5 points
hi raphael both videos were really good, i would like to ask you 2 question: 1. you say that your are really sticky and dont fold generally, could you tell me what's your fold to F, fold to T and fold to R stats to understand what very sticky means? 2. when someone has a really high cbet % and we have kt on a tt2r board isnt it better in general to just call ip? since his betting range is air mostly shouldn't let him continue bluffing turn and river or let him catch up something?(34 min) thank you
Dec. 26, 2013 | 12:35 p.m.
hi grayson, great video again
28 min 44 vs j9 grind you think played the hand ok?
13 min kq i was never checking there 5way cause i was always thinking giving a free card to 4 people is bad 4 people have great equity together to outdraw you in the turn,we can also take value on the flop and i am also happy to bet and take it down on the flop too,pot is 1/3 of our stack so its very important to us, so beacause it seems very wierd the check to me, what i dont understand well?
thank you
May 11, 2013 | 2:45 a.m.
in the 74s hand at the end if he shoves the flop are you folding? and if he calls you give up?
April 25, 2013 | 2:43 a.m.
grats for making the best mmt videos here, i have a question, on j2s hand on 776 15min you said we have to cbet because we have no equity in the hand and shoud take a stab at it, in other spots you generally say you dont like barreling with no equity but i guess you mean 2 barrel with no equity is not good but cbet with no equity is good? and on the tj hand on k23 flop 33min you said you dont cbet because we have no equity and he is calling with ace high wich is true also in the j2s in tt3 and k23 is a better flop to cbet for our percieved range we hit it more often and i think generally a,k or queen high are the best flop to cbet not?
does it beeing oop make you lower you cbet %?
so my qustion is why cbet the one and dont cbet the other but basicly i would like to tell me something like a general theory for cbeting and barreling ( for example whats the main things you take into acount while considering to cbet or barrel turn, river)
thank you in advance and again great job in the videos
Nice video Brian,
In the tt hand i think calling the river is a huge mistake, i dont think our range is percieved weak there assuming that we call this flop and 3bet and call a 4bet preflop, we could have kk,qq,kq Ahigh flushes and some other flushes, we dont have to bet the turn with all these since we have almost one pot-sized bet left, so we are already calling the allin enough to not make his bluffs profitable and if we throw the tt in our calling river range we would be calling the river something like 80-90% that cant be right. If we call tt someone could argue that we should call all the pairs and 5s too(a5s,56s) are you calling with 5s too brian? then we are calling close to 100% on the river. And we also have some Kings tha we can bluff-catch with, the worst hand i call there is KJ. Not to mention that the villian line is not usually that bluff heavy at all.
Dec. 27, 2013 | 3:20 p.m.