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1 points

Hand History | rutramax posted in MTT: Controlling the pot in the wrong time?
Blinds: t25/t50 (6 Players) UTG: 3,000
MP: 3,717 (Hero)
CO: 3,783
BN: 2,850
SB: 3,770
BB: 11,037

reads: 15/13 on 834 hands
25/50 on fold to flop bet / fold to turn bet
Preflop (75) Hero is MP with Q Q
UTG folds, Hero raises to 150, 2 folds, SB calls 125, BB folds
Flop (350) 8 9 A
SB checks, Hero bets 165, SB calls 165
i think betting this flop is fine to extract value from a lot of draws, maybe some K9 or K8, TT, JJ
Turn (680) 8 9 A 8
SB checks, Hero checks
i think i controlled the pot without real reason. I guess should have betted the turn as well to charge the draws as the turn is unlikely that he got it. Plus, i might set him to bluff me off on a club river
What you guys think?
River (680) 8 9 A 8 4
SB bets 400, Hero folds
i`ve put him on this range on equilab: 99-88,44,A9s-A8s,JTs,T8s,98s,87s,76s,KcJc,KcTc,A8o,JTo,T9o,98o
And according to it i have 47% on the call that i need 27% (pot odds). What you guys think? maybe i estimated the range wrong
Final Pot SB wins 680

April 6, 2015 | 9:50 p.m.

Thanks So_nitty

March 27, 2015 | 12:20 a.m.

Any thoughts?

March 26, 2015 | 7:02 p.m.

Hand History | rutramax posted in MTT: Interesting spot BvB?
Blinds: t150/t300 (9 Players) SB: 7,750 (Hero)
BB: 14,542
UTG: 4,181
UTG+1: 9,454
MP: 6,139
MP+1: 2,590
MP+2: 2,825
CO: 5,580
BN: 7,772
20/13 on 97 hands, flop aggression 59% on 9 hands
Preflop (450) Hero is SB with J Q
7 folds, Hero raises to 750, BB calls 450
Flop (1,860) K A 5
Hero bets 920, BB raises to 2,150, Hero folds
i guess its an interesting raise of his part bc i dont think he would do thas with a lot of A or K in his range (more likely to call), except A5, K5.
Aside from that, there are 55 and a 5+flush draw. All the other flush draws, which could be played this way, im beating with the Q high and the backdoor nut flush.
Final Pot BB wins 3,700

March 24, 2015 | 2:20 a.m.

Hand History | rutramax posted in MTT: Clear check/fold? Nasty spot with set
Blinds: t30/t60 (9 Players) MP: 2,485
UTG+1: 4,435
MP+1: 9,694
MP+2: 7,985
CO: 3,808
BN: 3,025
SB: 3,453
BB: 1,939
UTG: 2,925 (Hero)
HIJ: 12/9 on 65 hands, no further reads
Preflop (90) Hero is UTG with J J
Hero raises to 150, 3 folds, MP+2 calls 150, 3 folds, BB calls 90
Flop (525) Q J 5
BB checks, Hero bets 395, MP+2 calls 395, BB folds
i`m not sure if i should be betting bigger here. WHats you guys think?
Turn (1,315) Q J 5 7
Hero checks, MP+2 bets 660, Hero folds
i dont know if this is a clear check/fold, have no further reads on the guy. I dont think i should be calling his bet because that would compromise my stack. If i knew the guy was an aggro i could check/jam the turn sometimes i guess
Final Pot MP+2 wins 1,315

March 20, 2015 | 7:08 p.m.

Comment | rutramax commented on Crying call on river?

thx for reply

March 20, 2015 | 6:58 p.m.

so you think i should be jamming on the flop or calling the turn jam? If the first one, that wouldnt be such an overbet? Besides, im making him play perfectly because im not allowing him to jam worst, except in the case that he is calling with flush draw


March 20, 2015 | 6:55 p.m.

