10 points
Hi, in the first hand u say you cbet always on that flop. It's depending on the fact you are 200bb deep?
In my opinion on this board, with nfd overpair and bloking top pair we have to (100bb deep) add sometime this hand on our c/c in order to protect it and to try to induce a random bluff with a hand that don't need much protection and that block his calling range for value. What do you think about it?
April 11, 2015 | 12:56 p.m.
March 31, 2015 | 7:31 a.m.
watz up guys!?
I'm still try to make some money with this beatifull game. This month si the best i ever had. i runned very very well and play very bad only few time.
I try also different game i never play before:
Some plohu25 (fascinated by @Jack Mitchell fantastic video), never try it before also because .it ther is only plo25+ and since now i haven't the adapt bankroll. I love the game but in future i'll ply only if i find a very profitable table because even if i find a mediocre reg the rake is so huge. Maybe i'll dedicate more time in HU when i'll level up to(?????) plo100 where the rake isen't so impressive.
Play also som mtt (abi 5,5 maybe circa 50 mtt) just to try them, obv a saw some mtt video from run it once, but i have to improve a lot in mtt, often i don't know what i have to do.
Tomorrow it's my birthday so i think i'll restar play in April.
Here the result:
PLO 6max(mostly plo25
MTT (50 mtt lol but i only able to play x4-5)
I think i'll start to try some shot at plo50. The level isn't, in my opinion, so different and i have 2k of roll(i couldn't use fpp since i'm not sn still now). I wanna be very aggressive with roll managment, i don't want to play an year plo25, but, at the same time, i don't have problem to go up and down to the stake if the shot didn't work well.
If someone had read this blog i said in the first month of this year i was forced to go down to plo5 and i don't play really different (focus, "hungry" ecc.) so i think try this shot is the correct plan but i like to listen your opinion.
I think also i don't have to set a fix stop loss but analyze every day my game, my attitude at the table, the skill of my opponents and so on an take the right decision.
But also about this point i like to listen yours ideas.
Maybe i'll start to coach a friend that had never played poker, i'm very excited about this project and i'll, if we start wrote his progress (In real life i'm a math and physics private tutor and i always want good result for my student)!!
Ty guys for reading this boring blog.
March 27, 2015 | 10:23 a.m.
ty, sorry if didn't it before.
I think i was non very focus when i post the hand, i totally agree with yours arguments.
March 27, 2015 | 9:01 a.m.
SB: $99.13
BB: $82.67
UTG: $26.38
MP: $27.89
CO: $25.47
March 22, 2015 | 5:21 p.m.
March 17, 2015 | 11:56 a.m.
when on the turn i decided to turn my hand into a bluff i manage to bet turn and certein river also because of we are 3 handed with a pf aggressor that shows weakness and CO that tell us that dont want to play for the stack, in my opinion all his strong made hand bet again on the turn(a8xx, a9xx that turn top2 and sets) for volue and protection becouse i couldn't immagine i bet a lot of time when he c to me. I don't see a calling range on the turn that call happy a pot size bet on a brick river. I think i don't have a c/c range on the turn in his shoes, so if you want i'm happy to listen your opinion about that. I think to much on his range and not about the story i'm telling because of i confident he fold on the river all his 2 pairs considering the fact i bet in 3 way and polarize myself on the river.
He has lo card and flop w wrap w/o h, in your opinion on the river, as played, he played well checking to me?
Ty very much!!
March 17, 2015 | 11:18 a.m.
I think u have miss read the hand, i flat from the btn preflop i didn't 3bet ;)
March 16, 2015 | 11:10 p.m.
Hi!! ty for the replay, i agree with most of your observation but i i have some question/doubt, i'll write it later because i need time to write in a "acceptable" english ;)
March 14, 2015 | 9:11 a.m.
I guys, i'm still alive!!
February was another bad month and i didn't improve my game. I've watched only few videos (love the series of Jack Mitchell about hu plo and maybe i'll play sometime hu in the future, obv only plo50 or more (selecting) because of the rake that's so huge on .it).
Here the graph, 80% plo25
good luck to all the RIOer!! ;)
March 9, 2015 | 12:12 p.m.
March 9, 2015 | 12:03 p.m.
Ty!In the CO's shoes do you have a c/c range of Made hands ott that call shove on brick river?
I ask this because i think 3 way ott, if i was CO, when i check i quite always c/f ott or in a brick river. I think it's not a very important aspect of my Game at plo25 but maybe i have to start to have a uncapped checking range if i'll able to move up.
Sorry for the bad english and Ty!!
March 9, 2015 | 8:43 a.m.
Hi guys, sorry if i didn't comment the hand when i posted it.
