23 points
My hand injured during a training session and couldn't really use it to write. (was quiet lazy to write with one hand:P)
Everything is going well, i had to skip the gym for 2 weeks, but managed to put in some easier workouts without using my right hand.
Poker is going well, i started to play mostly on normal tables on Stars and a few other sites too. Managed to play a lot with half hand : ))
Have a nice week!
March 12, 2018 | 6:05 p.m.
Its just my kind of name for a home basic stretching which is kind of yoga style :P
Yes, its a little bit of breathing exercise, than the cold, hot, cold shower.
Feb. 20, 2018 | 4:02 a.m.
Week 3(Feb12 - Feb18)
This week my girlfriends brother stayed at our place so it was a bit more lazier.
Weight training still 3/3, no cardio training. Wing Tsun training managed 4/4.
Self Development:
- Step 5-6/67 from Tai Lopez 67 steps
- Look for Patterns in People
- Focus on the Sculpture & Beware the Media Bias
- Got a mentorbox membership to be able to brainwash myself with good concepts more. Watched the presentation of 4 books from there too, my favorite was Urban Monk.
My basic daily schedule is now like this:
Now this is a kind of final one. I will do it until i reach ~70kg in muscle. It will be mostly this year. Weekly there is around 40-45 hours of poker, so i aim for at least 20k hands, but 30k would be ideal.
Feb. 19, 2018 | 2:22 p.m.
Week 2(Feb05 - Feb11)
Last week wasn't that great, but my game and life is significantly improving. I will try to post more on Monday-Wednesday so i don't forget what happened last week :P. This week i spent most of my time training and learning kung fu, but that post will come later.
Have an awesome week!
Feb. 17, 2018 | 7:09 a.m.
Week 1(Jan29 - Feb04)
It's an ok start. I didn't managed to play at least 20k hands (i just played ~13hr instead of 30hr for the week), so got to still work on this now. I will do it, i don't watch results on the week, but its still a little bit frustrating when i loose every AI :) Also this is the fun of it! I have to upgrade my mental state to handle it even better!
Training is going pretty good: 3/3 weight training, 1 cycling, 3 hiit cardio, 1 kickbox.
I got a little wrist pain from the kickbox training, but its fine. In this weekend i'm also going to try out a wing chun kung fu seminar.
Doing the self development stuff too:
Week 5/52 from Jim Rohn One Year Success Plan
This month is about Goal-Setting and this week is Evaluation and Reflection. I have added some of it to my daily routines.Step 1-4/67 from Tai Lopez 67 steps
Pretty awesome steps for now- Be Worth a Damn Factor: People who are “worth a damn” do certain things that other people don’t. They invest in themselves, their health, their minds, their relationships, and their finances. They respect themselves and place value into themselves.
- Adapt: “Try, Observe, Tweak”
- Have Humility
- You need mentors
Reading the book: How To Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci -- i'm ~50% in the audiobook + read reviews + mindmaps
Here is a really cool mindmap of the book: https://products.iqmatrix.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/how-to-think-like-leonardo-da-vinci.pdf
Although this book is really more about practice then theory. I will make a practice list and build it up slowly.
Have a nice week guys!
Feb. 6, 2018 | 7:02 a.m.
Hello guys,
I’m Robert, i will post weekly blog updates about my progression this year on multiple forums. It gives more accountability. My main goals for this year:
- make a profit of 50k$+
-- get to NL500zoom (starting from NL50z, 100BI brm moving up)
-- playing 30hr / week, with learning 10hr / week
-- vacation days: 5 for start + 1 increase / week.
- 65-70kg full muscle (now at 54.7kg, lost 7-8kg because of an illness)
- at least 2-3 city breaks with my girlfriend
- cherish relationships with my family and friends
I have my base routine in excel format. Mostly looks like this:
- Get up ~5:45
- Morning routine + food
- Weight training / Cycling / Sauna + food
- Work (~11 - ~17)
- Kickbox / Cardio training + stretching + food
- Chill / Coaching
- Sleep routine
- Sleep ~10
I will always post a reflection about last week.
Lets go!
Jan. 29, 2018 | 2:24 p.m.
I sent the application. The platform didn't give feedback about successful submitting. Confirm that you got my application, please.
Dec. 21, 2017 | 5:26 p.m.
I can't resist :)
(1) Money is just an instrument to get what you desire, it's not the end goal (shouldn't be, we can fall in the trap of thinking it is)
- There are physical, emotional, mental, spiritual "desires"
- You're basic desire is surviving, we need: food, shelter / after that sex / then community and so on -- most of this you can buy with money, so you want money to get these things, but also you can get without it so there shouldn't be a misunderstanding
- There are mental desires: love, relationships, recognition...and a lot of it -- you can buy some for money, mostly not really, you get these with character more.
