1 points
Thank you for your answer!
I tried to raise bluff on those A board during the past 2 weeks and it wasn't really succesfull for many reasons:
-First is link to my analysis of how my opponnents is going to answer to my check raise (I got no idea if he is going to believe me or not or just call to see turn, or ... and I'm guessing poorly)
-Second, I 3 bet really agressively so my oppponents know I canno't have a set of aces which decrease a lot the pressure I can put on him with the check raise
-Third, I feel like I'm playing the turn in the dark because I got no idea how he would play his stongs hands, both slowplaying and reraising the flop make sense to me.
I still strongly believe I should build raising ranges on those spots but I feel I do not have the skill to do so atm.
Jan. 13, 2018 | 12:54 a.m.
Do you know any other rooms that Pokerstars.com and Winamax where you can play PLO 5 cards?
Dec. 25, 2017 | 6:20 p.m.
Hey guys,
I would love love to hear your opinion on this question?
Should we have a raising range on AXX board against the initial raiser if we 3 bet every AA preflop with 100bb? If yes what would it look like?
I play exclusively 5 card omaha but I think this spot is quite similar in plo 5 and 4 card.
I always thought that I should slow play my strong hands in situation where I can't have the nuts according to the preflop action and it seems like the easier way to play those spots but is it the best way?
Protecting our range is it worth the fact of not having a bluffing range before the river? Especially in situation where my opponents are cbetting 100% of their hands on the flop.
For the moment I keep slowplaying against players with a low aggression frequency and I try to be more creatif against agressif players with more or less succes :) Raising with a cap range is quite challenging!
Dec. 13, 2017 | 12:42 a.m.
Never heard of such software (I played this game for a year now)
Dec. 13, 2017 | 12:17 a.m.
Hi, I understand the business model but I thought that maybe for exotic games RIO would offer to just buy 1 video :) Was hoping to see some game play from stars or winamax :) thank you anyway!
Sept. 20, 2017 | 10:22 p.m.
Hello Tom,
I'm playing exclusively 5 card plo on stars and winamax up to plo 1k and I saw you just made 2 videos about this amazing game. Is it possible to see them without being elite? (like paying for each video).Do you play it online? If yes, what is your pseudo on Pokerstars or Winamax? Is there live play in your video?
Have a good day,
Sept. 18, 2017 | 6:06 p.m.
5 card high
Sept. 19, 2016 | 11:44 p.m.
Hi, I really enjoyed the video. I just started to play plo 8 online mostly in cash game and I got some issue to determine when my hands are good enought to open in tournament. There is my questions :
15.31 : AQ78 on the BTN, I think I would have open the hand, I know its just a medium hand but there is just 2 players left and we got position (Won't help a lot with those stack size)
19.45 : KK45s on EP, I wouldn't have open. I think the only KK I would have open would be KK23. But I may underestimate the strenght of KK hands. What would be the worst KK hand you would have open?
21.19 AK76 suited to the king on CO, it look like a very good hand to me and would even open the hand in MP
21.54 J897ss BB vs strong CO, the hand look pretty, but I though having medium cards against a relative strong range (CO) would be a bad thing.
24.20 TTJ8ss might have been an open for me
In general I think I would have try to steal more from the BTN, what range (in % or value) do you think we should open in average (it depends on a lot of factors but I would love to have an idea)
A bit of postflop ^^ 34.08 QJ86ss BB vs CO. What do you think about donking the flop? He migh not cbet a lot this board and fold a lot to our donk?
Would love to hear from you :)
Aug. 30, 2016 | 3:06 p.m.
Really nice video I love the format too !
Aug. 2, 2015 | 3:18 p.m.
Hero (BB): €148.69
UTG: €1,517.83 (VPIP: 74.07, PFR: 52.10, 3Bet Preflop: 20.75, Hands: 895)
CO: €339.54 (VPIP: 33.04, PFR: 21.50, 3Bet Preflop: 11.16, Hands: 4,180)
BTN: €69.50 (VPIP: 26.84, PFR: 19.38, 3Bet Preflop: 9.49, Hands: 4,307)
SB: €123.23 (VPIP: 25.94, PFR: 17.15, 3Bet Preflop: 6.01, Hands: 4,066)
SB posts SB €0.50, Hero posts BB €1.00
Pre Flop: (pot: €1.50) Hero has 5d 4h 4c 5s
UTG raises to €3.50, CO calls €3.50, BTN calls €3.50, SB calls €3.00, Hero calls €2.50
Flop : (€17.50, 5 players) 4s 9d Th
SB checks, Hero checks, UTG bets €12.00, fold, BTN raises to €52.36, fold, hero?
Hi guys,
What should hero do in this situation? UTG is the fish of the table and open 73% of his hands at this position, his cbet flop is 59% and his fold to check raise is 40%. BTN is plo100 reg who fold a lot to cbet (70%) but he can raise draw.
Are you sure about Partypoker? I didn't find any plo 5 card game on it.
Jan. 20, 2018 | 6:55 p.m.