podskiii's avatar


53 points

Thanks for good quality.

Hi, can you explain why you make your open raises bigger from every position, but from sb you make it smaller than all the other positions?

Is this an easy call on the turn? You block his bluffs, and this is a spot where he is super polarized, probably weighted more towards value given you block draws. Implied odds with is not great either and also he is betting big.

Feb. 8, 2017 | 12:24 p.m.

Another question, I have a question about that BB loss formula. How did you figure this one out?

Jan. 26, 2017 | 7:27 a.m.

Thank you very much for help! Daysaver :)

Jan. 25, 2017 | 4:51 p.m.

Also at 38:22, did you make this spreadsheet yourself? If not what did you do to make it?

Jan. 25, 2017 | 3:15 p.m.

At 35:09
How do you get EV for "IP EV 1/3 Bet"? Did you make full saves and told PIOsolver to bet 100% of range? If not how do you find EV for one particular betsize when you have multiple betsizings? Can't seem to find out the EV for different betsizes? Did you use range explorer?

IP EV I assume you just, clicked on IP EV button in PIO?


Jan. 25, 2017 | 2:52 p.m.

Are you making more PIO vids?

Jan. 19, 2017 | 9:04 p.m.

Thank you, very good video!

Jan. 6, 2017 | 7:11 p.m.

What bluffs do you have here with QTs since you pick a big sizing? In theory this has to be a incorrect betsizing? Is this just an exploit of your opponent, if not can you explain why we pick a big sizing instead of picking a small one? And do you consider C/R an option?

Jan. 5, 2017 | 3:50 p.m.

Excellent video, this is indeed elite content! Keep it up :)

Jan. 3, 2017 | 6:42 a.m.

Why are calling the 2 barrel with AK? Don't we have 44,99, TT-KK and 9x to call down instead? I assume we are at bottom range on the turn, so shouldn't this be a fold? I know you have good blockers to AA-KK.

Dec. 31, 2016 | 2:01 p.m.

You say that your opponent should be valuebetting 9x on the river with a decent kicker. On the flop you say the play is to bet 2/3 or check with AQ and I agree. But this means you are going to be having a polarized range, bdfd/straightdraw as bluffs and Jx or better for value. What part of your range does he get value from on the river? You're going to be folding all of your giveups on the river vs a bet, and you would probably 2barrel Jx or better on the turn. So my question is, what hands do you have that can call river that are worse than 9x? I think 9x is a check to perhaps protect weaker part of his range, otherwise he is stuck with a superweak range when he checks river. I might be wrong here, considering he wants to bluff hands like KQ, T8, QT, KT. That is 48 combos right there, and really hard to find enough value hands. Curious to see your opinion :)

Dec. 31, 2016 | 1:31 p.m.

Why do you prefer 3betting T9s, J9s? You think the EV is better by 3betting from BB compared to calling? Or is it a low frequency thing?

Dec. 30, 2016 | 11:26 a.m.

Cbetting 22 on QTAhhd standard vs two players, you probably missed that SB was in the pot?

Why are you not betting turn? You are for sure getting called by hands like Ax with a club on the turn, you might even get called by 9x with a club and you get to check back river a lot. Should we not deny him free equity here and we also get to keep our range uncapped.

Why can't he have C/R on the river? If he has nutted hands like KQcc or other strong flushes. Why does it make sense for him to bet the river with nutted hands when he should expect you to double barrel a lot of your stronger Ax, if you don't double barrel and wait for river to bet with Ax, he still get to c/r and put you in a tough spot. If he bets river he folds out your giveups and don't give you the option of bluffing. If he bets river, he also folding out most of your 9x anyways, but I assume you wouldn't cbet those for most part. Anyways my point is that you have a lot of giveups he should be trying to get you to bluff those.

This is a dry texture and I assume you will be cbetting this flop a lot and have lots of giveups. Shouldn't he be checking a lot of nutted hands on the river to give you an opporunity to bluff your giveups on river?


