princess01's avatar


4 points

I think you need to 3B preflop with your hand. AAxx probably 4B you and then you can reasonably 5B AI or flat to 4B, pray for a good flop, and then check fold the flop that you receive.

I like to play your hand more aggressively preflop, tends to remove some of the tougher post flop decisions like the ones you had to come up with.

Jan. 1, 2015 | 7:56 p.m.

Just a couple comments for you. I agree to not 3B with your hand, but not for the reason you offered. If you had suited/doublesuited/or a better connected starting hand, I think then 3B with AAxx is standard. Also, if you are deeper, you should be 3B a wider range of hands, so I think its incorrect to say that you did not 3B because you were deep.

Flop should have been XR pot. You can probably lead turn 2/3 and feel comfortable if he doesn't raise you. Also check calling turn is ok but not as strong. Check call / check fold river.

Jan. 1, 2015 | 5:54 p.m.

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