7 points
my apolgies i posted this and wasnt able to respond. also i mis wrote the hand. i have ajoff. mr sneeze are eff stack pre is 720$
July 14, 2015 | 12:14 p.m.
2 5 live LV
Villen is mp (500$) he's an old man. It's his 1st hand he played since he sat 5 hands ago.
Utg limp. I make it 20 sb j9cc. bb calls 500. Limper calls. 3way.
Do you mind limping here?
I think there's a lot of value limping with fish with mid range hands. Especially with utg limper
23cc10. I bet 25. 2 calls. 5c turn. I chk (for deception and pot control ) bb bets 60. Utg calls. Raise or fold?
I elect to call with thoughts of a chk raise depending on river and how bb/utg bets/how much they bet.
River 5. I lead 100.
I lead as a feeler bet to bet/fold l, and for value on scary river. I think bb's range has a lot of sets, 2 pairs, and flushes
Do you like a chk call better?? Do you call in this spot? I don't think the old guy is turning his hand into a bluff so I feel like I behind all hands that aren't lower flushes
July 14, 2015 | 12:07 p.m.
Thanks for taking the time to look and I'm grateful for any posts/advice/info
2 5 live game LV
9 handed
My first hand at the table so my reads of people's play is limited to how they look.
ep opens 15 ( he is 40ish and dressed casual. I would think with that sizing he would have a range made up of week hands with some strong hands) I raise 45 ajcc mp. Im raising ro isolate and increase the strength of my range. he calls j45cc. he chk. I bet 40. he chk raise 160/560.
My standard is folding here with no info. Is this incorrect?
July 3, 2015 | 11:05 a.m.
Thanks for looking and I'm really grateful for any advice or information
2 5 live game LV
9 handed. 200bb
My Image is loose. My table is passive. Aqo open 20 frm mp. Cut -1 calls. cut call. Sb call.
Cut -1 is are villiin and he is the only ok player at the table he has us covered
Aqkhh. Open 30 mp 100. I call. 4c. I chk. He bets 200. I call. 2c. I chk he bets 400. I tank...
When i asked He snapped tAq open 20 mp. Cut -1. cut call. Sb call. Aqkhh. Open 30 mp 100. I call. 4c. I chk. He bets 200. 2c. I chk he bets 400. I tank...
I grab 4 100$ chips in my hand and ask if he will show if I fold. He snap says he would. After tanking more deciding that I will fold ö asked him again if he would show. He says no
Should I call river since I called turn and all draws missed. I have no history with this guy and I don't know if he is capable of bluffing river.
July 3, 2015 | 10:57 a.m.
i dont mind chk calling flop. let him blast off into you
May 8, 2015 | 12:16 p.m.
fold unless you want to flip for stacks at best 10 10+ imo
May 8, 2015 | 12:12 p.m.
bet fold small amount
Jan. 24, 2015 | 2:12 a.m.
i like bet folding river. that way you avoiding a tough spot.
Jan. 8, 2015 | 3:16 p.m.
chk fold turn. find a better spot
Jan. 8, 2015 | 3:13 p.m.
good logic guys.
Jan. 4, 2015 | 1:24 a.m.
just read all of your posts. Makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside knowing i love a game that is so beautiful (poker)
Dec. 27, 2014 | 1:13 p.m.
any opinions are valuable... thanks
Dec. 16, 2014 | 2:53 a.m.
any opinions are valuable... thanks
Dec. 16, 2014 | 2:53 a.m.
sometimes you just gotta fold k hgh
Dec. 16, 2014 | 1:34 a.m.
live 2 5 game las vegas
villain 900
hero 1400
7 handed
villain is unknown. he seems like a good reg.
4 limps. i bet 30 sb KK ( i think i should open bigger in this spot. maybe 40.) 5 calls.
flop 9106cc 180$
i chk. villain bets 80$. i call.
turn 2 340$
i chk he bets 160. i call
river k 660$
i lead 300$ and he calls
should i be raising turn?
what sizing do you guys like if i lead river ( all in?). i think if i chk raise i get his stack, but im not sure how strong he is or how he would preserve my range by shoving river. it could look like a bunch of missed draws. i think i was so excited to see this card i wanted to make sure i got value ( terrible way to think i know)
Dec. 15, 2014 | 6:14 a.m.
2 5 live game las vegas
villain 1400
hero 1400
10 handed game
villain seems very fishy. the first hand he payed he limped called 40 with q10hh, and x/r T on q76ss2 board. he is a younger asian kid. he had been limp calling a lot with a wide range.
villain limps. i make it 20 from mp with kjoff. old man calls from bb and villain calls.
flop j23ss (pot 62$
villain chk. i bet 30. villain calls.
turn 3 (pot 122$
villain chk. i bet 70. he calls quickly
i think villain range is top pair a lot of the time and flush draws. also 22-99.
river 7 (pot 262$
villain chk. i value bet 110. to my surprise he raises 375$
not sure if i should be value betting this river. i think he would bet his missed flush draws not x/r me. he could have floped sets and played it this way because of the flush draw. his line is so strong, but im not sure what he has in this spt. maybe 77 or jxss that made 2 pair. what do you guys think??
