Jeff 's avatar


13 points

Nice run, congrats!

I watched a decent bit of the final table, and on both I'd say it depends who the opponent is. The chipleader at the time was opening fairly wide, and everyone else was playing tight and hoping to ladder. So I'd be inclined to give extra credit for strong hands to everyone else.

With the TT I happily shove it vs riasedbyscorn. for the reasons I said above. Vs anyone else at that table at that point I think its a fold given what their UTG range would be.

On the second hand, same thing. Call vs the chipleader, fold and never tell anyone what I had vs everyone else. You might occasionally run into aj or a10, but the way the table had been playing, I'd say you're flipping at best,and often have 3 outs. You're rarely ahead. I'd be curious what ICMizer says. I remember one of the Greenwood vids where it showed AQ was a fold shorthanded at a final table. It sucks to fold there, but my gut says you make the most money by doing so.


Oct. 5, 2015 | 10:51 p.m.

The opener has about 90K. First hand when I got to the table he called a raise in the bb from the player who is the sb in this hand, called two decent sized bets on the the flop and turn and then called a shove on the river when his flopped pair of 4s with 46 off made trips on the river 4. The 3 bettor has about 50K. I haven't seen him do anything that stands out beyond opening a couple of times when it folded to him.

Aug. 2, 2015 | 2:20 a.m.

One thing I'm curious about is what we are put on, or in this case I am put on. As I said, I've only been at the table for about 30 mins, but that might have only been 6 or 7 hands. The only hand I've played was the one before this when I 3 bet from the sb and the raiser folded. As far as how I look, I'm 43, but probably look a few years younger. I have short hair and shave (intentionally) every day when I play live poker. I always dress like I'm headed out to play golf with a collared shirt. I feel like I get way more credit than I deserve when I 3 or 4 bet because I look so tight, and I take advantage of that. As an example, earlier in the day I opened the CO to 700 at 150/300, a fairly well known and successful tourney pro 3 bet the button to 1500, I 4 bet K10 off to 3300 and he folded and showed me aq off. I can get away with way more "x" bets live than I can online when people look at their HUDs and not at what I present to them.

So would you put that guy on middle pairs as a cold 4 bet if you hadn't seen him play any hands yet?

Aug. 2, 2015 | 1:11 a.m.

The reason I said flatting feels blah is there's already about 16% of our stack in the middle and with a very tough opponent to our direct left, I feel that gaining those chips will give us a lot more flexibility. I expect to get 3 bet often when I open and am going to have to either play back or play tight. The two players to her left are very tight older passive players, whose blinds are just sitting there waiting to be taken. So I felt like there was a lot of value to taking the hand down now, and also felt that given the last hand I might induce the 3 bettor to spaz with hands like aq aj or kq.

Today I feel like flatting would have been better, but that could be colored by what happened. Nothing exciting, and no bust out, but to me its an awkwardish spot which is why I put it up here. I 4 bet to 7000, the sb took about 2 minutes to fold, and then the passive 50ish opener 5 bet to 20K. The 3 bettor folded, and I folded because I don't think the opener has a 5 bet range beyond aa, and that's what he had, the two red aces.

Aug. 1, 2015 | 10:38 p.m.

Just got to this table about 30 mins ago. Have 34k to start the hand at 300/600. Haven't had any cards since we got here, but the table is unbelievably slow so we might have only played 6 or 7 hands. The only hand I've played at this table was the hand right before this when the co opened, I 3 bet a5 off in the sb and he folded. I'm sure he thought I had a much stronger hand than what I did, but not sure how this being the very next hand affects our action.

50ish guy who seems to be stationy and on the passive side opens to 1200 from mp. The hj (co from last hand) 3 bets to 3000. He appears to be a more active type player and could easily be trying to isolate against the opener without having to face a squeeze from the sb (one of the top live players in the world known for being aggro). Co folds and I am on the button with ak spades.

This is a spot that I hate. Flatting the 3 bet feels really blah, but we are on the button, we have too many chips to just rip it in here, but if we get called and miss their ranges should be really strong. Also since we just 3 bet the hj the hand before does that make him more likely to think we are full of shit and 5 bet us if it gets back to him?


Aug. 1, 2015 | 7:06 a.m.

Espen's series with the Sunday Million and FTOPS main, great play, and the guest commentary in each vid was awesome.

July 6, 2015 | 9:46 a.m.

Post | Jeff posted in Chatter: Just shipped my first HSMTT

I've won a bunch of tourneys the last couple of years up to $55 FO and $33 rebuys but haven't won anything higher. Felt like I played em well but never ran good when it matters.

