pokervibes's avatar


47 points

Smoking weed time to time and playing also, love it actually, I'm like on doping then, can see everything, can do everything :)
Don't want to get into too much again sadly, as i was smoking it 5years pretty much every day and it did actually started effect some mental thing
Also have done aderall and stuff like this, for short-term - absolute beast, long-term, not so sure :)

May 20, 2018 | 9:29 p.m.

Hey guys.
I had some health issues - that's why it was bit quiet here. Now I'm back and have been giving some serious volume.
NL50z - thanks for running above EV, it helped a lot to get a better idea of some serious mental problems, overall easy game

NL100z sofar:

When running hot, can crush everyone. When running poor (atm) I have some issues to fix, and actually love it, running bad is pretty much best tome to see where your leaks are. Tomorrow has a free day and after that going again hardcore grind/study mode.
Br sitting at 6k, going to shoot NL200z when its 7k

May 20, 2018 | 9:24 p.m.

Didn't post yesterday, since it was a hard day for me and didn't have energy, did run like shit (although did suck out and ran over EV, that did save a day, but anyway I'm focusing more on my EV play, so did run shitty and played shitty) and did all 4 major mistakes I cant do anymore
First, I did play Monday - Mondays are off for me
Second, I did play more than 1hour sessions
Third, I didn't learn during breaks
Fourth I wasn't constant
So, first is easy from now on - I just don't play Mondays, we need a day off
Second is easy - I don't play more than 1-hour sessions
Third, I have to make some more structured study plan, as I did lack of things to do, there wasn't any good stream going on and didn't feel like hand analyzes. From now on, I start looking Ben's videos from a year back, if I don't have anything else to do, enjoying always a lot them
Forth I started using PrimedMind before every session to train my constancy at play

Today was already lot better day, did study and was way more constant.
Did prepare 2 hands for tomorrow also what I'm going to breakdown study


May 8, 2018 | 11:03 p.m.

Its because they are the same way if you look close enough :) beginning is same, I have posted the whole graph always. The first graph is day 1, second is day 1+2, third is day 1+2+3 and so on. :)

May 7, 2018 | 7:28 a.m.

Another day is over. Played well, feeling good. In the end, the session went bit messy, some weird spots, but after analyze seems to be fine. Found few mistakes, didn't learn much from these, just constancy mistakes.
Overall, going well and playing better and better every day. Let's see where we do get

May 6, 2018 | 11:13 p.m.

Another day is over.
Today was meh day, didn't get anything going, no hands, no spots. Did analyze 20biggest losing pots. Found 2 bad plays, confirmed with PiO and flopzilla. one meh spot. Don't have the energy to post atm hands. Mostly some coolers (4x KK lost preflop), whatever, tomorrow is a new day.
Found some interesting stuff @ PiO: for example, I was not familiar that when we 3bet OOP then IP hitting SOOO hard JT8ss board and we have to do a lot of protection our checking range hands with AsKs QsQx etc, interesting stuff definitely and makes a lot of sense, would feel comfortable playing also that way.
Overall I'm happy, getting more and more into studying and feeling good playing. Enjoying a lot and having fun, what is most important.
A goal for tomorrow: getting more and more PiO grind going

May 5, 2018 | 9:57 p.m.

Day 1 is over
Did a lot of learning (mostly looked videos, did some small analyze also, didn't have many interesting hands) and playing. So far so good. Definitely will be some hands to post in future.
The beginning I was bit rusty, did some major mistakes, later did get it going a bit better.
Gl all and see ya tomorrow :)

May 4, 2018 | 10:59 p.m.

Thank you EluSiVeMark , enjoying a lot your videos

May 4, 2018 | 7:47 p.m.

Thank you for input Saulo Ribeiro
For me so far it has been a problem that I have impression population plays very different from turn than Pio does, so Pio ranges in the river are far away what does pool.
So, I should go for hard node locking mode is what you mean?
Atm my main focus is yes, to understand concepts first and playing around polarized vs bluffcatcher scenario (just started this out, it's basically 1-A if I understand correct?)

May 4, 2018 | 6:58 p.m.

