0 points
Playing live 1/3 at the star casino sydney starting stack about 130
im in the sb with KKJ10 with K high spades. Theres a few limps and a maniac (raises 60% of hands) makes it 10, i 3b to 35 and one limper callers and so does the maniac, Flop (100~) 10 3 7cc and i check with the intention calling the maniac, who when checked too bet pot and with 100 behind i call. Turn comes 2 River Kh. Question is tho what should we be doing on the flop, i felt like if i ripped the flop the maniac would fold all his missed hands but when checked too hed have more bluffs, he ended up having 33 so we got lucky. wondering if this is a fold sometimes tho?
Imo calling with Q8 is terrible you dont beat many hands he would shove with expect maybe 10js or 910s. On the other hand shoving with Q8 is probably profitable but this definately should of been a fold unles you think his a manaic
Feb. 8, 2017 | 6:52 a.m.