2 points
hi peter very interesting video , I want to ask you about the example you are giving in the polar 3betting vs weak opponent how you know or calculate that calling QTs ,QJs ,KJs is +EV vs the range of utg open raise. Those hands are fairly dominated by our opponent range and we have some reverse implied odds ;even when we hit top pair it's gonna be hard to continue versus agression until the river .
In the same topic , is it possible to 3bet KJs , AJs , ATs to increase our fold equity by the blocker effect . thanks again for this high quality video .
June 19, 2018 | 1:15 p.m.
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hi peter very interesting video I have a question about your defending range against the MP open , why you don't call ATo,KTo ,KJo,QJo,JTo?
June 20, 2018 | 6:39 p.m.