40 points
What's he difference between the 97ss turn overbet on A85dd Jhh and the Q2o psb on Q62dd 5hh, in the prior video, where we wanted to size down from overbet to psb (on double flush draw)?
Feb. 2, 2023 | 2:36 a.m.
+1 here as a 6max player, that really enjoys your content.
Does the concept of sizing down to psb vs overbet, on double flush draw turns apply to 6max? Or is this more of a HU concept?
Jan. 18, 2023 | 4:46 p.m.
Thanks Luke! Really love this video format. Very educational and easy to follow.
Sept. 14, 2022 | 2:12 a.m.
+1 on enjoying the live plays
Jan. 7, 2022 | 4:10 a.m.
i feel like 6 tables might easier to follow and easier to clearly see the bet sizes on the tables
Dec. 26, 2021 | 10:45 p.m.
What's the app of randomizer you have on screen?
July 30, 2021 | 6:12 p.m.
What's the reason for sizing down 3b's, when deeper?
May 8, 2021 | 10:14 p.m.
+1 center seat easier for viewing
what app are you using for your rng?
March 21, 2021 | 3:22 p.m.
what software are you using for your rng on table?
Oct. 13, 2020 | 4:28 a.m.
in the first hand, why do you like betting small with 10-7,10-8 type hands & betting big with 10-broadway hands?
Thanks! That makes sense
Feb. 4, 2023 | 4:06 p.m.