Dec. 15, 2014 | 6:03 a.m.
thanks this makes sence
Dec. 13, 2014 | 6:16 p.m.
on the turn im pot controlling/deception. im realizing i do this to often ( pot control). im wasnt sure what hands he bets 100$ on flop into 5 ppl, and then would chk turn? i thought if he chks river my hand must be good and i can value bet river.
i bet so small on river to get a call from the hands i put in his range( 22-99, 4x). the board looks so scary for his range i bet small to get the call.
i do make the call. he shows j4off lol
Dec. 13, 2014 | 4:01 p.m.
lol i try and balance my winks
thank you for the great post upupandaway
flop i don't mind pot controlling. i thought he flopped a set, i even said to him "your checking your set". i think my wink might have made a difference in him checking vs bettinging. maybe?? i think he's calling almost all of his range on the flop with my image.
why bet more then 3x is normal raise? i dont want him to fold 70% of his range. flush draws make up such a small % i want to extract as much as possible. right?
ya i like 125$ thats a great bet
villain thought i check. after the floor came with a ruling my bet of 350$ was caled fairly quickly. i like the all in shove and i considered it, but why shove here? why not go for value?
Dec. 13, 2014 | 3:53 p.m.
las vegas live 2 5
mp 1300
villain sb 1000
6 handed
new game i just sat down. one reg. 4 recreational players. i had been opening a lot my first orbit. i have a loose image.
i open 15$ q10 off from mp. sb 3bets 40$.
flop 85$ jk7ccd
he stars me down as flop comes, and i wink at him. he looks at the board and chk. i chk.
turn 9d pot 85$
he bets 25$. i raise 75$. he 3bets 150$. i 4bet 300$. he calls.
river $ 685 5d
as im staring at him he flips over kj. confusing amongst the other players take place.
what sizing do you guys like here in this crazy spot.
Dec. 13, 2014 | 2:03 p.m.
live game las vegas 2 5
hero bb 1000
villain sb 2000
9 handed game
just sat in the game. drunk kid on my right ( villain ) has interesting bet sizing. he is extremely loose aggressive and is getting very lucky the first orbit i was there. he was very little knowledge of the game, and it turns out hes a professional fighter.
5 way limp. i check 69off in the bb.
664 rain pot 30$
villain bets 100$. i call
a bit of pot control. my plan is to call most bets T R
turn j pot 230$
as the turn comes he looks down and checks in the dark. i check
river j pot 230$
he still doesn't look at the board from what i see and checks again. i value bet 110$. he asks the dealer "were these the two last cards to come" touching the two jacks. then he raises to 310$
what do you guys think?? bad value bet? easy bet fold? i dont think i can ever fold considering the villains line
Dec. 13, 2014 | 1:49 p.m.
thanks disharmonist! not sure what the right play is here. maybe i need to post on a different form
Dec. 7, 2014 | 1:50 a.m.
lol thanks disharmonist. not sure if i played it poorly now. guess i need to post of different forms
Dec. 7, 2014 | 1:28 a.m.
i think if v2 has combo draws hes stuffing his stack in
Dec. 6, 2014 | 3:17 p.m.
las veags live game 2 5
hero utg +2 1500
v1 mp 900
v2 cut 600
9 handed game
hero opens $25 with JJ. v1 ( abc bad reg. he doesn't mess around with me and i put him on a range of aq suited +, 1010+ ) calls. v2 ( tag reg calls. his range is much wider)
flop j45hh (pot 82$)
i bet $40. I normally would bet 45-50$ here, but at the time i thought it would look weaker this way. maybe tag would try and steal it. V1 calls after what looks like he consider raising. v2 makes it 90$. i think he would do this with alot of combo draws, and sets. v2 likes to commit himself and stack off light often. i take some time and 3bet to 270$. at the time i thought that this sizing would commit v2 with the range i gave him, and give v1 the chance to shove over the top with his sets.
after the hand was over i realized how much value i think i lost by raising. i size my flop bet to be weak, and then i 3bet into two regs. my line looks like i flopped the nuts what line do you guys like in this spot?
Dec. 6, 2014 | 2:33 p.m.
Live las vegas 2 5 game
sb: v1 1200
bb: v2 1000
mp: hero 1200
9 handed
3 limps, hero limps mp with 22, sb bb complete.
flop 2j9dd (pot:25$)
sb is a god reg opens 25$, bb is a tight unknown( 1hour sample size) calls. i raise 90$. bb calls
what do you think of my raise sizing?
turn 10. pot 230$
he chk, i bet 140$
what do you think of my sizing
river 3d (competes flush) pots 470$
he chks, do you like a bet/fold here (what sizing) or a chk behind?
i think im folding to a 200ish bet by him on river. do you guys thinks thats bad?
Dec. 4, 2014 | 1:43 p.m.
break after utg, and wait an orbit. i take this time for the bathroom to to reflect on my game and how im playing. takeks about 10 min then i catch my bb without having to post
Nov. 28, 2014 | 6:06 a.m.
thanks Mr. Sneeze for the valuable information. I learned a lot from this hand. thanks everyone for your comments
Nov. 27, 2014 | 8:26 a.m.
I was extremely close to calling. I think in the end i layed down my hand for the wrong reasons. The bet relative to the potn wasn't big, but the bet in general is a big bet for me to call. He showed 38off
Thank you for your comment Mr. Sneeze. you seem to be the most active member on rio,and i really appreciate your time and opinion
My thoughts on my sizing.... i like my c bets to be about the size of my 3bet depending on many factors ( players, stack sizes, ect). normally a bit bigger. i would say i was playing my c game at this point in my session. imo rec players will call these c bets with a wide range ( 66-1010, j10-jk)
i also think he will raise hands that beat mine which lets me bet fold cheaply. i dont think a rando rec players chk raise bluffs the flop in a 3bet pot because he thinks he might have a week bet sizing tell on me
i agree that a fold is the optimal play pre againsts the rec's player's ep range
what do you think of my logic sneeze
July 26, 2015 | 2:57 p.m.