0 points
Hi guys,
First of all, thanks for reading this. I'm hoping to get some feedback about my play and suggestions from you about how I could/shove have played it better or differently. Also, this is the first time I am writing about a poker hand, so sorry if my lingo isn't up to par or if it is confusing.
This was a small buy-in event of around 100 players. I had played tight most of the tournament, folding nearly every hand, limping in here and there with a suited connector or big ace, not really trying to get crazy. I get a few hands, one triple up, followed shortly after by a double up. I'm sitting around 60k and the chip leader has about 300k. There are 13 players left, and final table 9 make the money. We were 6 handed and up to now I hadn't seen many hands for a while.
In the BB, blinds at 3k/6k/500, I look down at AdJd. The chip leader was UTG and limped in for 6k, small blind completes to 6k, action on me.
I thought for a moment, about the tendencies of the chip leader. For much of the game he would limp in, it was rare for him to ever raise pre-flop. In fact, I can't remember a single time he did. I knew he limped with strong hands and I knew he limped with weak hands. I counted the pot, being roughly 20k, and thought it would look really nice sitting in my stack. I felt shipping was the best option as both players read weak to me, so that's what I did. UTG (CL) makes moves to call quickly, and does so, and small blind expose folds TdQd, to my disgust. I flip over my AJd and UTG shows AKos. Q d d flop and I blank out on the next 2 cards, missing my jack or 1 of the remaining 7 diamonds.
Upon reflection, I immediately felt like I made a bad play, and the only factor that contributes to that is the money bubble factor.
Being so close to the money, the prize for what we do every time we sit down at that table, I never should have put my chips on the line with such a vulnerable hand. I should have checked my BB option, and donated a little bit to the guy who had QTd, and folded when he went all in on the turn after value betting the flop (as I'm sure he would have done). I would still have had 40k-ish chips and still been looking good, even though blinds were going up soon to 4k/8k, and I would have been severely short stacked.
I still like my shove pre-flop, especially since there is a really good chance both players are folding and I am padding 33% to my stack, but I got out played by the limp-station and lost my tournament, and a strong chance to cash, along with it.
Please leave your comments and advice below as I would love to read it. I still think I did the right thing by shoving, but I hope you have some better answer for me.
Thanks again!