Dec. 29, 2016 | 9:48 p.m.

1:20 Is this a standard cbet with A8 on 94Kcc?

20:02 You say you need to respect SB range and I def agree. But this is a pretty good bard for a hand like AT, and it crushes SB range considering he might have PP, SC and Broadways and lots of that range are calling always one. Are you just checking range a lot here, is that the reason why you check AT? I tend to bet this situation 100% with AT, curious to hear your opinion.

Dec. 20, 2016 | 10:49 a.m.

Comment | podskiii commented on $1K MTT Hand History

This is a shame, this is not elite content whatsoever and I'm really sad to spend my time watching this! Most of the player who pays $100 a month, a good share of them are good player themselves.

Dec. 20, 2016 | 10:25 a.m.

Very good video! PROPS!

Dec. 20, 2016 | 1:22 a.m.

4:23, What is the idea of 3b QTdd, don't you wanna be a polarized or is this a low frequency 3b?

14:17, Why do you bet AT on Q2T rainbow? Why is better than checking back flop? I assume we are not betting this as protection.

Dec. 19, 2016 | 11:17 a.m.

Why do you 3b 22 instead of flatting? What is the idea behind it? Are the blinds SQ much? If that's the case, is 3b 22 higher ev than folding?

What are you bluffs here with 88? Are you really raising a flushdraw here ever?

Dec. 19, 2016 | 10:50 a.m.

Comment | podskiii commented on Calling 3 Bets

Tyler, it was just in the beginning the sound was bad. Don't worry about it :)

Nov. 23, 2016 | 11:13 a.m.

You spend a lot of time talking about super standard hands and situations, this is an elite video. Just wish we could get started with a quicker pace in the beginning.

You say you have to bet big on river when flush fills because this make your range much stronger against akkari capped range. If it makes your range much stronger, shouldn't you bet smaller because you have fewer bluffs here?

This is a super marginal call for akkari and it all comes down to if you flat KQo or not, if you 3b some of them and flat some of them.

AJ (12), 89s (1), KJs (3), QJs (3), 55 (3), TT (1 not sure often you flat this), JTs (2), KQhh (1),66 (1) you'll def have 4-5 combos of flushes here. Total of 32 value combos.

KQo (12)
KQs (3)
89s (3)

Total 18 bluff combos

Total combos: 50

Bluffing: 18/50= 36% of the time. He need to be good 30% of the time to make this call. If you 3b KQ some of the time it's def a fold for akkari. Do think this situation get overfolded in practise.


Nov. 23, 2016 | 9:49 a.m.

Comment | podskiii commented on Calling 3 Bets

Sound is horrible!

Nov. 22, 2016 | 6:54 p.m.

AJo, to call here you only need to win 21% to call this 4b pre. Yeah, you don't get to realize all that equity on certain runouts everytime but still. Only hand you're not getting the correct prize vs is AA which is only only 3 combos. He is obv superpolarised here, doesn't it make sense to just see a flop because you crush all his bluffs but loses to his value? I agree with the call

Don't you think think betting turn is better than checking, even you just limped you are still going to be having the stronger range than him and you also have a gutshot. It's a situation where he can start betting his better Kx and you can't really call J8 vs a bet on turn. It's def a situation where he should at least consider betting turn or river with T high.

Don't you think checking the river with KQ is better than shoving? Even though you have KQ and block QJ he is still going to have 6 combos of QJ, 3 combos of 22, 3 combos of JJ. You're bluff c/r are going to be T9, T8 are you really always bluffing those that much as you can c/c flop and bet river if he checks back turn and almost always win that way, also if you bluff those you will end up with 32 combos of bluffs and for value KQ or better which is 12 combos and 3 combos of 22 which means you're overbluffing hard.

Also this is a board that is not very often getting barreled with a high frequency at all. How is it better to shove river and not letting draws a chance to bluff at it, if he is checking KT, T9 back on the river is he not bluffing enough vs you which is also EV. He should be able to fold hands like Q9/QT as they will be blocking your main C/R bluffs.

