rechach's avatar


60 points

Hey nice video, love your thought process! Just a few questions:
- On the hand where you have the straight flush, you say that your opponent should be folding the A high flush, isn't he to exploitable if he folds that hand? You could just turn every hand into a bluff if he always folds there.
- 15:25, you fold QQ facing a 3bet and a cold 4bet, do you always fold it? How is going to be your 5bet jam in this spot, I mean, which bluffs are you going to use?
- 22:00 AJs hand, what hands are you going to bluff on that river? I think 87s it's a good candidate but is it in your range?


May 4, 2017 | 3:12 p.m.

Really useful video, I'm just getting into the world of PLO and I really like how you break down almost every hand.
I have one question, the hand where you have ATKQ that you go for thin value OTR, isn't better to check call? This way you allow your opponent to bluff, and if you bet this hand, how does your checking range look like?

April 20, 2017 | 11:04 p.m.

Which are the biggest win rates at NL200 this days?
Nice video by the way!

April 17, 2017 | 12:58 p.m.

Hey nice video, how many bb/100 are you winning actually at NL50?

April 5, 2017 | 8:39 a.m.

Comment | rechach commented on TK vs BTN

You should also ask if you are gonna have better hands in the spot and how many combos of better hands you'll have (an aproximation)

March 31, 2017 | 5:08 p.m.

Comment | rechach commented on TK vs BTN

I thoght this was a fold given that this is your worst king so you'll have plenty of better hands to call (KJs, KQ, AK, 99, KK, JTs, some flushes and mb K9s)

But calling with KT of diamons has some pros because you are blocking 1 combo of JT suited and you are not blocking his bluffing range given that you don't have any spade in your hand.

Given all this I'm not so sure if this is a fold or not, please share your thoughts.

March 31, 2017 | 11:04 a.m.

If i'm winning 10bb/100 over 60k hands at NL10 and i have a bankroll of 800€, should I move up?
53% cbet is to low? I think it's decent if you have a good strategy, you will have a strong check range and a stronger range OTT.

Nice video by the way!

March 31, 2017 | 8:28 a.m.

Could you analyze last hand with PIO solver? It would be very interesting

March 30, 2017 | 8:35 a.m.

I think you could have a bunch of strong hands like T8 (suited and mb off I don't know), AT, A8 and pocket 88.
Anyway nice video

March 28, 2017 | 10:45 p.m.

Hey, what do you think about check raising OTF with the 98s at min 12?
I think it's better than calling because you have almost no showdown value facing a raise and a call, there are a lot of good turns that you will be able to keep barreling with equity or for value (a heart, an 8, a 9, a J, a 7...).

Please share your thoughts and thanks!

March 28, 2017 | 9:33 a.m.

Nice work, just have a few questions on your hands, hope you can answer them!

1st hand: I completely agree with everything you've said and how you played the hand. But if he had shoved the river, don't you think we should be calling from a GTO perspective? Because how many better hands are you going to have on that spot? QJs? ATs without spades? (because we don't want to block QT and JT of spades) I don't know if it's enough hands.

2nd hand: I like your check raise on the turn, but on the river it could be nice to overbet something like 6 or 6,5k in my opinion, because our opponent's range is capped (he hardly ever is going to have a set) and they will be in a tough spot with a J. Most of our opponents will adjust poorly to an overbet and they will overcall or overfold, so if we overbet with some bluffs and some sets I think we will be making a lot of chips.

3d hand: I prefer to call with the TT to protect my calling range and also becuase we are in position and we will be able to bet 3 streets anyway, but I think that raising is also good

Thanks for the video!

March 23, 2017 | 10:41 a.m.

Hi Paul, nice video, I have a few questions:
- At the beggining of the video why do you bet pot OTT with K9s? I mean what is your thought process to bet pot, are you polarizing yourself?
- Min 4:45, what do you think about 3betting 96s on the BB? Or it just works better as a call?
- Min 6:00 on the KQ hand, do you think that shoving river with a balanced strategy would be a good play?
8:30 On the JJ hand, what is your bottom value range when you cold 4bet on that spot?