My doubts are most about the action pre, the flat vs unknown is ok or the 3 bet is better? I prefer the flat because we are ip, we have a hand that play well in multiway and if or 4-bet us we are in very bad shape(and we have to fold i think).
On the turn is ok to try to steal the pot(because botr guys seams gaming weak range) with the plan to barrel on the river h, 4, 5 and k?
March 8, 2015 | 11:30 p.m.
BB: $50.55
UTG: $29.86
CO: $35.65
BN: $27.58 (Hero)
BN lost and shows a pair of Kings.
CO wins $61.61
Rake is $2.00
March 7, 2015 | 9:45 a.m.
I would like essential plo mtt, both theoretical and live session.
Feb. 5, 2015 | 7:30 p.m.
I play plo25 so my question could be stupid.
The 3bet pre is ok? It's a 3bet-fold?
Jan. 26, 2015 | 12:36 p.m.
new years on stars start not very well. I'm earn only 4k vpp because i'm forced to level down to plo5 after 27 stacks downswing (a start the year on stars whith only 300 euros because of delays in payment by ongame, after 20 days i still don't have my money :( ).
I take a little stop when my account balance say 38 euros. I couldn't do nothing excepet play plo5 and hope to not go broke. Fortunately i'm able to reach 150 euros mixing plo5 and plo10 and after that move up to plo25 (selecting and obv using a very aggressive brm) and now reach 270 euros.
I play in this way because of i manage to use a ps promo (winter challenge ) that give mi 200 euros if i do 10k vpp in January and in February(the fact tha i start with 300 euros instead of 1k didn't help me).
I also see 4-5 vedeos here and improve my game, expecially i 'm focusing with the math of ss plo in order to combact the fish (and some reg) that sit with 50 bb using Tom vid and PPT.
I hope to develop my skill as much as possible and i'd like to do coaching in the future when i'll play Plo50.
here my graph
Jan. 21, 2015 | 1:47 p.m.
very good video Jack! I like the fact that it regards unusual (for a essential video) topic like hu plo.
Jan. 20, 2015 | 7:13 p.m.
Good Vid as always(I've a little bit of delay in comment it :)).
Thise is the hand i study a lot in order to understand other your vids (short stack plo, and PPT:basic) in which you teach the importance of being very aggressive and the basic of the famous tool . The hand is only a pretext to asking question about the general approc to sss in plo.
I assume in my analisis that the player 3bet 25%(hud indicate 30% but only on 50hands ) and that my opponent cbet in 3betted pot close to 100% of the time(thise assumption creates large part of my doubts).
Here there is my analysis. I open propokertools and checked my equity aganst the range that cbet-call pot (also if we are 50bb instead 40bb when we repot we commit ourself, we could repeat the analysis with 40bb ).
I use thise range
Using thise range i use 2 approssimation very rude:
1)he 3bet the top20% of the and (but i think this is not so far from the reality, but obv i'll glad to listen all the possible suggestion to estimate better this range)
2)he cbet all is 3betting range, and this assumpion is more brutal. I immagine that i could check sometime mid sdvalue but how could take account of this.
After that i use the button "count" obtaning:
So we could extimate that we have 20% of fold equty and 36,7% of equty vs the calling range so we could use the formula you use in the "beginning short stack plo" and find
RE: (stack-(Fe+pot/(1-Fe)))/totpot=(50-(0.2*18/(1-0.2)))/105=0.43
So we have to fold in both case(40 and 53 bb deep).
to do this analisys i spend a lot of time because is somethig new for me but i think i learned a lot from doing such similar work.
the 2 question (1 and 2 written above) are however very difficult for me to have any kind of autonomous reply.
Jan. 16, 2015 | 1:54 p.m.
New update, this is my december result.
plo 0.05-0.05 h 2530 bb/100 ev adj 75.37
plo 0.10-0.10 h 7564 bb/100 ev adj 38,70
plo 0,20-0,20 h6840 bb/100 ev adg 6,54
total profit+rakeback= 722
In the 2015 i'll return to ps.it and start my "road to supernova" in order to have more traffic even if i 'll be able to move up to plo50 or more during the year.
Im think i've improved a lot my game but i've also a lot to do and i'm going to use more often this amazing forum.
Ty Phil, ty coaches, ty guys and i wish you all a wondefull and happy new year!!
Dec. 29, 2014 | 2:33 p.m.
ty for the comment, I totally agree with you. In game i overthinked and fold only because din't now what was correct action.
In which river we call exept club and j vs a big size?And vs a half size?
ty in advice
Dec. 22, 2014 | 11:07 a.m.
ty for comment.
I suppose you speak about 2 different line.
