0 points
24:30 - After 3-betting the 66 you check back the 1074 flop and then check call the 4 turn. My question is what other hands(could be both weaker and stronger) are you also doing this with to balance/protect your capped range here?
April 5, 2014 | 6:54 p.m.
Thanks for the comments. I'm new to doing ICM calculations (by new, I mean I have never done one), and I would like to know if ICM applies to a decision that is not an all-in. By being 5 from the money, would an ICM math exercise on the 62k call be good analysis on the river decision?
Feb. 19, 2014 | 5:09 a.m.
About 125 left. 120 paid. I am in the co w/K10o. 230k behind. Jaffee has over 400k in sb. Matt Affleck has 80k in bb. Button is tight amateur w/120k looking to get into the money. Blinds 3k/6k. Played with Jaffee on Day 2 where I was looser and a little more aggressive, but had been at this Day 3 table for a couple hours having done very little except pretty much open a hand utg and opened one button where I Cbet and got both him and sb to fold.
I open to 14.5k, Jaffee calls from sb. Affleck folds.
774 rainbow.
Check check.
Turn 10.
Jaffee leads 26k. I call.
River 9. Jaffee bets 62k. I call.
Questions/Thoughts: Thoughts on flop check? Also, thoughts on ICM factor as a whole regarding opening pre, calling river, etc.
Let me know if you need any other info on the hand.
Feb. 8, 2014 | 8:52 a.m.
Great video Nick. I think it will prompt me to go back and watch some of my old HH. Loved the fake misclick idea. Very fascinating about making online angles (I love how they come into play in live poker) , but as you called out, you weren't thinking about ICM at the time, which I think would have steered you away from making that creative play. Not sure how believable a misclick would be in a $5k online buyin, but I'll try it in a smaller tourney when NJ online poker launches!
Nov. 22, 2013 | 6:24 a.m.
Something I thought stood out was the 3 bet sizing.
Given the "nit" perception of the villain, I think his range could actually be wider than QQ+ because of his sizing. I would expect an older nit to size his pre 3bet more toward 3-3.5x there with a stronger range. Especially in the WSOP main on day 1. Did he have a ton of chips and decided to play against his image on the BTN? Possibly. As a player who doesn't always play true to the optimal lines, I could play this hand as check call the whole way with runner runner Qs, but I definitely agree with other posters, once you lead the turn, a river bet/fold-to-raise is best.
Aug. 8, 2013 | 5:20 a.m.
First time post for me, so I could be way off. But as a reg in Borgata MTTs, the man has the nutz 9T in his range. Don't think you misplayed it. Bet sizing to me was fine and fold is correct unless you have history on him to call a bluff, but with the deepish stack sizes, he at least has a 6 or 69 in his hand, but IMO, he has the nuts and is trying to punish hands with 6s in it or top set that cant fold.
Hey Brian,
At 27:00: I think betting the turn w/QJs on the 3 diamond turn is better than checking because we can protect against pair/one diamond hands and aren't forced to a tough decision against a big river lead when a diamond or straight card comes off. If we get check-raised on the turn I think it's an easy fold. We're not necessarily being exploited by much we're ahead of except for maybe Ad hands occasionally, but even then those are so often just calling which we can extract more value from. What would you say to that and the merits of instead checking back our QJo with one diamond because we aren't really worried about a facing a lead on a diamond river?
May 5, 2014 | 4:41 a.m.