16 points
Thank you very much for your time and answer Alex.
Jan. 31, 2024 | 3:30 a.m.
The conclusion that i got analysing it for a while was
1) The Flush Draw at (A K Q) is with the As and the Ks .... that eliminates the King high FDs we have at (A Q J d) which are (K10s, K9s, K8s, K7s and K6s)
2) All those strong EQ hands (besides K10s) from above became weak 2nd pairs at (A K Q) and now they need to be balanced with some top pairs for you to not have suck a weak check range
3) Another reason is that at 1 besides the King high FD EQ, the Kxs are good combos for you to bluff and representing (AK) since the EQ of KhXh, KcXc and KdXd is pretty bad and them we put all of them together at a Betting range strategy together with PPs, Qx and Jx all low EQ hands and exploite the most out of our Nut and Range Advantage
Is this thought process correct, at your opnion ?
Jan. 26, 2024 | 9:07 p.m.
Hey Alex, there are two specific textures that i was comparing, but i was not able to find a reason why their betting frequency are so different. I hope you are able to find those reasons and tell me why.
A K Q d = 75/25
A Q J d = 90/10
d = dual tone, Flush Draw
At this two textures we are using the B70 sizing .... for some reason at (A K Q d) we reduce our B70 in 12% and put those hands at the check range comparing to (A Q J d) .... Can you find a reason for why we bet more at (A Q J d) than at (A K Q d) .... At first, i thought we would bet more at (A K Q) because we have (AK) in our range and BT does not, but it is the other way around.
Jan. 26, 2024 | 8:36 p.m.
Is it possible to share a link with all those agregated reports of different board textures and betting frequency & composition ?
Jan. 25, 2024 | 5:59 p.m.
Awesome content. Thank you.
Jan. 24, 2024 | 6:51 p.m.
Because he has 10s9s at this hand. Those cards block the possibilites of of 6 combos os 10s and 99 going from 6 to 3 combos each.
At the beginning, first hand (JJ) from the SB ... do you ever consider a slow play from the SB to induce the BB (18bbs) to 3B shove Squeeze (22+, A2s+, maybe A3o+) ?
Usually i prefer to play JJ as a 3B even OOP, almost always, but at the specifc spot slow playing to induce the BB was the first thing on my mind.
What are your thoughts about it ?
Jan. 31, 2024 | 9:29 p.m.