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Mike H

29 points

what stakes on PS do you recommend a new MTT player transitioning from cash to start off at? If bankroll/variance wasn't an issue? I'm a cash player transitioning over to learn and improve mostly. I'm very new to MTT learning and playing from the ground up. Would I just get completely crushed at $109-$215 levels?

April 26, 2020 | 9:08 p.m.

I swing between growth and fixed. Sometimes during extended downswings I become more fixed mindset, I am in the biggest/longest downswing stretch of my life. But I did 80% study and 20% play last month which I'm pretty proud of. It's setting me up for the proper mindset for continued longterm success in poker! I have faith! Will keep doing what I'm doing maybe 50% play 50% study this month and slowly make it ~ 80% play 20% study.

Aug. 14, 2018 | 7:52 a.m.

could you upload the mental game journal excel file template please?

July 4, 2018 | 3:42 p.m.

thanks for the recommendation. Have you bought his products before? I also see he has some videos here on RIO. I'll check those out and the above mentioned PIO free videos first and then after I'm done with those I'll get the pio unlocked

May 27, 2018 | 9:50 a.m.

ok thanks. I'll definately check them out first

May 24, 2018 | 4:32 p.m.

Post | Mike H posted in NLHE: PokerDetox Pio unlocked course

Hello guys,

Quick intro about me and where I'm at. I'm a winner at 100nl on PS. But I've never really studied much poker myself and I'm looking to change that. I bought PIOsolver, ran a few sims but I'm not sure if I'm doing it right or I'm getting the right information out of it.

Has anyone tried pokerdetox's Pio unlocked course? It's for sale for $2000 USD. If it can help me improve and give me a direction on how to work on my game regularly I think that would be great value. Just wondering what you guys think of the course? and is it for me?

Also any video recommendations on RIO that can help me familiarize myself with using PIO to study my game?

May 18, 2018 | 7:48 p.m.

The games I have experienced firsthand. Yes, lots of collusions. Agents want to make a bit of rake off you of course.

There are good "private" games though. The ones that are not open to the public and mostly people who know each other. In these games there will be less collusion and the games are soft.

I tried playing them, but I gave up after figuring out that there won't be a "ladder" to climb in terms of stakes. (I've played from 1/2 - 500/1000 on these sites, but high stakes not so long term. Most volume played on 25/50 for a few months)

The highest I recommend playing if you decide to play is 25/50 chinese yuan level, anything above 50/100 is filled with colluders/ team of people on the same table with swapped action.


March 29, 2018 | 5:43 a.m.

hey thanks. checked out his vid. sick zoom 500 results. do you know how we should approach building a balanced EP/MP limping strategy?

March 28, 2018 | 1:58 p.m.

so you think just raise and get it in on the turn would be an option? or raise/fold for a certain sizing?

March 28, 2018 | 8:52 a.m.

100/200 HKD games here, 5% 500cap at venetian and 200cap at wynn

March 26, 2018 | 2:29 p.m.

100/200 game
Preflop UTG (500bb deep) reg opens for 500, the recreational player at the table calls 150bb deep, I call with Q8s on on the Button. All other players fold.

Flop: Tc Js 5s (pot 1800)
UTG reg check, recreational bets 600, I call, UTG calls.

Turn: 9s (pot 3600)
Utg reg checks, Recreational bets 1200, I raise 5500, utg reg reraises 20,000, recreational folds. I call.

River: 7c (pot 43600)
UTG reg thinks for less than 10 seconds and goes allin for my effective stack of 70,000. I decided to fold.

My thinking process at the time was that with the recreational player in the middle that could have anything the reg raises to 20k on the turn is very risky with a bluff.

But on the river the story doesn't really add up. On the flop we are all deep stacked. In hindsight I think he would cbet a A high flush draw on the flop. (He plays a high frequency cbet style of play)

Another point is. If he has the absolute nuts, he obviously could go for max value and just overbet jam for a sizing that would be hard for me to call. But if he wanted value maybe a sizing like 15-40k would be a better play?

I've played him a bit, not a ton. But in my mind his image was pretty solid and his calling down range is tight. (It is easy to get him off of hands) But i've never seen him run big bluffs before. Also at the time if I folded I would have been up 10k for the day, if I called and was wrong I'd be down 60k for the day so I think being this deep (I did not intend to, started off session running bad and recovered to a deeperstack). So I opted for the "safer" option and mucked.

