Roy G
2 points
Hello guys,
Want to work on my short stack play and i'm looking for a pushing chart with a less than 20 bb stack. (MTT )
Early position
Middle position
Maybe someone here can help me a little further.
Oct. 5, 2016 | 12:24 p.m.
Hello guys,
This is the situation:
It's a normal mid stakes tournament. Middle phase, so nothing special yet.
Both players in the hand have around 20/25 BB. We have zero information about the opponent.
Hero sits on the CO and gets QQ.
UTG limps for 1000
Other players fold and Hero makes it 3.500.
Big blinds makes it 6.000
Hero makes it 10.000
Big blind calls
Flop is A-2-6. Big blind goes all-in for his remaining 24.000 chips. Hero folds.
Is it better to call his 6.000 bet instead of raising it to 10.000 so it's less expensive, if there comes an ace and we have to give up the hand.
Or should the bet be bigger to put more pressure on his A-K, 10-10, J-J.
In my eyes i can never call his all-in because i'm pretty sure he has a better there.
How should i play this one?
Oct. 6, 2016 | 7:52 a.m.