I just shipped the $215 $50k on WPN. Big thanks to the MTT pros on here, feel like I'm playing a very smart game right now. If WPN can get me the 11 grand in Bitcoin by Tuesday morning I'll degen it up and fly out for the main.

July 6, 2015 | 7:11 a.m.

I've become a big fan of limping the sb and sometimes the button with a mixture of hands I want to see a flop with and hands I will limp shove.

May 5, 2015 | 1:26 p.m.

I don't dislike open shoving, but it seems like leaving money on the table vs most of his range.

May 5, 2015 | 1:20 p.m.

For me in the 22-55 buy ins I get more folds on monotone flops than any other flop.

May 4, 2015 | 4:54 p.m.

Post | Jeff posted in MTT: Bvb close to the bubble spot

Had this spot come up yesterday in a $215. It worked out well for me, but I'm not sure I took the best line and I'm looking for opinions on options here.

We are about 20 from the money and I am in the sb with a8 diamonds. It folds around to me. I have 22 bb. The bb has 24bb. He has a 10% overall 3 bet, but is very aggressive in pressure spots and I expect he will be pushing a wide range when I open.

The options here as I see them are:

1) raise and fold to a shove.
2) raise and call a shove
3) limp and fold to a shove
4) limp and call a raise
5) limp and shove over a raise
6) open shove

I think 1 is the worst option and I don't like 2 much better. If I limp and he shoves, I would just fold bc it doesn't seem worth calling when I've only put in an extra half blind.

I think the better options are 4-6. On 4 call a raise, see 3 cards and realize more than half my equity. The biggest problem there is I can end up getting it in on the flop with a draw a lot and it seems like a shitty time to draw.

Option 5 I really liked and that is what I did. I expected him to raise my limp a lot and felt that I could fold out most hands.

I think 6 has some merit too, but it seems like too much to open shove.

I limped, he 3x, I shoved, he snap called with qq and I got lucky to hit an ace and make a decent run.

At the time I told myself I made a good play, ran into a cooler with qq and got lucky. But now I'm thinking that might be getting too high variance when I am certain to make the money if I don't get it in there.

What would you all do there?


April 27, 2015 | 2:48 p.m.

Comment | Jeff commented on RIO, Tommy. Tommy, RIO.

Awesome video. Love using happiness as a way to measure success. Also love the banjo, first time I ever heard deep purple on a banjo. My wife walked in when you mentioned happiness. She wanted to know if you were wearing a robe and drinking a White Russian. I've been in a bit of a funk lately, the vid had me run over to amazon and buy your book, already through 100 pages with a lot highlighted.

March 11, 2015 | 1:25 a.m.

Cursed myself. I'm the one out in 8th.

March 9, 2015 | 1:35 a.m.

It's still 8 handed, no one's getting knocked out. Looks like my plan to have a quick day and do something else has failed. I'm also in a spot to make a run in the $30 12.5K. Top 20 close to the bubble.

March 9, 2015 | 1:30 a.m.

Cool idea, I don't tweet though so can't do it there. Been a pretty quiet Sunday, stopped regging cause I wasn't into it, but am on the ft of the $55 5K on WPN.

March 9, 2015 | 12:40 a.m.

I agree on the flatting, especially against a player who I felt like I had a huge advantage over. At the time I was ready to go to bed, already had a good day taking 3rd in another one - the final table on that started when I got heads up in this one and I went out a8 vs a4 aip while still heads up here. So probably a combination of frustration from that hand and ready to be done with this one I decided to shove. He called with a7 off, that left me with 8bb and then I shoved a4 he called with q5 and hit a q.

I think shoving here is +ev but given my perceived edge wasn't the right line to take and a flat would have played better. The hand bugs me because I feel like I left money on the table that should have been mine. I couldn't be happier with the way I played heads up until this hand.

Feb. 21, 2015 | 5:51 p.m.

Not a live hand. It was an hour heads up online. As far as HUD stats, I could look but don't have them broken out to heads up play, but ii feel like my description covers it well. Limp half raise half. Has folded to every shove except for when he called with k7 off and 8bb. Cbets 75% of flops and gives up when he misses the turn.

Feb. 21, 2015 | 3:15 p.m.

Post | Jeff posted in MTT: Heads up $55 fo preflop spot

Heads up in a $55 tourney. Been heads up for an hour at this point. I started at a 4-1 chip disadvantage but have taken the lead. I haven't had many hands but chipped up with a lot of preflop shoving when I was really short and then put pressure on when I had some chips shoving over his opens with hands that had decent blockers. He's very predictable post flop when he opens. He bets the flop and check folds the turn when he misses. He barrels when he hits.

