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22 points

Alex Theologis my question about your 88 hand at 21:00: you didnt mentioned 53, 63 bdfd OTF. Didnt you mentioned them because they are more frequently checkraises on the flop and therefore Greenwoods amount of having those combos is too low ? after the B/X 3way action I dont really see much SD value of their rivered 3x, so I assume they gonna start bluffing aswell? How I see the spot I dont expect you are gonna cbetting 3way a lot of Ahighs on the flop which 3x might beat OTR to not start bluffing.

Very interested on your opinion

thx and as always a top video!

Jan. 3, 2021 | 6:09 a.m.

yes but i am wondering why we are giving up OTT even with 87 when we can fold V Qx and turned Jx.... imo its a pure bluff OTT aswell

Sam Grafton would appreciate the answer

Dec. 17, 2020 | 7:45 p.m.

@9:49 why is pio preferring T9 T8 instead of 98 ? 98 is purely checking

Dec. 14, 2020 | 3:14 p.m.

last hand against SB 3bet: which hands you 4bet bluff in this spot? which hands you 4bet value here?
@50:25 the BTN 2.5x it, although he opened it 2x nearly all the time i guess... which reasons could be out there for not minraising?

thx for the upload sam!

Dec. 9, 2020 | 7:44 a.m.

32:30 - TT Hand: On which factors do you decide if villain tends to 4bet jam 77, 88, 99 (hands we dominate) ? At midstakes it seems so randomly for the avg reg to be able to 4bet jam those hands. when I face the jam from unknown regs I prefer to overfold TT like you said - if they dont have hands we dominate its -ev

when the PFA folds, I guess we jam against a wide enough squeezor ?

cant wait for the next part! thx!

Nov. 27, 2020 | 2:49 a.m.

What a video Daniel! Thanks very much for sharing these insights, I definitely took many things out of it.

I personally would appreciate if you continue doing videos like this instead of HH reviews, live plays. I really enjoy it. Sometimes it is a bit hard to understand and I have to relisten some sentences because it is too fluent but this is a sign that you are mastering these types of videos very much!

I guess many will confirm that

Aug. 31, 2020 | 6:32 a.m.

Min 18: dont really like your approach here; what you dont express is that HRC always takes into consideration that equity always gonna realised perfectly.... I heavily doubt we will in ICM environments....

if we realise equity less than HRC supposes, rejamming gonna be more +EV than calling with the hands you mentioned... and we even dont know what happens postflop..

what is your threshold of the EV you gonna start rejamming here? I mean x% of EV of AA

Aug. 14, 2020 | 1:21 a.m.

The video is totally fine here without glitches. Im using Mozilla Firefox.

Alex Theologis when you have any two spots, are you jamming any two cards all the time or do you also do some inducing with JJ+ and maybe balance that with crap? Have seen some pio solutions where its recommended to 3x with nuts and bottom and jam the rest.

When you jam any two for 30bb (like in the video) in any two spots... at which stacksize do you stop jamming any two, so you might change your sizing instead of jamming to an NAI sizing?

Would be very interested in the reply, very appreciated

Aug. 5, 2020 | 1:42 p.m.

At 26:07 you see villain which called 3bet is having KK+ at 100% freq. so he does not 4bet preflop in this sim. is this a mistake?

June 27, 2020 | 9:04 p.m.

great Video, Keep it up! I got one question. Min. 13:30: Isnt QQTtt a very good board for his flatting range bcs it contains so many BWs and interacts very well? I do think that we dont have a huge EQ Advantage here and that he has for sure Nutcombo Advantage since he has all AQ, KQs, QJs, maybe QTs and TT. Not sure how important nutcombo Advantage is with that stackdepth but I think it is still relevant. Also think that Hands like AA, KK benefit from checking back since they dont get 3 streets of value anway and dont want to go broke vs Qx. Would be nice to get Feedback to that Hand :)

April 30, 2018 | 9:21 p.m.

QJo Pre: Against solid players in the blinds I guess a fold is the best play, but with the fish in the SB I assume that he will call too much and makes many mistakes postflop, so I would go with the flatcall in this spot. A bluff 3bet isnt that good with offsuited hands like this, because you get a frequency problem, if you start 3betting all of these offsuited broadways.

June 15, 2017 | 12:16 p.m.

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