Rafael Fernandez
0 points
Great video. Just a couple of questions, the first one is how often should we defend hands as AQo - AJo in SB against an UTG raise because i mostly 3bet/fold the AQo and just fold AJo.
The second question is about the hand you cbet 30% in board T83 (all spades) after 3beting KK preflop and you don't have the Ks. Is not better to cbet bigger as 65% or 70% to protect our hand or just check back to pot control, in my opinion 30% cbet in flush boards has not too much sense.
Hope to get some answer and again really enjoy the video and how you explain about hero ranges against different kinds of villain ranges (accordin their profile).
Really good vid! really like how you raise massive vs fish when they clearly will not fold, unfortunately their draw got there :(
May 10, 2017 | 1:41 a.m.