He has folded to all of my shoves except for when he got very short. He had 8bb and I open shoved a10. He called with k7 off and hit. Blinds are up and now I have 25bb and he has 17bb.

He min raises and I have k10 of clubs. He's been mixing up his play between limping and min raising and doesn't have many bluffs post flop. As I said earlier he has folded to all of my shoves except for the one when he had 8bb. Is the better play here to shove with good equity or flat and play a hand with 17bb being effective stacks?


Feb. 20, 2015 | 6:50 p.m.

Anyone going to try it again Sunday? I've been playing a lot on there lately, but I don't feel confident they will be able to pull this off.

Feb. 18, 2015 | 10:40 p.m.

I really like flatting jj there with the tight utg player and a likely squeeze from the button. I think it's a great spot to flat aa and kk too.

But given that the utg player is tight and there has been no 4 betting at the table, how likely is the bb to be really light when he 4 bets? You have a nice stack to make a run at this. I'd be inclined to fold and pretend the hand never happened. It's a nasty spot but in those spots when I don't believe the guy who gets out of line it seems like they always end up having it.

I don't like 5 b folding and if you 5 bet and he calls you're going to hate life about half the time on the flop. Since I figure I'm only able to make so many tough decisions in a day I decide to save the brain power and find an easier spot and make damned sure to never tell anyone what I folded.

Feb. 18, 2015 | 7:06 a.m.

On an active table fold 44 pre. On a passive table raise/fold. If he doesn't have a higher pair you're flipping against anythjng he shoves and I don't think it's worth it when you have a stack size that let's you do a lot of stuff. If they are letting you pick up chips without a fight, don't take a stand with 44 when they fight back.

Feb. 11, 2015 | 4:50 p.m.

I would play the hand the same way you did. River is player dependent, but my default would be to call. I like the idea of leading the turn and don't do enough of that in my game.

Feb. 11, 2015 | 4:45 p.m.

First, I don't 5 bet like this very often, the chances usually don't come up. To me, the timing has to be right against a player who is good enough to fold after 4 betting. I've felt that if the opportunity and situation is right and you have blockers to aa, that sometimes it's worth the risk. Here I find myself in a similar spot to the villain in Sam's last video who 5 bet shoved a9.

This tourney is a $50+5 on WPN. The villain in this hand is a good, solid player. We've been at the same table for a while, and I have 3 bet him 3 times. He has folded twice and check folded flop the 3rd time. We are now 6 off the money, and he has been opening a lot more with the bubble pressure.

I felt like his 4 bet sizing was super polarized, and given how active he had been lately and the situation he was less likely to have a premium hand. Even though I covered him, I'm sure he felt like he could apply pressure to me with the 4 bet.

I sized my 5 bet the way I did because I thought it would look stronger than shoving and he could fold out hands like 99-jj and aq. If he shoved over the top my plan was to fold and I would still have almost 50bb to work with. I thought it was important to use my stack to let him know not to get too far out of line with me left to act.

I like my reasoning, but am I missing something that makes that 5 bet spew? I'm questioning it now after the discussion following Sam's last video.

Here's the hand:

Game started at: 2015/2/10 19:26:7
Game ID: 368132926 300/600 BIG10 - $5,000 GTD , Table 1 (Hold'em)

Player HERO received card: [Ah]
Player HERO received card: [9h]

Player 1 folds
Player 2 folds
Player 3 folds
Player 4 raises (1200)
Player HERO raises (3000)
Player 6 folds
Player 7 1 folds
Player 8 folds
Player 9 folds
Player 4 raises (4245)
Player HERO raises (7335)
Player 4--- folds
Uncalled bet (4890) returned to HERO

Hand history reads odd to me, here's the total bet sizes:

He opened to 1200, I 3 bet to 3000, he 4 bet to 5445, I 5 bet to 10,335


Feb. 11, 2015 | 4:34 p.m.

Game started at: 2015/2/10 20:33:16
Game ID: 368168719 600/1200 BIG10 - $5,000 GTD , Table 1 (Hold'em)

Player hero received card: [10s]
Player hero received card: [Jd]

Player 1 folds
Player 2--- folds
Player HERO raises (2400)
Player 4 calls (2400)
Player 5 folds
Player 6 calls (1200)
* FLOP : [4s 2h 10c]
Player 6 checks
Player HERO bets (4260)
Player 4 calls (4260)
Player 6 folds
TURN : [4s 2h 10c] [4h]
Player HERO bets (8520)
Player 4 calls (8520)
RIVER *: [4s 2h 10c 4h] [6d]
Player HERO bets (17040)
Player 4 allin (15537)
Uncalled bet (1503) returned to HERO
------ Summary ------
Pot: 65154
Board: [4s 2h 10c 4h 6d]
Player 4 shows: Two pairs. 10s and 4s [10d 9d]. Bets: 30837. Collects: 0. Loses: 30837.

