62 points
the A8s in the SB that you didnt defend, would 3betting be ok? how close is the EV between the two options?
June 22, 2017 | 9:58 p.m.
maybe im wrong but from what i know getting this exploitative is a leak, like maybe if were on a very weak FT with big ICM and a massive chip lead then maybe its good? idunno...
i just dont really see how having a weak BU and a weak BB can justify this as a reasonable open...
and saying that is a mistake because there are some re-shove stacks is like just the tip of the iceberg imo
June 14, 2017 | 1:09 a.m.
Thank you soo much phil for making a new poker site, if its anything like RIO training, the software should definitly give pokerstars a run for their money.
June 12, 2017 | 9:43 p.m.
Hi dude, @ 21:33 im prety fuckin stunned ur opening k8s from utg and trying to justify it
maybe im wrong but i dont think the BB's or BU's tendencies matter in this spot, i think ur open is just bad... i think saying "a little too marginal" or "a little too light", as you argued, is just a bit delusional.
June 7, 2017 | 9:27 p.m.
uhm, ben... at 6:29 u mention how on the top left with A5s u have two options, shove or call... was this just a miscommunication? i srsly doubt shoving is good there. unless u have very specific read that the guy is opening a super wide range and folding the majority of that range which i think would be a rare instance considering the opener is in the utg1 spot...
also how close of a defend is this? lke A5s vs a utg1 open range, when ur forced to play oops post... how close is this?
May 26, 2017 | 3:39 a.m.
IMO when setting a "tarp" as ben states, ideally covering the the target is high priority.. tarps are very useful in these situations where protection is a must.
May 25, 2017 | 10:27 a.m.
jeez 27 likes.... impressive.
May 25, 2017 | 10:10 a.m.
2 30:43 u say "i think i would have folded to the first guy too", when u have A6s in HJ vs CO jam approx 17bb deep. seems like a very clear fold to me, u think u consider calling here?
May 24, 2017 | 5:02 p.m.
LMFAO @ 18:09 - bottom right when BB jams in 20bb with Q5o vs utg open, what a spewtard final two tables of a mtt with llike 270k up top omfg classic
May 24, 2017 | 4:44 p.m.
@ 3:44 - u think flatting KQo in sb vs utg open to 2.2x is a standard play? seems losing to me. was this opponent very loose, or just bad or something?
May 24, 2017 | 4:10 p.m.
@ 2:43 - CO jams almost 12bb all in over your UTG1 open, what type of range do you expect to see?
@ 4:58 - And again wondering what range you think the BB re-jams here VS your HJ+1 open?
May 22, 2017 | 3:11 a.m.
agreed, i like this video,
30:29, you mention how the opponent is overestimating how "yo low" you are, what mean?
May 20, 2017 | 6:27 p.m.
hey man, is there a reason you mainly make life videos with like 6 tables going at once? I like your content but im really not a fan of this style of learning with 6 different tables to watch....
May 19, 2017 | 10:18 a.m.
busy crushing scoop seems more accurate
May 14, 2017 | 2:08 p.m.
Firstly, I just wanna say that i think your content on this site is probably the best MTT content being released at the present time.
27:40: You 3bet the flop vs DJ.Anoi's C/R on Q72 two tone, and you explain how if he defends you will likely be checking back the turn as you can back into a flush or hit a king. So what im wondering is why not jam on a spade turn? Is it because you assume after he defends the flop 3bet his range is strong enough that your basically just looking to realize your equity and not continue with your bluff?
May 9, 2017 | 3:24 p.m.
I'm a little surprised you included so amny pocket pairs and so many Ax combos in your defense range here 20bb eff in bb vs button open. Do you think this is an ideal way to approach this spot preflop? From what i have learned i thought all pocket pairs would certainly be jams, maybe trap with some of the nuttier ones vs specific opponents, but i was under the impression to call with pocket eights here preflop was a big mistake. Am i confused?
May 7, 2017 | 1:37 p.m.
god this series is so sweet, apotheosis analysis is super good
May 7, 2017 | 12:43 p.m.
ok thanks, what type of hands generally are good to use as a 3bet bluff here? i ask because i dont even know if i have much (if any at all) of a bluff range in this spot, since im really just unsure which hands i should use as a bluff. which is the reason i asked my original question in the first place, cos if i had 99 on button here and i was playing someone with my 3b strat in bb id be pretty sick.
and ill be honest i havnt watched past the 99 hand, so im not sure what your getting at with the second part, but thanks, ill be finishing the video up tongiht or tomorrow morning.
May 4, 2017 | 1:56 a.m.
sweeeet, this should be good,
2:45 - What type of range are you 3betting here in bb vs donkcommited button open?
Do you think calling with 99 vs your 3b would also be fine? which do you prefer vs your strat?
May 2, 2017 | 9:43 p.m.
yes im only referring to the mtt content.
April 30, 2017 | 4:40 a.m.
thank god finally a decent mtt video, the content on this site in terms of good mtts videos this month (imo anywyas) has been super super dry. the last one i got any value from was on April 11th, apotheosis's last video.
seems like the vast majority of people on this site tend to agree aswell, the other videos got approx 5 likes. pretty concerning results given that was basically half of one billing period with of unpopular mtt content. im pretty dissapointed in the value i got for this months $100.
April 28, 2017 | 9:56 a.m.
39:27 with JTo on 77x flop, you talk about how its not quite right to include in your c/r range. If you had JT with one spade would that qualify as good enough combo to c/r with some frequency?
April 14, 2017 | 1:40 p.m.
lol cow tipping
April 13, 2017 | 9:45 p.m.
no but in all seriousness this is a cool video i mean this isnt like ground breaking stuff but it cant hurt to listen to a top reg go over all this stuff to help ourselves stay on point
April 7, 2017 | 1:34 p.m.
8:45 what about boyfriend? as important? not so much?
April 7, 2017 | 1:32 p.m.
Is anyone else surprised with how often people seem to be taking incorrect lines, or making what seem to me to be clear sizing errors? I would think this is one of the toughest 1ks online and im just a bit surprised with the level of play at this final table.
April 2, 2017 | 1:35 a.m.
16:51 - you mention how you would just check and call with 75s here under the assumption UTG is very Jx and QQ/KK heavy. I was just thinking, would a small block bet here be good for BB to use to potentially prevent having to c/c against a larger sizing?
April 2, 2017 | 1:12 a.m.
when i had no money i still had sauce, naa meeaan?
March 30, 2017 | 3:48 p.m.
overdose of sauce
im pretty sure i have watched one of your videos and u have a hud up during the entire video, not really important though, was just pointing it out.
i am curious however why you dont use a hud? i get where you're coming from about the clutter-free aspect of not using a hud, however pokertracker4 has the option to make your hud very faint untill you scroll over the individuals stat, which essentially eliminates the clutter aspect of the huds. I have noticed in your videos when reviewing a HH you use HEM2, which does not have this function for the hud, so yeah.
other then the clutter part, i would love some input on any other influences that go into your thought process when you choose to not use a hud. I just find it mysterious when people ritually do not use a hud, i just cant see much downside to having one up, unless the person misuses it (which you obviously would not be doing given your experience).
July 7, 2017 | 9:44 p.m.