0 points
Hello, I'm an experienced and successful NL500 professional, and I've decided to share the PioSolver solutions I've been using to perfect my game. If you're looking to optimize your 6-max cash game play, I have something that may interest you.
I am offering high-precision sims, with all the sizings commonly used in poker theory - and some that may surprise you, like a 10% c-bet. If you're interested, I can provide a free sample solution for you to check out the quality for yourself.
Accuracy from 0.40% to 0.10% (Varies from spot to spot).
Rake 5% capped at 0.60bb
NL 500 PokerStars structure ranges.
All spots with 1755 subsets.
For more information, including pricing and testimonials from satisfied customers, visit our website: www.simspokerpro.com
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on Discord: pokersolvedsims. You can also send an email to [[email protected]] if you prefer, but I don't usually check the email, so if you're in a hurry, contact me on Discord.
Remember: in poker, knowledge is power!