*Player HERO shows: Two pairs. 10s and 4s (kicker J) [10s Jd]. Bets: 30837. Collects: 65154. Wins: 34317.
Game ended at: 2015/2/10 20:34:55

This is a $50+5 on WPN. 11 players left. I don't have a lot of hands on the opponent in this hand, and have no reason to believe he will do anything tricky. I would expect him to raise premiums pre flop, and think if he didn't shove a10 on the flop he would on the turn.

My question is, is my hand too weak to triple barrel like this? Would the better play have been to check the turn? On the river I think my only option is to put him all in and hope that he doesn't have k10 or q10.

The hand worked out well, but left me feeling like I could have played it better.


Feb. 11, 2015 | 4:14 p.m.

I agree, I think he thought he had fold equity, and to me it seemed like a great spot to 5 bet shove light with an ace blocker, because it's such a great spot for Sam to cold 4 bet light. Maybe that's a leak in my game, and I'm laughing a bit because 2 nights ago I 5 bet shoved a9 off sb vs button with 10 left, prayed for the fold and got it. And if it is a leak in my game that's why I'm here.

Feb. 6, 2015 | 10:27 p.m.

Shoving the flop seems best to me, anything else doesn't make much sense.

As far as raising to 3.25, I think that really depends on who is in the bb. You play on WPN, correct? From what I have seen, most players on WPN do not started defending wide, and you don't need to raise them that large. Since it's not anon there its easy to adjust depending on who is the bb. Against the players who defend wide I think it's the right strat, but I don't think you need to do it against everyone.

Jan. 23, 2015 | 12:32 a.m.

Seat 9 is the button
Seat 1: Player1 ( 14852 ) - VPIP: 12, PFR: 6, 3B: 4, AF: 1.3, Hands: 248
Seat 2: Player2 ( 18710 ) - VPIP: 18, PFR: 15, 3B: 7, AF: 3.6, Hands: 746
Seat 4: Player4 ( 75274 ) - VPIP: 35, PFR: 24, 3B: 8, AF: 13.0, Hands: 71
Seat 5: Player5 ( 44916 ) - VPIP: 31, PFR: 8, 3B: 7, AF: 0.0, Hands: 36
Seat 6: Hero ( 95417 ) - VPIP: 18, PFR: 14, 3B: 6, AF: 1.8,
Seat 8: Player8 ( 41159 ) - VPIP: 37, PFR: 22, 3B: 10, AF: 0.3, Hands: 27
Seat 9: Player9 ( 84386 ) - VPIP: 23, PFR: 18, 3B: 8, AF: 3.6, Hands: 297
Player1 posts ante of [120].
Player2 posts ante of [120].
Player4 posts ante of [120].
Player5 posts ante of [120].
Hero posts ante of [120].
Player8 posts ante of [120].
Player9 posts ante of [120].
Player1 posts small blind [600].
Player2 posts big blind [1200].
* Dealing down cards *
Dealt to Hero [ Ah As ]
Player4 raises [2400]
Player5 calls [2400]
Hero raises [8400]
Player8 folds
Player9 calls [8400]
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player4 calls [6000]
Player5 calls [6000]
* Dealing Flop * [ Ts, Td, 5h ]

The original raiser had called 5 out of 7 3bets, but is pretty straightforward post flop (75% fold to cbet and 1 check raise with a set). I expect player 5 to be pretty straightforward too. Player 9's flat surprised me. I'm in 4th with 13 left, and he is in 5th. He will bluff at pots to take them down and is not afraid to get his money in the middle.

I'm curious how everyone would approach this hand on the flop in a 4 way pot deep in a tourney and what your plan is on future streets. I feel like I almost always have the best hand but don't love getting it in here.


Jan. 17, 2015 | 6:01 a.m.

Didn't play. Was on cash tables and they started lagging bad as soon as the tourney started so I decided to pass.

GL anyone in it.

Dec. 14, 2014 | 11:18 p.m.

OOP, yes. IP I will often check back the turn.

Dec. 5, 2014 | 3:45 a.m.

Comment | Jeff commented on ICM OR NOT: Storm 10+R

The button should be opening way wider than the 8 and 14% you used as his range. Given how wide he should be 77 is an easy shove with your stack size.

Dec. 4, 2014 | 7:05 p.m.

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