How would you guys have played this? I mean every street this deep could have played differently. Preflop could have 3bet, flop could've raised, turn could have folded etc. Let me know what you guys make of this hand? (also I know what he had, won't reveal it atm)


March 26, 2018 | 2:18 p.m.


In the games I play live where it may be profitable to create a limping strategy from earlier positions. I can't quite pinpoint how it could be +ev or the theory behind it. Could someone shed some light on how to create and what types of table/opponent positioning where it would be beneficial/+ev to have an earlier position limping strategy?

One scenario I found is if I'm sitting to the right of the "target" or weak spot at the table. I open a normal 3-5bb RFI if he calls, I'm basically guaranteed a 4-5 way pot. So in this scenario could it be good to start limping, let the weaker player limp behind and if a reg decides to raise in later positions we still have the option to raise/flat/call depending on how many people are involved in the pot and what type of hand we have?

just wondering exactly when it would be +ev to limp from EP. May it be the opponent types? or depends on the positions of the different types of opponents on the table? And how do we go about working out a more balanced EP limp strategy?


March 26, 2018 | 2:06 p.m.

Comment | Mike H commented on Imminent Changes

Nice. I recently transitioned to live poker as well just 3 months in. In a downswing though, down ~16 BI patch mostly from set ups. Top fullhouse vs pocket pair rivering quads and being ~300bb deep etc.

Looking forward to the next video!

Jan. 30, 2018 | 1:20 p.m.

Comment | Mike H commented on Live poker adjustments?

I'm not sure if this is correct. But my thought regarding thinning the field is this.
Since we should be getting to HU to increase our edge we should be raising a larger sizing preflop. Reason being it is harder to have an edge in multiway pots, esp OOP.

So maybe what would be better is to open to a sizing where we can thin the field down to 1-2 opponents from before CO position. And On CO/ BTN where we have position, and we don't mind the blinds calling and at most it will be 3way/4way with us in position. We can go for a smaller size and force bad players to see flops with us.

I think this may be the way to go. Thoughts?

Jan. 30, 2018 | 8:01 a.m.

Comment | Mike H commented on Poker snowie

I just posted a thread regarding deepstacked preflop ranges. Does snowie have 10max, 9max ranges for normal and deep stack / ante stacks?

Jan. 27, 2018 | 12:51 p.m.

Post | Mike H posted in NLHE: Live poker adjustments?


Used to play online high/midstakes 6max cash. Transitioning to live FR (even 10max) games. Not so accustomed to all these multiway pots. Should we be raising bigger pre, big enough to thin down the field to 1-2 players to put ourselves in a similar situation to online where it's mostly HU / 3way pots postflop?

Anything we should do about this or can we just slowly get used to community pots? It's been a bit rough on me adjusting to these community pots.

What I've summed up so far is in community pots maybe I can't bluff too much because too often someone has something. So hands like overcards with no backdoor straights might just be a check/give up in most scenarios in 3way pot + pots? And our pure air bluffs are basically completely cut out from our cbetting ranges and we should be bluffing more with semi bluffs where we can often two barrel vs people who call and cap their ranges a lot?

Also note, most these games are deep stacked. People usually bring 200bb+ to the table. Some even have 600bb+ but mostly averaging around 200-400bb stacks. I think I'm not playing as optimal as I can given the bigger stacks + better implied odds and all the community pots.

Anyone who successfully transitioned from online to live want to share some experience? Would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Jan. 27, 2018 | 9:56 a.m.

Some Questions regarding preflop ranges. (kind of long...)

I heard that you said you should have folded 67s preflop from that position. And your just in the mood to play and of course that's fine. It happens to me too more than often... so

My question here is:
If we are on the CO. And the BTN is a weak tight reg that doesn't give us any trouble, the blinds are deepstacked fishes that calls a lot OOP.

I figured we can open up our CO raising range. (When I used to play mostly online I just play a solid, and mostly static range preflop with the occasional loosening up because the games are much tougher than live poker. - which I'm playing now)

Do you think its +ev to open up from CO or even MP given the above described scenario is true? And if true, how do we figure out how wide exactly we should open up our range? like your hand with 67s. When can we justify opening 56s, or 45s from CO? How could we figure out the exact range cutoff of hands that we just don't open pre?

