0 points
I think its a clear fold especially with a diamond on the river . I ask myself what hands does he play that you can beat? from the description he could have A3, A4, 33, 44 , suited diamond combos...Usually when rec players shove river they have it, so I would fold here and pick a better spot against him
Aug. 2, 2015 | 11:18 p.m.
Hey Tutor,
First hand I would check back the turn and evaluate calling river depending on bet sizing. Against just an Ahxh hands we only have 60% equity. I would call a river bet upto 1/3 size of pot against an maniac/ unknown / rec but fold against a Tag / Nit.(assuming here that our hand does not improve and no major changes on board)
Second hand is a clear fold, In a live setting the old limp re-raise especially if a guys >45 years old is a clear KK, AA or 10% AK which leaves you in bad shape with JJ mostly. I play JJ mostly as a TT or 99 in a live setting as people stack off on flops like KJx,QJx,AJx.... if you raise them after just calling as no one believes you would play JJ that way.
You need to evaluate , is he the kind of player to raise with flush / open ended st draws or only with Sets or 2 pair? Usually older gentlemen > 50 only call with draws and younger < 30 raise.
Based on the description as a Rock, I don't think we can call the river any Tx , 78 combo beats. I am surprised by the lead on the turn rather than check? . River, Only thing we can beat is a missed FD and i think against his range we need at least 50% equity to make this call profitable , (considering Tx, hh possible combos, 78,99,66) we have around 30% or maybe even less.
Aug. 2, 2015 | 11:43 p.m.