7 points
Hi Krzysztof, excellent video. A quick question: can you explain why OOP wants to polarize more on the low dynamic boards when he has a nut advantage than IP does?
In particular, in the T95ss example, it looks like we bet more as IP than as OOP when we have the QQ/JJ, but that OOP does more polarizing (essentially only overbet or check) whereas IP is still using the 2/3 sizing quite a lot.
Dec. 6, 2020 | 8:46 p.m.
Peter Clarke I was wondering: do you take shots at $200 Zoom from time to time? If so, it might be interesting to see you do a live play video against that pool; it would be cool to see how you adjust your strategy against generally tougher opposition/better regs. Just a thought and more out of curiosity than anything; I understand that it's not your usual stake.
Great content; very helpful to see someone else's thought process as they work through sims.
Dec. 21, 2020 | 6:45 p.m.