What do you think about check raising turn AI? We prevent him to realize a ton of equity with his draws and also the equity his bluffs have, as I think he has ton of flushdraws (we do not block any spade) and some backdoor flushdraws that might have become str8 draws or gutshots and also some random bluffs. I think it is close enough as he has also tons of 9x on his preflop calling range but I think it being oop it is better to check shove turn
Sept. 27, 2017 | 12:17 p.m.
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What do you think about check raising turn AI? We prevent him to realize a ton of equity with his draws and also the equity his bluffs have, as I think he has ton of flushdraws (we do not block any spade) and some backdoor flushdraws that might have become str8 draws or gutshots and also some random bluffs. I think it is close enough as he has also tons of 9x on his preflop calling range but I think it being oop it is better to check shove turn
Sept. 27, 2017 | 12:17 p.m.