34 points
In your assessment of Yuri's defense with K64 vs Jungleman's **6, you missed that the bring-in was 200k , not 100k, so his price to call was much better. It still feels borderline given future street playability, but much more reasonable at this price
Jan. 5, 2024 | 12:23 a.m.
At 17:00 you show that J4xx + OESD !FD is check raising 92% of the time, but pulling up the same spot on vision, I see it only check raising 26% of the time. Worth noting that J984 doesn't even call pre so we are only dealing with the 2 strongest OESDs, and they still barely check raise
Dec. 26, 2023 | 4:21 p.m.
8:55 - thoughts on folding turn with JJ? Feel like he follows through on river at a very high % with this line. Not to say we always need to go call/call turn/riv or fold turn but this seems like it could be a spot for it
April 28, 2022 | 12:32 p.m.
At 14:30 you talk about Jake not bluffing 99 and say it's ok because the lowest pairs make the best bluffs (ie 22). While it's true that the 2 is in most of the very strongest hands, I assume by bluffing we are trying to mostly get Benny's T/J region to bluff, so wouldn't 99 make an excellent bluff? 8s are rare to begin with and 9s are the strong hand that likely won't fold; seeing two nines should skew Benny pretty heavily to having a T/J
Feb. 6, 2022 | 2:55 p.m.
Great video!
At 1:48 you mention that if Assad had opened, Kroko would have a decision with 8754 in the BB. Would your standard there be to 3bet and take 1? Do you ever have a range in the BB that flats and takes 1 vs an EP open or do you find that makes you too face up?
Jan. 15, 2022 | 6:40 p.m.
Hey imba, your vids are great, and this format is particularly good - I think you're the first to use this exact format and I find it an extremely efficient way to cover a lot of hands
As someone who just started playing around with monkersolver, question regarding how you run your sims: When simming a spot from an early street (particularly the flop), how complex do you make the game tree for the turn and the river. IE - on some board runouts we will need just one size, one some we will need other sizes. The more sizing options you give each player on future streets, the longer the sim will take to run
Just wondering how you approach this spot generally and how much precision you feel you need when creating the game tree
April 27, 2021 | 5:47 a.m.
Outstanding stuff. Don't change a thing
March 27, 2021 | 4:42 a.m.
Amazing, intuitive, user-friendly product. Would love to see added:
- Monkersolver Preflop ranges from each position
- 200 BB solutions
- River play added
Great product: A+
March 12, 2020 | 5:22 a.m.
Great video, loved the thought process and the detail. I'll start with the caveat that I've been predominantly a PLO player for the last 3-4 years so def out of touch with recent trends in NLMTT
11:30 - 86 overbet shove - this was a cool hand... do you think either of them is likely to fold something like K9s?
The other hand I find interesting is when you check call 9c9x on QT2cc after raising pre (24:25) and say that it's not an exciting spot but that you have to call one...are you ever planning on turning this hand into a bluff on some runouts or do you just think you have too much equity with bdfd and some backdoor straight draws? Is the plan to call the turn vs most < 2/3 pot sizings on a club? I'm guessing xf, usually xc on 8/J? Feels like board smashes opponent's preflop flatting range but I guess the 9c is enough equity to force a continue and he'll be forced to shut down on a lot of turns?
29:35 Can you elaborate a little bit on why you said "very wet board, we have to bet small here" when you had 97s on J97ss?
Jan. 7, 2019 | 12:32 a.m.
Nice video, really enjoy this style. Around the 19 min mark, you discuss how a block bet of 1/3 pot can be a good bet by our opponent instead of having to face a large river size where he'll often be close to indifferent to calling. Doesn't our opponent still face this type of spot a lot after block betting, where we can attack his range that should be pretty depolarized with a lot of river raises?
Nov. 24, 2018 | 10:14 p.m.
Definitely bet, one of your opponents will have a set somewhere between 21 and 38% of the time, depending on how tight or loose they are playing, plenty of value to be had against hands like A8, Ax + straight draws, QJT, etc
Nov. 24, 2018 | 9:44 p.m.
Standard bet/call, especially at theses stacks..he will get it in OTT with his 7xxx a lot, and he won't fold a straight either. Some overpairs may call another street. Our hand is more than strong enough to want to get all in
Nov. 24, 2018 | 9:37 p.m.
Hey Richard, when you c-bet the AA98 with Ad at 17:00, what is your plan facing a check raise here, and how would that plan vary in a cash game vs a tournament?
June 17, 2018 | 11:15 a.m.
Hey Phil,
Great video, really enjoyed the analysis as well as the format of the vid. At 5:05 you check call with a nut gutter and nut bdfd but no clubs in your hand on a flush board. This seems loose to me especially OOP. Can you elaborate on your decision to call here? I feel like if we had the same hand with nut spades but with the Kc in our hand it would be much more reasonable as we could bluff when the flush comes in a decent amount when turn goes check check, but as is, it seems like our hand is pretty weak, and one of the main features of it - the bd nut flush draw - is just a draw to a draw
Nov. 15, 2017 | 9:08 a.m.
Hey Phil, great vid.
Curious what your plan would be on the bottom right table at 31:50 if Jungleman had decided to bet the flop. Naked bottom two on FD boards is usually a pretty weak hand but given his aggression pre and our backdoor Q-hi flush draw, I assume you'd be tempted to call the flop and fold to most turn action?
Nice vid, thanks for reviewing. Small note that the graphic was wrong in the NL2-7 hand where DZ bet the river; he actually had 80k behind not 40k. Still think his decision to shove is a fine one but my decision becomes closer
May 22, 2024 | 2:01 p.m.