Thx raphael for reply,

But shouldnt i be willing to defend that hand? i mean, any K, Q, T or hearts has an equity of 40% to hit on the turn. That isnt quite something to allow him to see the turn without charging more?

Plus my raise on the flop looks like a lot more with a draw than a set (which im trying to balance) making him jam AJ or even AQh, AKh on the flop. Im not sure he would value bet 3 street with AQ, AK without scared cards

Thanks again

March 20, 2015 | 6:51 p.m.

Hand History | rutramax posted in MTT: Crying call on river?
Blinds: t30/t60 (8 Players) BB: 2,917
UTG: 2,336
UTG+1: 2,875
MP: 3,210
MP+1: 2,602
CO: 3,435
BN: 3,125 (Hero)
SB: 2,685
no reads on villain
Preflop (90) Hero is BN with 4 A
5 folds, Hero raises to 126, SB folds, BB calls 66
Flop (282) 8 5 6
BB checks, Hero bets 150, BB calls 150
i think C betting this is good bc of straight and backdoor draws, plus some values from floated broadways
when he calls im putting him on any 8,5,6, floats, draws. I think 2 pair or better would be raising there
Turn (582) 8 5 6 5
BB checks, Hero checks
I think i should control the pot there, but not sure bc of draws that i could extract value from.
The broadways floats im beating already and didnt want to inflate the pot and the pairs wouldnt fold on that turn card
River (582) 8 5 6 5 4
BB bets 300, Hero folds
I dont think he would bet an 8 or 6 there. Im putting him on a straight, trips, busted flush draw, not sure if Ax
Final Pot BB wins 582

March 17, 2015 | 12:08 a.m.

Hand History | rutramax posted in MTT: 66. Set on wet board. Tough fold?
Blinds: t25/t50 (8 Players) SB: 4,028
BB: 3,895
UTG: 3,097
UTG+1: 3,015
MP: 2,830
MP+1: 2,280
CO: 2,925
BN: 2,932 (Hero)
15/6 on 33 hands
Preflop (75) Hero is BN with 6 6
4 folds, CO raises to 125, Hero calls 125, 2 folds
Flop (325) A 6 J
CO bets 150, Hero raises to 450, CO calls 300
I think raising here is the best play for protection (quite wet) and extract value from some aces and draws.
When he calls im putting him on good Aces, flush draw, straight draw + flush draw, pair + backdoor flush draw.
I think sets and 2 pairs would be jamming on this flop a lot
Turn (1,225) A 6 J Q
CO checks, Hero bets 520, CO raises to 2,140, Hero folds
Now when he check/jam here i think i will see a lot of straight and flushes, although there are AK with the K of hearts, maybe QJ with J hearts

The bet sizing i made to allow me a tough fold but not sure if my bet should be higher there or i should have called the jam
Final Pot CO wins 2,265

March 16, 2015 | 11:45 p.m.

but what u think about the play?

March 13, 2015 | 4:52 p.m.

what do you mean raphael?

March 13, 2015 | 12:05 a.m.

Any thoughts?

March 12, 2015 | 5:08 p.m.

what if i had AK there? Iso myself doesnt seem too good because his calling range would be QQ+, AK.. You guys think flat-folding, flat-calling?

March 12, 2015 | 4:32 p.m.

thanks guys for feedback

March 12, 2015 | 4:29 p.m.

Hand History | rutramax posted in MTT: QQ. Should i be risking on that stage
Blinds: t60/t120 (9 Players) UTG: 6,797
MP: 4,167
UTG+1: 2,435
MP+1: 8,765 (Hero)
MP+2: 9,382
CO: 2,306
BN: 1,672
SB: 21,519
BB: 1,736
MP2: 14/10/13 on 80 hands
Preflop (180) Hero is MP+1 with Q Q
3 folds, Hero raises to 270, MP+2 raises to 720, CO folds, BN raises to 1,657 and is all in, 2 folds, Hero calls 1,387, MP+2 raises to 9,367 and is all in, Hero folds
Flop (12,996) 8 T 8
Turn (12,996) 8 T 8 4
River (12,996) 8 T 8 4 8
Final Pot MP+2 wins and shows three of a kind, Eights.
BN lost and shows three of a kind, Eights.
MP+2 wins 5,286

March 8, 2015 | 2:58 p.m.

