0 points
3betting pre is standard.
I might consider putting this hand in my c/r range otf, given it is less of a disaster to not get immediate value than with a set + nfd. Also with 34% we are doing okish against topset and we want to be able to not give up ott the after checking. It is very player dependant though.
I would barrel the turn expecting enough fe from p+fd+gs, p+oc etc and basically from any fd that decided to peel the flop once. I do expect a 2b from any set+fd, set+gs, 2p+draw kind of hand otf, which reduces the amount of hand combos villain can have of a hand we are not doing superwell against.
June 22, 2014 | 3:51 p.m.
Thanks for your answer.
June 15, 2014 | 3:22 p.m.
BN: $34.73 (Hero)
SB: $64.42
Some more stats of SB: Total AFq 54, Total AF 4, donk flop: 0/12, cbet flop 83%, fold to cbet flop 55%, WTSD 22%, WSD 50%
Hero raises to $0.85, SB raises to $2.80, BB folds, Hero calls $1.95
Most of the time i put him on an overpair thats going to potcontrol (although somehwat unlikely given his cbet stats) or a set/some 2pair combos hes trying to trap with. On the other hand there are not too many combos of those in his pf range given his 3betting stats... I checked behind given the danger of getting c/r, waiting for some good turn cards.
June 14, 2014 | 3:18 p.m.
Imo he'll take the same line with any blocker+fd hand otf and check behind the times he missed the flop - we're a 2:1 favorite against a hand like AdQcTc7d. Taking into account he'll take the same line the times he has it, with 2,1:1 effective odds (imo the flop reshove covers his whole range), the 2b otf is pretty questionable.
Vs an unknown I would also prefer raising blank turns much more than raising flops with my range.
Oct. 3, 2014 | 9:33 p.m.