red55's avatar


12 points

Make a lot of sense Thx ;d

Sept. 7, 2017 | 3:29 p.m.

Nice video! I have one question about pio solver and i think u will be able to make good answer, so when im looking at some spots (lets say SBvsBTN 3bets) i often see that GTO solution is far from being close compared to what players are actually doing at the tables (they are usually over value heavy or bluff-heavy btw i would play some spots like them as slightly winning reg on NL25) so when im on SB and put ranges in lock node that i think are accurate for BTN, then PIO very often showing me counter-strategy that is bit crazy (ie checking most of the time and raising his float bets, or even over shows those bets, or cbetting close to 100% coz of lack of good raise cbet ranges) , so should i try implement those plays in my game (being aware that im playing explo style and watch out for adjustments by my opponents) or should i play more standard/GTO

Aug. 30, 2017 | 4:47 p.m.

i think this leading by BB on the turn is caused by great odds when IP can only raise 3x when he could raise normal size comapred to the pot size then those leads by OOP player will be just punished

Aug. 19, 2017 | 11:06 p.m.

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