1)c/c flop and c/c turn
2)lead flop and continue barreling in that turn. I'm ok with this but what are the turn in which we have to c? If oppo call turn, wich river are good to barrel for value and in bluff?
ty in advice.
Dec. 22, 2014 | 10:58 a.m.
hi, ty for the replay!
i think that c/f here is a little bit weak vs a player that 3bet 9, but probably i'm only scared of being exploited by people because i'm new in this stake and i'm not confident with the increased aggressiveness of the field.
We block with our hand the mid rundown of the 3betting range of our opponent and we block the straight in particular. Our bloker si indeed better than the 7 because of if we hit turn a qeen we block jt. We also have backdoor flushdraw.
So I suppose that i've to continue with this and for those reason, is still better to c/f this flop?
Dec. 19, 2014 | 1:59 p.m.
On Game, $0.20/$0.20 Pot Limit Omaha Cash, 4 Players
Poker Tools by CardRunners - Hand Details
BB: $61.03 (305.2 bb)
CO: $72.62 (363.1 bb)
BTN: $80.43 (402.2 bb)
Hero (SB): $43.13 (215.7 bb)
Preflop: Hero is SB with Q Q
2 folds, Hero raises to $0.60, BB raises to $1.80, Hero calls $1.20
Flop: ($3.60) T 8
(2 players)
Hero checks, BB bets $1.40, Hero calls $1.40
Turn: ($6.40) 4 (2 players)
Hero checks, BB bets $4.40, Hero folds
Oppo: 40-29-9.1 WTSD 25 agg 29-28-18
Given that the board hits my range very well, but less my opponents' one, I think I can, and maybe I have to, put pressure to an opponent who seems so loose.
I'd like to know if it's ok to lead, I didn't consider that option because I think we have not so much fold equity vs any hand in his range with some kind of equity versus our hand while we make him fold any hand we don't need to protect from.
On the flop is it better to c/c or to c/r? what's better to do on the turn? During the game the idea on the turn was to c/r, a small raise, something like 11$, thinking to have lot of fold equity on that move.
If it's a good plan for the hand, On what river is ok to push? and c/c? and c/f?
I'm sorry if I have been not so accurate in my exlanation.
Thanks in advance
Dec. 16, 2014 | 3:01 p.m.
Hi Phil, hi Sam.
After seeing "exploitative play: 2 table.... " i realized that i 've to watch all your video :) so i'm here to comment this one.
As usual i like very much the vid, i'm iteressed in the spot at 32:40. I understand the preflop and the flop move but i'm so confuse how play turn if 1 guy call.
In my opininion we have to bet almost all turn that improve our equty if we ramain hu vs utg(his range is maybe compost by a lot of mid-high pair plus high-card), but i don't know at all what i've to do if btn call and utg fold because of also if we improve and we have a lot of outs often we are dominate by his mid roundown type hands.
So vs btn we bet only 4? What we c/c? What we c/f?
Dec. 14, 2014 | 3:59 p.m.
Hi Stefan. First of all i think your videos are very usefull for me so thank you!
In the hand at 11:06 on the left table you defend big blind with 8653 ss then you c/c on q53, do you think that also a c/r in this case is a good move?
I think that because the opponent seem to be thight (22-18) and on a board like that is very difficult to him to continue with his range(we block obv the small sets and we don't throw a lot of equty when he 3bet).
At the same time we could make pressure on him at the turn a lot of time when he call because we block a lot o str8. We can bet on turn in my opinion 2 3 4 5 6 7 and 8, maybe also a.
And if we c/r this kind of hand and sets we semplify the turn and also have a larger c/r range induce our opponent to call lighter but in a situation in which about 60% of the turn are scary for him.
I play 1000 level under that so i don't now if i wrote a lot of stupid thing, so sorry in advice if i's the case (sorry also for my bad english, i'll work on it)
Dec. 1, 2014 | 12:05 p.m.
Here we are! this is my November result, i've ca 700 euro of bankroll and i hope in thise month i could start to play more plo20(i've to mix the stake because of the traffic).
plo5 12.478 h bb/100=26,90
plo10 5.879 h bb/100=17,93
plo20 344 h bb/100=23,82
Dec. 1, 2014 | 10:28 a.m.
Hi, in fact i'had change my goal and in November i'had play only 20k hand.
Only 4 table on ongame because i've 47% of rakeback there.
Next years i'll return to stars, my dream is zoom but in Italy PLO zoom don't run : (
Dec. 1, 2014 | 10:24 a.m.
ty, yes before those i'had only play nl2-5-10 zoom.
my inspiration!!!Congrats Phil!1
June 16, 2015 | 4:30 p.m.