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4 points

what Godofwar said about postflop
BTW vs average reg I think is a good 3bet, we're ahead and dominating a big part of his range. OFC it depends a lot by his tendencies OTB.

April 14, 2019 | 8:22 a.m.

just wondering why a guy who has 3bet 36% doesn't 3bet a suited Ace.

Jan. 29, 2018 | 10:19 a.m.

Post | roubo posted in PLO: c/r NFD+ deep, what OTT?

Hi guys,
I'm tryin to figure out what's our best option here
I think that 100bb it's a trivial b/c OTT, but 200bb?
we haven't much a clue on who's opponent
sry for the HH.

effective stacks are 200bb

all folds to BTN who min raise 2bb, SB folds, hero calls on BB with AcTcT4

FLOP 834cc BTN cbet pot 4.5bb, hero c/r to 18bb, BTN calls

TURN (pot 40.5) 9 (no second FD on board) Hero?

1) bet/call? which size we bet - half, 2/3, pot?
2) check/call
3) check/raise

Don't think that bet/fold is an option here, btw


Jan. 26, 2018 | 10:58 a.m.

I don't think we are doing a huge mistake calling here, knowing opponents and seeing the stacks. Close, but i like call slightly more than fold.

Jan. 25, 2018 | 10:26 a.m.

OP you put only the preflop stats of your opponent, but not postflop stats. I think that here is important to see how often he fires flop/turn/river and if u have any clue on his range - he fires only equity? air? or AT LEAST blockers?

Also here is important to understand if OTR he's a superpolarized guy and does not bet enough thin value. Finally, have u any clue on sizing? when he bets the pot turn, he has at least a straight? when he bets OTR, he has just KQ and QQ (for example)?

with the info u provided us, if it's the "barrell happy guy" who has KQ and shit OTR you have to call here. But if he just bet big when he has at least Q8 (your hand), well u can think about a fold. Close spot, btw.

Nov. 18, 2017 | 9:42 a.m.

Pre: I think that 38 hands is too small of a sample to make the assunction that he's a maniac. BTW i'm ok with this 4-bet.
FLOP: we can bet/decide (I'm a bit towards b/f), but ofc check back sounds good with this particular hand in position.
Turn I like a check, knowing that we have medium SV and a medium draw - a perfect hand to check back, in my opinion. Give me a 9 instead of the 7 and I'm ready to b/c. Still, I think that it's too soon in the match to b/c profitably here, seeing that it's a rainbow board and his bluffs (if he's c/r as a bluff, ofc...) should be A54x, 654x, AQTx, maybe QT9x. Everytime the "x" is a good card (like a pair or additional draw) our equity goes down. Maybe we can find better spot to make a stand this deep.
River is whatever, if u think that he's bluffing OTT.

Sept. 6, 2017 | 1:18 p.m.

I fold preflop, we're closing the action, but our hand is really bad.

As played, OTF call seems standard, we could also raise if the games is so fishy.

OTT c/p seems ok, I think that UTG has some kind of hand who improved with a spade and he's leading as a semibluff.

July 8, 2015 | 9:47 a.m.

I think that your hand is too weak to open from UTG and doesn't play great in a 3bet pot with 100bb stack vs a 5% range. I would open fold and fold to the 3bet.
As played, I like flop, if we fold top pair we can simply fold preflop. Turn sounds good to pot control, vs a range so strong. River is a fold just if villain is never bluffing, btw this is the kind of spot where their value range is wider than their bluffing range.

May 24, 2015 | 8:12 a.m.

BB 3bet preflop, but SB lead close to pot and BB shoves. Easy fold.

Jan. 24, 2015 | 10:57 a.m.

I think u have read to decide that KKxxds aren't good enough to squeeze preflop...

OTF being so deep puts u in a marginal spot postflop where u can still raise to iso the fish (and it's a good result when u can play in hu vs him) or flat and see what happens. If u decide to raise and one of the others goes over the top... well, maybe u will have to fold 200x. So both lines have pros and cons.

OTT u have too much equity in hu vs SB to fold, the pot is big and he's out of money, so raise now and force the other guys to fold anything but the nuts ofc. In the worst case, u still have a big double fd. 

Aug. 28, 2014 | 7:59 a.m.

Comment | roubo commented on AKQJ oop 3b pot vs aggro

not a bad idea playing a c/c OTF vs this guy and this deep

so OTT c/c seems ok. 

OTR I don't like play as a bluff your good SV - and sometimes u can have a hand like weak SV + small FD in your c/c range I think, so he could stop on a spade. Anyway, sometimes u improve and u can decide to lead (if he sees u bluffy OTR as you said) or check and c/c or c/r nutz ofc. 

When u still have just TP well... it depends on how often he's capable of play b/b/b with air and missed draw and if he has also some weak SV in his range when he plays that way.

Aug. 20, 2014 | 8:54 a.m.

as DirtyD said, I don't know how often c/s can work at this limit vs this kind of villain. We would need more info to decide like: how often he's capable to stab here if u check? he can b/f or he's the kind of guy "once i bet i never fold"? How often he folds to a second barrell OTT? 

So overall bet if he folds enough, otherwise c/c and try to bluff some river (like 9s) when u miss

Aug. 1, 2014 | 9:39 a.m.

this is a spot where a fish that aggro can show u a stupid bluff (also a made hand weaker than yours, sometimes). So a call with such good odds is in order.

Feb. 20, 2014 | 11:01 a.m.

seeing his 3bet% and joining this to autocall to 4bet, I think that 4betting close to 100% of KKxx can't be a big mistake at all 100bb deep. Just think about how often u can

 1) cbet and win a really nice pot (regarding to stacks)

 2) cbet, call the shove and see that u're a favourite (not that strange if our opponent is 3bet/c JJ with rags).

Anyway, also if he's stacking off quite well against us because he's putting us exactly on AAxx or KKxx, I think that we're still showing a small profit by the times he's simply c/f a x% of his range OTF and gamble in the range of 40-60% equity. (if some math genius likes to make a sim... :p)

OFC, put the stacks up to 150bb deep and 4betting bad kings becomes way less sexy.

@Phil I see u calling a lot OOP, can I ask u why? It's pretty clear that Eire isn't the kind of guy easy to outplay OOP. Also if he's opening close to 100%, why don't u give up preflop with the bottom of your range (let's say, a bottom 40%?) 

About when u're IP: seeing his gigantic 3bet %, why don't u just decide to limp a chunk of hands? I'm talking about: "Ok I limp. U raise? I call. Cbet flop? I call. Now play deep stacks poker, mate."


Dec. 12, 2013 | 6:57 p.m.

hmm I'm not sure if I have understood... anyway

1)  if we are playin UNEXPLOITABLE vs opponent, with always the same size, and we simply wanna to wide our betting range, maybe is ok to bet in the range of 700 (and fold to some raise, of course). I think that it's pretty sick to bet big and fold - sometimes we should have the right odds to make a sick call, but I don't like to be in that spot. 

2) if we are playin EXPLOITABLE we can arrange different size, maybe a 700 with our nut/air range and a bit bigger (like 850) with our good-not-great hands that can call a shove, but have hard time on some turn (just think about a AKQJ without dd),

Dec. 10, 2013 | 1:26 a.m.

Hi Phil, I'll go really fast like u asked :)

1) never, also if he shows me KKK! 

2) hands that are good enough to bet, but not to stand a c/r (eg: 876x type, no dd)

3) you have position, so u can choose to go fast with the nut/bigdraw/air part of the range and slow down with the hands in the middle

4) betting is never wrong with a hand like this on that kind of board.

Dec. 9, 2013 | 11:52 a.m.

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