So its just a pretty bad assumption that people want only money. Freud said they want only sex, that's incorrect too. Jung has some nice philosophy about it. Also stoicism you can learn some :) (maybe you can end your painful view of the world)
(2) Coaching is a totally different stuff from playing poker. Its a service which gives information and insights to the people who use it.
- For the players is good cause you get another view, another perspective, mostly a little bit better than yours, but that doesn't really matter. You get introduced to other methods that you know. It is like with all other coaching in the world, like life coaching, or athlete coaching, the coach is in the 99% cases not swimming better he just corrects your form as he sees it from outside, from another perspective. So maybe you can do it alone, but mostly it is faster with a coach.
- For the coach is good too. In poker he gets variance free money(that's a motivation why he is doing it, along with some others like: recognition, being a master, help), maybe he doesn't like to play and likes more to analyse the game, to view from outside more. Obviously he should be a relative okay poker player, but anyway he can teach you methods that can improve you. (if he is bad maybe mislead you, but that's not really the case with most coaches here, and if he is good he might have bad conceptions too and mislead besides his will)
There are a ton of motivation to be good for both parties, i don't say coaching is good/bad or a must, but it is helpful to people who get it. Then you have to decide, what kind of possibilities you have, how much you are willing to pay / worth to you some information or insight. For every people is different.
As you (can't) see, you maybe need a mental attitude coach to get you through your negativity. I could write thousand of more lines, but let this be just some fast thoughts here :)
Nov. 25, 2017 | 12:41 p.m.
Get a little creative with a table full of fishes:
1. you want to limp a lot, limp behind a lot lot lot esp BU
2. you can increase your raise size more to 6x or even to 15x if its the case, you have to see how they react and then estimate which one is the highest EV.
3. you want to play BU a lot, as raise size i guess you can really mix it up
There are a lot of creative stuff you can do.
(for example with 22-55 you want more to limp and just hit the set, if there are 2 limpers and you are on BU you should overlimp 75o, etc...)
Nov. 24, 2017 | 8:09 p.m.
Micro stakes without reasonable reads just fold preflop:
(1) you can call with suited variants of ATs-AKs
(2) the call is not high EV vs even a reasonable 4betting range
(3) you shouldn't worry about getting crazy exploited, until you see him 4betting a lot
Nov. 22, 2017 | 1:31 p.m.
Don't worry checking back turn is a very good move. As you said maybe its a mix strategy so you can't screw up without information. I just checked with some calculations and in a lot of cases EV(checkback) > EV(bet), obviously there are some setups where the opposite is true.
Nov. 22, 2017 | 8:05 a.m.
I doubt that this is the case, but i'm not playing on Bovada.
In a pool where every villain 3bets only QQ+, AK you should:
1. start opening extremely wide, cause you won't get 3bets too much and take the pot or at least always see a flop when not (like instead of 15% EP you can go 25%+, from SB/BU you can go almost ~100%)
2. just fold to all the 3bets with any hands except PPs which you are trying to hit a set and then stack his overpairs. If they make the 3bet too small, you have good odds you can go in with every kind of suited connected hands too. They have a defined range so you can play really accurate vs it postflop!
3. just 4b AA always and try to get it in :)
Again, this shouldn't be the case mostly, just you're sample is somehow skewed and most likely too small, but you can play a bit tighter against 3bets as a first adjustment. Also the fact that you are seeing only preflop AI with these hands, doesn't mean they don't 3bet other hands, its just means they fold other hands vs a 4bet. Then you should just bluff 4B them with blockers if they fold too much, or if they just 3bet a very low amount of other hands, then just play something similar to the toy game strategy.
About the bet:
1. It is bullshit, you have to see that if one player gets only AA and he is just jamming preflop always you never win!
2. Its nothing close to like a pool where a lot of things happen just when 3bet villains got a tighter range
Good luck!
Nov. 17, 2017 | 2:34 p.m.
Maybe some Nick Howards videos (youtube + RIO) about the exploitative use of GTO solvers. There are also some basic videos of teunuss and other guys here :) Don't get too carried away, learn to read ranges, learn about equities and you are good to go.
Nov. 7, 2017 | 5:05 p.m.
GTO is just a strategy (usually a really mixed one, where you want to make opponent hands to be breakeven between actions!). The nature of the GTO strategy is that its the maximum exploitable strategy of itself, so by definition if someone plays a GTO strategy and the other guy alters from it then he is losing EV because he is not playing the maximum exploitable (maximum EV) strategy.
Generally people kind of don't really understand math definitions, that's why this is so confusing. Hope this clears it up!
Nov. 6, 2017 | 5:34 p.m.
KQs shouldn't be a concern as he has 1 combo of it. As well he has 99-JJ, some AK(cc). So on the R the question is if the EV(xc) > EV(bet/AI). He can bluff JTs and some ?. I think a small sized bet is really good EV :)
Nov. 4, 2017 | 6:37 a.m.