March 22, 2017 | 9:27 a.m.

Hope to see more videos using PIO solver

March 11, 2017 | 12:38 p.m.

Comment | rechach commented on River decision

agreed, to small on the flop, other than that I think everything is fine

Feb. 11, 2017 | 4:24 p.m.

Great video, just have a few questions, hope you can answer them!
On min 5:14, when you get 3bet with 99, which is the bottom of your calling range considering that you opened from the SB? Which hands would you 4bet bluff and which hands would you 4bet for value?

Also on min 6:49, don't you think we could go for thin value given that he is a weak player, so he will probably call wider, and he doesn't have many Q in his range?

On min 15:13 giving that 99 doesn't block any bluffing hand (exept 89s), iy your opponent had bet the river, you think it's better to call with 99 rather than QQ or JJ?

Waiting for more topics!

Feb. 10, 2017 | 3:22 p.m.

I really like your live sessions, a lot of intersting stuff in them.

Feb. 6, 2017 | 9:31 p.m.

really interesting format, how can I send my sessions to you?

Feb. 1, 2017 | 7:17 p.m.

Nice video
14:20 On the 96 hand, don't you think that it should be better to lead the turn with a big size (with your bluffs and with your trips/boats) than going for a check raise?

Jan. 23, 2017 | 2:35 p.m.

waiting for your book, nice video

Jan. 22, 2017 | 7:53 p.m.

Comment | rechach commented on QTs spazz? nl50

I would prefer to just call preflop but 3betting is fine but on the turn I would preffer to see a call because we have some showdown value and we are getting decent odds (almost 4 to 1) so you can call profitably and you could be even beating some hands such as TJ, KJ or random bluffs.

Jan. 22, 2017 | 2:28 p.m.

Comment | rechach commented on call the river? --- 2

You should bet the turn to charge all the draws but if you check you must call the river because he has a lot of miss draws that he's gonna bet (probably)

Jan. 22, 2017 | 2:18 p.m.

Comment | rechach commented on AA sqz pot

I think it's better if you bet on the river because he's going to call with some one pair hands that he's going to check back if you check it to him (like QJ, KQ, J9h...)
I guess you will make more money if you bet yourself but I'm not sure

Jan. 22, 2017 | 2:15 p.m.

Would be better with less tables I think

Jan. 19, 2017 | 3:07 p.m.

Comment | rechach commented on Time Management

Hey, really interesting and useful video. I think all the strategies you gave are awesome and I will use some of them from now on.
I have a question about music, do you think that listening to music while you are working/playing a session decreases your effectiveness? Or it increases?
Thank you for the video

Jan. 18, 2017 | 3:24 p.m.

Hey, nice video.
One question, if we use a size for our stronger hands and another one for our normal value hands on the river, don't you think that we could get exploit? Why do you say that in some spots we can use different sizings, I mean, what does make that spots different?
Thanks and keep it up

Jan. 18, 2017 | 12:30 p.m.

If he's a weak player that likes to call your shove on the river is good.
On the other hand, I don't like your raise on the turn because he's giving you good odds to call and if you get shoved on you'll have to fold.

Jan. 16, 2017 | 11:31 a.m.

I would just call with the Ah6h because we have some showdown value with our A high (we beat JTs, QTs, KTs,65s, A5s...) and I would pick other flush draws/straight draws without showdown value to raise like JhTh, QhTh, KhJh, T8s...

Jan. 7, 2017 | 10:34 a.m.

If villain is capable to bluff in this spot is a call I think, if he's not then we should fold.

Jan. 3, 2017 | 11:39 a.m.

I like your check back on the flop because we are not scared of any turn (just an A would be bad) and we won't get 3 streets of value of any worse hand (maybe AJ). What I don't like is your raise on the turn, we are still losing vs AQ and you will make him fold if he is bluffing.
On the river is a clear fold.

Jan. 3, 2017 | 11:36 a.m.

4betting AK is not a bluff.
I like the idea of cbetting all your range in a 4bet pot with that size, but not in all the boards.

Jan. 3, 2017 | 11:32 a.m.

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