Nice to add SPrince, my raising range there would be more like 56s, 8Ts, JTs. But interesting to add those others as a bluff and balace it with the value ones.

March 2, 2015 | 11:46 p.m.

Hand History | rutramax posted in MTT: Bottom set. Should i be more aggresive?
Blinds: t10/t20 (8 Players) MP+1: 3,000
CO: 3,020 (Hero)
BN: 2,970
SB: 3,010
BB: 3,000
UTG: 3,000
UTG+1: 3,000
MP: 3,000
UTG: 15/11 on 7k hands
UTG+1: 19/12 on 120 hands
Preflop (30) Hero is CO with 4 4
UTG raises to 50, UTG+1 calls 50, 2 folds, Hero calls 50, 3 folds
Flop (180) 7 4 9
UTG checks, UTG+1 bets 90, Hero calls 90, UTG calls 90
I dont think raising this flop is good because its kind of a dry board and if i raise im bsically telling i have a very good hand
I wanted that the UTG call with his A highs, pairs, etc
Turn (450) 7 4 9 J
UTG checks, UTG+1 bets 225, Hero calls 225, UTG calls 225
i`m not sure if i should be raising this to charge the flush draw. Otherwise im only beated by better sets and T8
I`m putting the UTG+1 on a J, flush draw, straight draw, sets
The UTG im putting on a J, flush draw, unlikely straight, set, two pair, maybe straight draw (dont think he would call 2 streets with it)
River (1,125) 7 4 9 J 5
UTG checks, UTG+1 bets 640, Hero calls 640, UTG raises to 2,635 and is all in, UTG+1 folds, Hero folds
Now that im beated by more straights and flushes, i see no point in raising here as most of the worst hands would fold.
When the UTG jams, im putting him on a flush as i dont think he would do that with a straight
Final Pot UTG wins 3,045

March 2, 2015 | 9:43 p.m.

Hand History | rutramax posted in MTT: Blufing river. Could i bet smaller?
Blinds: t60/t120 (9 Players) MP: 7,390
UTG+1: 7,710
MP+1: 6,696 (Hero)
MP+2: 11,555
CO: 6,976
BN: 8,680
SB: 7,470
BB: 11,750
UTG: 3,220
MP: 14/9 on 386 hands
Preflop (180) Hero is MP+1 with 6 6
UTG folds, MP raises to 240, UTG+1 folds, Hero calls 240, 5 folds
I think calling here is fine for set mine
Flop (795) K 7 2
MP checks, Hero checks
The plan here was to call one time and see what he does on the turn. When he checks, im putting him on good pairs, high A with no club, unlikely 7 or flush
Turn (795) K 7 2 7
MP checks, Hero bets 480, MP calls 480
When he checks again, im putting him on high A and pairs. My plan was to try to take him out of better pairs. If he has A high thats even better to extract value
River (1,755) K 7 2 7 K
MP checks, Hero bets 1,560, MP folds
Now that he checked again and im beated by A high i thought that a i had to represent a good hand because im beated by the most part of his range,
The thing is that im not sure if betting smaller would accomplish the same
Final Pot MP+1 wins 1,755

March 2, 2015 | 9:01 p.m.

humm, thx felipe

Feb. 25, 2015 | 1:13 a.m.

Comment | rutramax commented on A5o BB. Turn play

ty felipe

Feb. 25, 2015 | 1:12 a.m.

