4 points
it's slightly -ev close to breakeven if he never folds. you can't call. If he folds sometimes then jam it, otherwise I don't think he is ever bluffing and I don't think he is folding.
July 28, 2015 | 12:57 p.m.
32:30 what about shoving turn with AcJs?
June 24, 2015 | 11:53 a.m.
well it's hard for him to have a straight since KTs would be kind of on the low end of an opening range UTG so is T8s. He could def have QJs, maybe 33 depending on hes opening range, and def 99+. If he has 99,TT,QQ, JJ don't think he is folding. you make him prob fold AQ, KQ, if you jam river depending on the riv and your history with him then he will be folding KK+ which he would call on turn I guess depending on your tendencies. TT would prob fold to a jam but i don't know because you're representing a straight on the turn and he will have those blockers.
March 25, 2015 | 10:26 a.m.
phil, on the last hand 4c2c did you bet that amount on turn to get him to shove weaker hands compared to checking and giving him a free river. but what about shoving turn?
Feb. 10, 2015 | 5:40 p.m.
CO: $25.35
BN: $30.76 (Hero)
SB: $40.73
BB: $16.90
Jan. 10, 2015 | 10:17 a.m.
I would call flop, there are not many sets, OP would've raised. He probably has a FD or a straight draw. I would fold turn because I think it hits his range and he can continue to bluff with missed draws.
River is weird I think it would depend on how many flush draws you think he could have and unfortunately you block the Ad FD. He could have 99, KQs, QTs, KTs, K8s, T8s, J9 and you have around 39% equity, if he has 85s in his range then you have around 35% equity. I think you are getting odds to call if he does shove river with that range.
Jan. 9, 2015 | 3:53 p.m.
I have, for me this is usually a FD or straight draw. I see people usually ck/c ck/r turn with sets.
Jan. 9, 2015 | 3:18 p.m.
there is really nothing on the flop he can call with besides an A or a gutter I rather just bet there and give up when called even if he likes to stick around that board is really dry, I would bet.
I wouldn't delay cbet, he is prob not folding any pair at this moment, there is one more card he could have 6, and he is not folding, now with a 7 he has a gutter too, 57 if he had that he has a straight but that is really unlikely, he could now have a FD.
Villain is 60/2 if he has an A he is checking that turn but never checking river. I would fold river. close to pot size bet from a 60/2 I would put him on an A, 2P or set. He would probably check everything else behind, this type of player usually doesn't have a bluffing range.
Jan. 9, 2015 | 3 p.m.
thank you! I was asking b/c he's flop range to me is more inclined to draws which is why I didn't raise turn but he ended up showing up with AQ. River was 5s ck/ck
Jan. 9, 2015 | 9:59 a.m.
thank you!
Jan. 9, 2015 | 9:55 a.m.
SB: $10.57
BB: $13.68 (Hero)
UTG: $9.62
MP: $27.25
CO: $9.39
Jan. 7, 2015 | 1:23 p.m.
SB: $10.05
BB: $8.25
UTG: $30.34
MP: $11.85 (Hero)
CO: $10.37
Jan. 7, 2015 | 1:14 p.m.
I think the turn play is great. he might have some KJ KQ QJ here, if you bet turn he might fold those, I would bet turn on any JQK. He could have some PP here too but you can still get value from those on the river. It is possible for you to bluff river on any JQK so he might just call with his 99 / 88 / 77 / 55. AT the rare occasions he has that. and some times JJ QQ too.
I would call river, I think the 2 is a decent card for you, now a set is less probable. It is possible that he could play JJ QQ KK this way too. and he has been playing aggro vs you, it's not a scary board, near top of your range.
Jan. 6, 2015 | 12:13 p.m.
you can still get value from those PP on the river after checking back the turn.
Jan. 6, 2015 | 11:56 a.m.
i would just flat river.
i rather bet flop and ck/c turn and evaluate the river
Jan. 6, 2015 | 11:44 a.m.
well your ck/r doesn't look strong, so he will be calling with a wide range. But on the other hand the most likely hand for that raise on the flop is a FD and it gets there on the turn so if you bet he might fold a huge % of his range.
If you ck/r and then ck back turn you are showing weakness vs the flush. I think he could bet Ac this way and shove on any river depending how aggro he is.
on 3.3k hands there has to be more info.
Jan. 4, 2015 | 11:09 a.m.
you are putting around 1/2 of your stack on the turn. I think you should either shove or fold and that would be villain dependent.
and calling pre vs a 66/7 wouldn't be a bad option in my opinion. depends on the dynamics too. I think i'll be more inclined to call that min raise.
Jan. 4, 2015 | 10:03 a.m.
I would call pre... you are isolating yourself vs a very strong range when you raise, the fish behind you is just a bonus, you want them in the hand, not out of the hand. CO's range is pretty faced up I would ck/f this.
If you would've called and let's say that CO would've folded for some reason (example) THEN you can bet the flop when UTG checks because he is representing that he missed, whether it's AJ/ ATs / KJs, you will be representing a PP, he could call 1 with AQ but then it'll go ck/ck ck/ck. It's better to just get him off KJ QJ and those stuff, obv we wouldn't want him to fold KJ b/c a K could make us money but you have nothing, he has nothing and he's telling you that. if that happens just take that ticket. but in this hand im calling and c/f flop when CO bets.
Jan. 4, 2015 | 9:37 a.m.
so kind of a flip you having a slight edge?
Nov. 23, 2013 | 11:31 p.m.
nice video!!! first runitonce video I see and impressed =D.
On the QJ hand vs AQ what is his shoving range on the flop? curious about which hands you have beat that shove there.
given his range isn't PF a fold to the 4bet? as played I think you have to call the shove. you need to win about 60% of the time and I think you do.
July 28, 2015 | 1:26 p.m.