Thank you Saulo, you have been an amazing ride!
I'm going to put at least as much focus on the study as playing.
Atm my schedule is like this:
Wake up: RiO video > notes, ideas what to apply (later will analyze how it went)
1hour play + 1hour study x 5 per day
A study is either:
Analyzing hands (flopzilla mostly, but have also PiO and snowie for this < i don't feel PiO or snowie gives much in NL50z yet, as this pool is still way too unbalanced, maybe only flop play is what I can learn from PiO/snowie, I think these come more play in NL200z, higher guys, please correct me if I'm wrong. I think that NL50z is basic, everyone plays strong, no need to focus on defending weak hands so much)
Watching video
Reading book ("Flow" atm for mindset)
If I don't feel that I want to do any of these (rare), I'm going to RiO hand forums and analyze some hands there.
Also every week i have one bigger goal where i focus, for example this week i want to focus on river 1-A (i know, it may be bit overkill for my limit, but better sooner than later to get some idea how ranges look like and where is my/opponent "breaking point")

All suggestions are really welcome how to improve my game!!!


May 4, 2018 | 4:18 p.m.

Thank you Lagasaurus, let's see where it gets, I did set up everything to give me the best chance.
Thank you Phil! Giving me a lot of motivation when a hero like you following my steps, cant mess it up :)

May 4, 2018 | 2:31 p.m.

Hey. None. I have like up to 6month liferoll seperated.

Trying to make it smart way

May 4, 2018 | 12:34 p.m.

Hey all!
Next 3months I'm going to be in full poker mode. I would like to document it here.
My goal is to become most constant reg in my pool. I do feel this is one of the main things what most players miss - constant play.
Purpose of this thread is to express my thoughts, make new friends and discuss strategy.
Starting BR: NL2500$
Starting stakes: NL50z
More info later

May 4, 2018 | 9:14 a.m.

Comment | pokervibes commented on Pursuit of Balance

Really nice graph and winrate. Good job.

May 2, 2018 | 6:03 p.m.

Gl man,
For mindset, look out book "Flow" by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, you may like it a lot

May 2, 2018 | 6:03 p.m.

Hey. Really nice vide and learned some things.
How big ev difference you consider to be big enought to check it up what’s going on?
Thank you and keep up good work

April 16, 2018 | 8:46 p.m.

It's going to be so much -EV for me now, but out of lot respect for Dekkers, I feel like I have to do it :)
Hero > old school grinder was pro 5years something like 2009-2014 or so.
Have been trying to get back in games, have tried most of coaching/training programs. Some were meh and some were just pure anecdotal jokes > they teach you when x then do y.

Best where I did get was breakeven @ NL50 in softer sites, that's all.
Then I was, ok I have to do it myself. And I need help. Did look around and found Dekkers (wanted theory oriented exploitive coach). And haven't regretted for a second.
I did go to NL50z, I knew right along that I would get crushed there hard. These games aren't soft site fishy games. These games are nitfest where you get punished hard if you don't play well.
After the first hour with Dekkers, he found right away something like hidden 2bb/100 easy mistakes and it has been really fun after that.
I feel really easy in games now, and we know already my really big leaks what needs to fix jet.
He is a really good coach, trying hard to teach you how to think about the game, how to learn yourself and keep eye on how is your thought process to jump in when he sees something that is needed to correct.
I do really like that he didn't start by small (frequent, but for a fix, fundamentals have to be corrected) mistakes, but he did focus first how to get big and costly leaks out of the game and how to make me thinker in game.
Every session is now easy, I just play, doing what I know and see my mistakes on the table, I don't stress about these mistakes, some time ago I would not even think these are bad plays.

Haven't enjoyed ever before so much playing
Gl all (bad picture, its 53k hands, and 5bb/100 ev)
To be continued...


April 10, 2018 | 9:57 p.m.

Thumbs up for podcast!

Feb. 28, 2018 | 10:04 a.m.

Good blog, following.
Thanks for "Applications of poker" hint

Feb. 25, 2018 | 5:53 p.m.

Comment | pokervibes commented on Simple GTO Trainer

Liked this vid. Have been waiting software like this :) thank you

Feb. 22, 2018 | 9:48 a.m.

Good video. Thank you. Nice to see solid good play

Feb. 21, 2018 | 10:26 a.m.

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