Hand History | rutramax posted in MTT: TT. Not sure what to do
Blinds: t50/t100 (9 Players) MP: 6,509 (Hero)
UTG+1: 9,004
MP+1: 6,995
MP+2: 7,996
CO: 4,795
BN: 12,447
SB: 5,623
BB: 8,305
UTG: 6,221
CO: 28/17/7 on 29 hands
BTN: 17/10/4 on 100 hands

Didnt have other reads in game of them
Preflop (150) Hero is MP with T T
UTG folds, Hero raises to 250, 3 folds, CO raises to 700, BN calls 700, 2 folds, Hero calls 450
Im not sure if i should jam it after the 3bet and the flatting. What you guys think?
Flop (2,340) 6 3 9
Hero checks, CO checks, BN bets 1,000, Hero folds, CO folds
Here when the CO checks behind im putting him on high aces
When the BTN bets im not sure if i should jam or peel one. It feels like calling its a bit too much (the pot and me will have 4k chips)
Some of the BTN flatting range pre can be small/mid pairs, maybe JJ/QQ because we are still deep.
Because of the flush draw i guess its another reason to jam.
Final Pot BN wins 2,340

Feb. 21, 2015 | 8:02 p.m.

Hand History | rutramax posted in MTT: A5o BB. Turn play
Blinds: t30/t60 (9 Players) UTG: 2,555
MP: 4,335
UTG+1: 6,091
MP+1: 3,480
MP+2: 3,474
CO: 3,810
BN: 4,573
SB: 2,905
BB: 3,863 (Hero)
MP: 15/10 on 450 hands
UTG+1: 32/17 on 5k hands
Preflop (90) Hero is BB with A 5
UTG folds, MP raises to 120, UTG+1 calls 120, 5 folds, Hero calls 60
I think defending with A5o can be tricky but im trying to improve the postflop play getting into more situations.
The hand has the added value of straights too
Flop (435) 6 A 3
Hero checks, MP bets 180, UTG+1 calls 180, Hero calls 180
Not much to say on checking versus the other 2 guys. The plan here was to call, keeping the pot small.
Im putting the first villain on Ax, air, sets.
The second villain on Ax, sets, some pairs
Turn (975) 6 A 3 5
Hero checks, MP checks, UTG+1 checks
Now that we turnered a very strong hand, the plan was to c/r because i thought that a lot of better Ax would barrel again here.
Plus there are straight possibilities that could fire again.
I thought that leading here would make the pairs in their ranges fold and those i could get a crying call on the river depending on the card
I probably wouldnt get a turn and river of value from some Ax
River (975) 6 A 3 5 4
Hero bets 420, MP calls 420, UTG+1 calls 420
Now that both checked, i decided to value the Ax that could be controlling the pot, some pair , worst 2 pairs
Villain 1 range: Ax, air, pairs, 2 pairs, unlikely straight (dont think he could open in that position with A2 a lot or the caller would call with that hand)
Villain 2 range: Ax, pairs, 2 pairs, slowplayed sets (unlikely)
Final Pot UTG+1 wins and shows three of a kind, Fours.
BB lost and shows two pair, Aces and Fives.
UTG+1 wins 2,235

Feb. 21, 2015 | 5:57 p.m.

hummm, interesting comments guys, thanks a lot

Feb. 21, 2015 | 4:57 p.m.

Hand History | rutramax posted in MTT: Better way to extract value from quads?
Blinds: t75/t150 (8 Players) MP+1: 10,164
CO: 14,424
BN: 8,092
SB: 5,850
BB: 6,264
UTG: 4,552
UTG+1: 8,396 (Hero)
MP: 2,405
No reads on BTN
Preflop (225) Hero is UTG+1 with Q Q
UTG folds, Hero raises to 337, 3 folds, BN calls 337, 2 folds
Flop (1,059) Q A Q
Hero checks, BN bets 380, Hero calls 380
Dont think i could extract much on flop
Turn (1,819) Q A Q K
Hero checks, BN checks
Here dont think there is much sense in betting since it would show a lot of strenght
River (1,819) Q A Q K 3
Hero bets 1,350, BN folds
Here is where i think i`ve made a mistake. Maybe should be betting like 800 to esxtract some values from AJ, AT, AK or even KJ, KT
Final Pot UTG+1 wins 1,819

Feb. 18, 2015 | 9:20 p.m.

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