating to hear how you determine that villain has capped himself, are able to narrow his range down so precisely and accurately, then get extra value with a river raise.
Looking forward to part two, especially for the emoji battles with werner.
June 20, 2024 | 11:29 p.m.
Neat, it was interesting to learn about limp strategy. Not something I'm familiar with.
June 20, 2024 | 4:12 a.m.
Thanks, I got a lot out of this, like adjusting for micro-stacks left to act behind, how to respond to micro-stacks shoving ahead of us, and your thoughts on exploitative river sizing in the last A8s hand.
At 17:39, what 3Bet size would you have used there with the A2o?
June 19, 2024 | 8:44 p.m.
The "sometimes I lose" video link is dead. Is there a working link?
I love how you explain the reasons behind the solver's decisions.
11:14-11:55 Regarding raising 4x and 2x, can you elaborate on the why "having a blocker to those value bets we are representing" is desirable? I don't understand the benefit to blocking our own value hands.
19:12 Why does the fact that IP's bluffs are primarily Ax make OOP want to fold J4s and Q4s?
July 21, 2024 | 5:52 p.m.