rukka_md's avatar


2 points

What could be the reason for him to shove?
I only see one answer: tilt.

This guy is probably on tilt, played a lot of tournaments and can't play anymore (wild range them, he could have anything)

so I call and lets probably flip.

Others reasons:
- look at his country, and search the exact time on the country, is 4-6am there? He will probably be drunk hahaha


But if this is a really good tournament and a important tournament for you, press fold and get him in the next 10 hands


Nov. 26, 2014 | 4:04 p.m.

Comment | rukka_md commented on KTs semi-bluff

Man, I like the way you played that hand, probably would have play in the same way.

You have 17 outs that will give you "nuts" and with you think you are in the middle of a grind, I prefere go all in and double up. If the river is not any of my cards = GG

Close and open other tournament

Nov. 25, 2014 | 10:07 p.m.

Comment | rukka_md commented on AQs facing action

I think is to much shoving 29bbs

You still has 4 raise/fold moves to do.

Nov. 25, 2014 | 1:45 p.m.

Comment | rukka_md commented on Overpair early levels

First of all: 3 bet pre flop always with premium hands QQ+
Specially on the early levels.

Flop was normal action, Im going all in too

Nov. 25, 2014 | 1:39 p.m.

Comment | rukka_md commented on hero call w/ 77

I put him on spades draw, maybe KQs/JQs. He finds a flush draw on the flop and obviously his c-beting this flop. On the turn the ace slow him and as you said, he as a reg, so probably he was playing a lot of tourneys, so here he is not gonna pay to much attetion (he chooses to ck/call with a flush draw and a gutshot)

He misses the river but tried to bluff just because you checked

Nov. 25, 2014 | 1:11 p.m.

Comment | rukka_md commented on AA vs 3 barrels

Im not folding either.
And looking to your stats, both are pretty deep.

Agree with Raphael

Nov. 25, 2014 | 1:04 p.m.

Pre flop is ok, 3bet 4bet call.

I would never check flop and check turn.

With you choose to bet flop, is ok a check call turn and check call river.
(Controling the pot)

With you chose to check flop, then you gotta bet turn. I'm never giving a 2 free streets for him.

I could easly put him on AKh AQh AJh and even hands like JTh (trying to steal pre flop with the 4bet)...and of course JJ+, but with hands like that he wants to slow you down and/or create a bigger pot


Nov. 25, 2014 | 12:09 p.m.

Comment | rukka_md commented on Chat Game?

I don't know, but pay attention.

Every time you lose a big hand, when the guy found 2 or 1 out, and you left with a few chips, the next hand is always (or come on, 85%) a premium hand, and you shove and win.

Is like PokerStars is apologising kkkkkkkkkk

Nov. 25, 2014 | 2:01 a.m.

Post | rukka_md posted in Chatter: mtt online schedule

Hi guys,
this is my first post here, so sorry if it is in the wrong category.
I would like to ask about something that is really confusing me, online schedule.
What tournaments do you guys play?
I think I'm losing a lot of money cause I'm not organize, but there are good tournaments

  • I only play on PokerStars
  • Brasilia Time
  • Play Micro/Low/Mediums stakes

Give me some tips guys, thanks

See you all at the tables




Nov. 23, 2014 | 4:17 a.m.

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