saintpaulmn's avatar


0 points

I'll give it my quick two cents while procrastinating at work - I agree it's a really tough call but my instinct is to fold this. I don't think he leads the flop with many diamond draws (like do you think would he lead out KQd, QJd, JTd here? I don't think so), so I think he calls the turn checkraise with roughly the following (and folds out a lot of his high broadways and non spades):
*Sets - his range is heavier here than ours is
*Stronger aces, maybe flush draw aces with a low kicker
*Lots of straight draws
*Spade draws with a pair

So I view the river bet as he would prefer for it to not to check through. He knows you could have been raising for value as well with a combo spade / diamond draw or pair, so it's hard for me to imagine he calls the checkraise and then bluffs at it.

Criticism of my analysis appreciated!


April 20, 2017 | 8:14 p.m.

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