Its not stupid, its pretty cool line by BU. I like your line too if opponent is quiet a good reg, he can bluff now w QTs, T9s, Asxs. Otherwise i would just bet on the T again to get called by 98, 99-TT.
Nov. 4, 2017 | 6:24 a.m.
BU is fish, so i lean towards just huge (~pot) flop bet and turn AI. As played i think its just good to jam after the raise the SPR is just so low, you want to get it in as fast as possible(vs KQ so he can't xback river, or vs FDs or anything), or if you have a read that he is just extremely passive and T minraise is the nuts, you should fold as he is mostly having 5x then.
Nov. 4, 2017 | 6:20 a.m.
I am in! I got a blog on https://raiseyouredge.com/forums/topic/poker-path-of-the-peaceful-warrior#post-32953 It's more of a diary :) I mesaged you in RIO and also in pokerdetox contact form, but then for now i just do the volume challenge. It will be tracked on my RYE blog.
Have a nice month guys!
Oct. 30, 2017 | 5:52 a.m.
You are welcome guys. Yes most of the solutions uses some kind of assumptions about ranges and some restricted game tree (like not all betsizes and stuff), so if those are not true solutions kind of not that valid anymore, but mostly they will be pretty close to a good play.
The other part is even if he is not playing optimally, but you don't know what he does on the flop and how he plays hes range, then still mostly GTO solution will be the maximum EV solution cause of its definiton: GTO is just maximum exploitable solutions by both of players at the same time.
GL at the tables
April 28, 2017 | 3:48 p.m.
Villain for calling the 3b has a range of (25%)77-(100%)QQ, some AJs+, some slowplays (20%)KK/AA, AK and kindof that's it (if he really opens ~10-12% from EP). So this board is not great for you, you still got around RvR equity 50% so in position you are looking to bet some hands. Like a solver suggests mostly 50%cb, 50% check, with cbets AA, TT(50% if you have preflop), some FDs, and mixin rarely 1-2overpairs. With QQ you should kindof mostly check here, for logical reasons, that you wont have 3streets of value on too many runouts, with this combo if you decide to bet like a small blocksize p33 bet, you should mainly fold to a raise...but we will 80-90% check this back.
After that is kindof an easy turn call, we still got a lot of equity to call. This river is just a fold mostly, you have all the JJ combos here so its not that terrible to fold QQ (altough you still going to fold too much, so might look for 1-2 hero calls with QQ).
Seems like you played this hand quiet well sir mostly for maximum EV :)
April 27, 2017 | 4:20 p.m.
Hello maco,
I can see him mostly playing this with A4s,A5s,QJ,AK and not really any better then you have(maybe some random KT? a few times), so the main question is he CS enough to call the AI and without reads i think the answer is yes / but you know the pool. So i shove the river!
You didn't mention how many hands you have from villain, cause with those stats to have 61w$sd...:) i don't think you got too many there.
Oct. 14, 2016 | 7:27 a.m.
Your line is ok! I just don't like your cbet size, you can go way smaller ~1/3 or even smaller in this situation.
You can just bet/call BB after it, and got some room against the other guy, obv this hand is generally quiet good here in your range so its not too hard with it (+fish in the pot). As a range strategy is quiet hard to figure out (you have KQs, TT-JJ, A5s, KK which are on the weaker side), so you kinda can decide to check 100% or bet small with most of it, 3way spots are quiet hard to solve, but i think here you should just play exploitatively and bet hands this strong cause of the fish :)
Oct. 13, 2016 | 11:36 a.m.
SB: $50.00 (Hero)
BB: $38.19
UTG: $50.00
MP: $56.72
CO: $137.64
Oct. 12, 2016 | 5:32 p.m.
In this context "protecting" means that when you check-call, near your weaker hands like KQ, KJ...here you'll have strong hands so your opponent can't just go overbet or 2/3barrel randomly (here like 6h5h) vs you and make profit cause your check-calling range sucks and you will fold always (later streets).
Although this is certainly not a concern at this stake in this situation.
It was going ok this month. I played also another 40k hand on untracked sites. I still need to put in more hours!
My hand regenerated mostly, but still need to rest it so for another month no martial arts. Despite my every day routines of maintaining health i got a little cold for the last 5 days, hope i can be back to full action soon.
Training is going well too, i got from 53kg (2018.01) -> 59kg(2018.04).
My schedule was starting to get motion and everything became easier, until this cold, which break it. Now i struggle a bit to keep it up.
I did 3 days of the Wim Hof Method 1st week, my max breath retention time is 1:19 until now. This program is pretty cool with the breathing, stretching and cold shower trio :)
April 1, 2018 | 7 a.m.