I think the ev of a hand in FL is 12.8, but in comparison to a hand that you make in normal build play, the ev for me is closer to +5 for fantasy. My typical rph is just over 7. Common hands for me are two pair or trips in the bottom two hands and a pair on top. In FL I only really make a flush or better in the middle 1/4 times. So I think if I had a choise between taking points or going to fantasy it’s only worth sacrificing 5 points or less to go with (QQ) on top. I’m sure a computer could do better math than I can in my head, but that’s what I’ve figured.
Plus, I find it advantageous to see what my opponent is building, so the order in which hands are seen is important, and worth maybe 1 point because sometimes you just can’t block an opponent but if you can that could be worth 3.
Dec. 28, 2022 | 4:40 a.m.
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I think the ev of a hand in FL is 12.8, but in comparison to a hand that you make in normal build play, the ev for me is closer to +5 for fantasy. My typical rph is just over 7. Common hands for me are two pair or trips in the bottom two hands and a pair on top. In FL I only really make a flush or better in the middle 1/4 times. So I think if I had a choise between taking points or going to fantasy it’s only worth sacrificing 5 points or less to go with (QQ) on top. I’m sure a computer could do better math than I can in my head, but that’s what I’ve figured.
Plus, I find it advantageous to see what my opponent is building, so the order in which hands are seen is important, and worth maybe 1 point because sometimes you just can’t block an opponent but if you can that could be worth 3.
Dec. 28, 2022 | 4:40 a.m.