Don't you think is a good spot to shove all in on the river over his bet, when you check back flop a lot of your range is going to be Ax, also when you call the turn a good portion of your range is going to be Ax with a club and midpair. He is going to be way fewer nutflushes as he will be 3b shoving a decent amount of Ax pre, obv he is going to have some. I guess with a little bit shallower stack it will be a little bit better as he will def shove all Ax pre vs your loose opening and will be capped to having Qx as biggest flush.

Q7s bvb, don't you think this is a good situation to lead flop? You got lots of backdoors and can barrel a decent chunk on turn.

Very good analysis, to bad you called :(

Thanks :)


Nov. 10, 2016 | 8:40 p.m.


QQ, why are not betting 2/3 here on 93Jssd, you are betting a little bit more than 1/3 pot on a flop where you get called a ton? Seems like a spot you spot want to maximize value and also bluff here a lot? Can understand with shallow stacks, but almost 100 bb eff.


AKss, why do you call turn here? Don't you have a lot of better hands you can call a probe on? For instance a hand like T8s, T6s (if you open this), 88,99 and lots of 7x


Flop check you explained, but the turn ch with t8?


Nov. 10, 2016 | 7:31 p.m.

If he is a good reg knowing that you are reg, he can expect you to be 3betting him wide, especially if he knows that his image is wide. Calling a 4b shove is a disaster even though he shows you 89s. This depends very much how the good reg have played so far at this finaltable. If he has played loose which I suspect he has. I def think 3b shoving is going to show more profit than a flat here. He can put tons of pressure on you on various flops given ICM pressure. We also make big hit on his stack if he decides to call us here, so he has to be very tight here. Even AQ don't seem to appealing given that he has a significant CL and there is a lot of soft spots at this FT.

Nov. 10, 2016 | 10:34 a.m.

Betting or checking flop is fine, I assume you will have some traps here with hands like AA-KK-QQ-JJ that you want to ch/c flop. If you do have traps here totally fine to check here.

AA, KK, QQ are going to be good checks, as they will be blocking their continue range (draws)

Nov. 9, 2016 | 10:09 a.m.

Comment | podskiii commented on AQo OOP in multi pot

I like checking the flop as we are not getting much folds on this flop, and if we do bet flop we are in weird situation on the turn. We can c/c this flop with nutted outs anyways. I assume you are going to be checking some Kx on this flop.

I would bet the turn as I will contruct my range like this that wants to bet for value.

KJo/s (16 combos of TP)
QQ/JJ (12 combos)
ATs (3 combos)
TT that went for C/R on flop (3 combos)
66 that went for C/R on flop (3 combos)
QJhh that went for (C/R on flop) (1 combo)
Thats a total of 37 value combos.

On river this will be less combos as I'm not betting ATs anymore, but still 34 value combos.

My bluffs will be
AQ (16 combos)
AJ (16 combos)

Think these combos are good to be bluffing, as they will be blocking some of their TP hands.

I think you should consider your range, if you open offsuit hands like KJ or only suited KJ.

As played, i think checking river is the best play. You're only repping ATs QTs, QQ and JJ (that you sometimes didn't bet turn)


Nov. 9, 2016 | 10 a.m.

Oct. 28, 2016 | 8:23 p.m.

What do you think about AQ vs stabby opponents, we flop a gutshot with TP. Might be good for balance to have in check/call range?

Feb. 14, 2016 | 2:24 p.m.

At 44 min, don't you think AK is a good hand to turn into a bluff on turn when he checks back J94dds instead of trying to show it down where you chop against AK and win against AQ and losing against everything else?

Jan. 15, 2016 | 8:18 p.m.

Comment | podskiii commented on The Art of MTTs

If I agreed with your description of the character traits of the MTT playing demographic, I'd have serious ethical reservations about grinding them. Fortunately for my conscience, I wholeheartedly don't agree with that description. Since you do, how do you reconcile it?

Dec. 6, 2015 | 5:49 p.m.

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