rebellz's avatar


1 points

Hello Nick, good video!

If I understand correctly you don't want to use a HUD because you want to play as close as possible to what we think a GTO strategy should be (tell me if I'm wrong) but quite often you deviate and play exploitative, For example in the first 5 min 98s should bet OTR sometimes for sure after his weird c/r turn and check river line (and i think should raise flop sometimes), min 7.25 J8ss as you said should bet at least sometimes (like 20-25% maybe?) OTT but you said you check a lot more, min 8.50 you said you cbet (probably) more then GTO would with KJ on 843r flop and so on.

That may sound like a criticism but it's not, in fact I like what you're doing, for example 98s hand OTR I'd probably check more than GTO want too because i feel like i don't have enough fold equity vs a bad player who's playing like that. What I want to ask you is:

1) If you really want to play GTO why do you deliberate go exploitative sometimes? I mean, i know you do because you think it's the right choice and it's +ev to do it, but

2) Let's assume that we can play GTO, I think that if you deviate from what we think GTO is even a little bit you're not playing GTO anymore, you're playing a mixed exploitative style, why don't you use a HUD then to take all the ev you can when you want to deviate?

3) You said you studied a lot of 3b pots, I'm trying to play GTO too or atleast what I think a balanced mixed strategy is but i find myself deviating a lot, for example I call less then i should vs someone I know is not bluffing enough or i don't shove a missed draw OTR in 3b pot against someone I know is not folding enough when a draw miss, my question is if we deviate on 1 street then all the strategy's frequencies in previous streets become wrong right? If we can't shove river for example with a busted draw vs some opponents that overcall turns and rivers maybe we can't cbet draws OTF and OTT with the frequency we're usually cbetting. How do we balance all this? Do you think we should play very balanced and call / bluff anyway in my examples the majority of the times or we should totally review our strategy against a lot of regs and try to play exploitative, calling and bluffing less/more then GTO say? I know that we're making money anyway if they are unbalanced if we play GTO if they are overcalling because the money we lose when we bluff are won when we have top range but it's very unclear to me if in the long run it's best to adjust a lot to our opponents or try to play GTO against everyone .

I apologize for any grammar mistakes, english is not my main language, I hope you'll understand my questions.

Thanks again for your videos, great job!


April 17, 2015 | 2:31 p.m.

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