An issue with this is, if we mess around with our preflop range, and get 3bet. It will hard to determine what ranges defend with a dynamic preflop range. We may open up to being exploited by not defending enough, or defending too much. Also going to the flop in a 3bet pot with a range that we are unfamiliar with opens up to even more exploitation.

What is the best way to create non-static preflop opening range. Is it correct to just familiarize myself with wider opening ranges + wider defending ranges if we face 3bets?
And also know our "standard" opening ranges/ defending ranges.

^^ if you think the above is how we should approach this issue.
How do we construct an exact range to open up? Like from CO we open 67s, but what about 45s,56s. How do we determine exactly which hand is the exact cut off point where we don't open at all? I think our range needs to be precise because only then can we figure out our defense frequencies vs 3bets.
Because obviously opening 45s from CO as a standard in a normal 100bb game is probably -ev even if the blinds are bad players.

(Also I ask this because I used to play standard online 100bb games, I'm familiar with ranges I should play/ defend in these games. But now I'm playing live super deep games. Usually 200bb-600bb deep guys sitting at the tables with a lot of loose callers. Some with aggression but most are passive preflop)

Would you create two different ranges for these games? If so, how would you approach constructing two different preflop ranges being deepstacked. One for standard opening ranges vs competent regs / unknowns. And another one range for exploitative like the CO example I suggested above.

Or would you just keep one standard range for deepstacked, and one static range for 100bb stacks and not have two different ranges based on table player positioning?


Jan. 27, 2018 | 9:45 a.m.

Some Questions regarding preflop ranges. (kind of long...)

I heard that you said you should have folded 67s preflop from that position. And your just in the mood to play and of course that's fine. It happens to me too more than often... so

My question here is:
If we are on the CO. And the BTN is a weak tight reg that doesn't give us any trouble, the blinds are deepstacked fishes that calls a lot OOP.

I figured we can open up our CO raising range. (When I used to play mostly online I just play a solid, and mostly static range preflop with the occasional loosening up because the games are much tougher than live poker. - which I'm playing now)

Do you think its +ev to open up from CO or even MP given the above described scenario is true? And if true, how do we figure out how wide exactly we should open up our range? like your hand with 67s. When can we justify opening 56s, or 45s from CO? How could we figure out the exact range cutoff of hands that we just don't open pre?

An issue with this is, if we mess around with our preflop range, and get 3bet. It will hard to determine what ranges defend with a dynamic preflop range. We may open up to being exploited by not defending enough, or defending too much. Also going to the flop in a 3bet pot with a range that we are unfamiliar with opens up to even more exploitation.

What is the best way to create non-static preflop opening range. Is it correct to just familiarize myself with wider opening ranges + wider defending ranges if we face 3bets?
And also know our "standard" opening ranges/ defending ranges.

^^ if you think the above is how we should approach this issue.
How do we construct an exact range to open up? Like from CO we open 67s, but what about 45s,56s. How do we determine exactly which hand is the exact cut off point where we don't open at all? I think our range needs to be precise because only then can we figure out our defense frequencies vs 3bets.
Because obviously opening 45s from CO as a standard in a normal 100bb game is probably -ev even if the blinds are bad players.

(Also I ask this because I used to play standard online 100bb games, I'm familiar with ranges I should play/ defend in these games. But now I'm playing live super deep games. Usually 200bb-600bb deep guys sitting at the tables with a lot of loose callers. Some with aggression but most are passive preflop)

Would you create two different ranges for these games? If so, how would you approach constructing two different preflop ranges being deepstacked. One for standard opening ranges vs competent regs / unknowns. And another one range for exploitative like the CO example I suggested above.

Or would you just keep one standard range for deepstacked, and one static range for 100bb stacks and not have two different ranges based on table player positioning?


Jan. 27, 2018 | 9:43 a.m.

Enjoyed it. Btw mind me asking something non poker¿ what camera/ webcam are you using¿ I’m in the market for a new one

Jan. 20, 2018 | 3:38 a.m.

What is the reasoning behind “definitely not wanting to use an overbet sizing for our KQ hand” at 12:00 on table one?

Dec. 1, 2017 | 7:25 a.m.

I ask this question because i saw in the three handed spot. (obviously the stacksizes, ICM issues were probably way different than mine) you had ~40bb+ shoving a ~13bb stack so your stack if you get called and got crippled would still be playable. my situation had a lot of super shortstacks (some with less than 5bb left and the final table bubble) maybe my shove with 14 players left 18bb into 16bb stack was a bit too risky to take? if you could let me know the difference between your situation and my situation it would be great! hope I'll get a response! thanks!

Sept. 6, 2016 | 4:20 a.m.


I had a similar spot in a live tournament last week where I busted out 14th place. My overall image on the table was aggressive, within the past 4 hours I've shoved allin 4 times. (all successfull stealing blinds) made a couple of 3bets. So overall image was pretty aggro..

Now I have 18bb shorthanded table in the SB. Folded to me, I have A3o。 I open jammed for 18bb after reviewing the BB stacks(he had 16bb) so I felt he wouldn't just call me off with random hands and I have very high fold equity here.

But was it worth the 18bb jam? (not trying to be results oriented) what happened was he called me with KJo and won the "flip" crippling my stack. And i busted out 14th just before the final table.

There were 4-5 super shortstacks at the table <10bb (I'm usually a cash player) So I was wondering what would be a better play? Just open 2x - 2.5x would be better with my stacksizes + all the shortstacks?

(sorry about this off topic question, but it was my first time taking a tournament seriously and first time ever playing live poker. It was a pretty deeprun so I am bugged by this spot. I want to never ever make the same mistake again- if it was a mistake!)

Thanks Fedor!


Sept. 6, 2016 | 4:16 a.m.

thanks for the video. folding AJ seems interesting to me and it makes a lot of sense.
In the last hand, the opponent bet so small at flop and turn, I dont know how do you interpret those small bets.
I usually hate to fold to those small bets, I would make some crazy raise or just call him down. haha

Jan. 5, 2016 | 7:53 p.m.

Comment | Mike H commented on Calling 3 Bets

That's.... very amazing..

Jan. 4, 2016 | 11:36 p.m.

Comment | Mike H commented on Calling 3 Bets

I just notice that your normal open size is 2.3BB. And I saw a lot of the pros choose this size. In low stakes a normal open size would be 3BB.
Could you please share some insight on the advantages of a 2.3BB open size? I am very curious to know the reason behind it.

Jan. 4, 2016 | 6:31 p.m.

Thanks! you made it very clear to me.!

Jan. 4, 2016 | 5:46 p.m.

Hi Tyler. I enjoy your video. I am not very familiar with GTO or the alpha's meaning. But I guess I understand what you mean by the "leak" here: if a player miss his c bet and fold too much to a bet at turn, we can call his raise with nearly most of the hands at big blind position to make it profitable.
Maybe I have this leak too and I guess the solution here is to lower our fold percentage when we miss our cbet.

However, what if a opponent C bet percentage is too high or he C bet at 60% but Never fold at turn when he misses a C bet?

I know this type of player has a huge leak (100% Cbet or Never fold turn). But against such crazy player. What is our strategy at Big blind position? Obviously we cannot call ATC to profit.
what do we do? if we fold too much to his open, we loose 100BB/100 hands. And I think there must be a better solution.

Sorry about the question here. I know it might seem silly but I want to hear from you on that.


Jan. 4, 2016 | 4:42 a.m.

Comment | Mike H commented on Fear of Bluffing

Thank you for this very interesting topic and that interesting graph!

Jan. 2, 2016 | 4:33 a.m.

Thanks! that helps me a lot. maybe I have to learn to check . (I always CB/fold larter or DB/fold at river , I never learn to check). Thank you again!

Dec. 15, 2015 | 5:32 p.m.

Comment | Mike H commented on BB Hand History Review

Hi I like your video. I play small stakes NL hodem. When I see you call with A3o and 74s, I was very surprised. Even A3o has a not bad equity against CO or BTN open range, I can't be comfortable when I see a Ace on flop. I am afraid my kicker is so bad. And often times when when miss the flop (which is quite often), i have to fold to their C bet.

I want to hear your opinion on these concerns. I really want to learn to be a tougher player, but these things puzzle me a lot... Thanks

Dec. 15, 2015 | 5:29 p.m.

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