42 points
Thanks Nick. Awesome answer. I think I will be looking more into monker.
March 29, 2019 | 8:57 p.m.
Nick, Good vid up to half way thru but didn't finish so pardon me if you answer this question later in the vid. How easy do you find working in Monker? I am considering buying a solver but would love to have one that does both PLO and NLHE. I play live in 1/2 nlhe and 1/2 plo game and am a winning player online in NLHE100 so have reason to analyze both types and I think I saw Monker will do both. I have also seem people complaining that it is difficult to run in the forum. Maybe PIO and PLO calc would be a better combo although I am pretty sure PLO calc is an equity caculator and not a solver. Also, I believe Monker will solve Multiway where pio won't which is cool for someone who plays a lot live and also plays full ring NLHE online.
March 20, 2019 | 9:41 p.m.
Hey Julian. Good vids. Keep up the good work. Would love to see a live play video or two in the next few. Nice to tie all the concepts together into a live play session.
March 5, 2019 | 8:41 p.m.
Thanks for the quick reply. Much appreciated.
July 10, 2018 | 5:25 a.m.
Good vid. I like the lower stakes vids. What do you think is a reasonable win rate at these stakes on Ignition? I assume they are beatable and I do beat PLO5 and PLO10 on ignition for a little money in the small amount of time I have played it, but I am a better NL player and have found that the rake is so high that it wasn't easy to get a decent win rate at NL25 and 50. Needed to get to NL100 to start to beat the rake and make a decent win rate. Maybe these lower stakes games are more beatable in PLO on ignition or is it a race to get to PLO100?
July 9, 2018 | 10:57 p.m.
When I say barrel I mean bet when appropriate on certain turns and check call others.
May 31, 2018 | 7:51 a.m.
The one thing I don’t like is the 3 bet on flop. What bluffs do U have here. I think it would be better to flat and continue to barrel. The board is rainbow so only so many draws villains can have to call a 3.bet. As played I like your turn play.
May 31, 2018 | 7:50 a.m.
Thanks Mikey. Glad to hear you will work on it. Like I mentioned, 2 videos a month is worth a subscription but any less not so much (3 or more would be great!). Look forward to seeing the content.
May 30, 2018 | 8:34 p.m.
When I Joined RIO a year or so ago, there were 2 NLHE full ring essential videos a month and now we are down to barely one per month. Last one was posted over a month ago. I know that a majority of users play 6 max or PLO, but it is getting frustrating that there is not much new content being produced for full ring. Serge and Julian do a great job, but we need some more full ring content to justify the monthly subscription. 6 max videos are helpful, but we all know that 6 max and full ring plays quite a bit different with significantly more MW pots and different opponent tendencies and exploits. Please give me your thoughts on how we can get more full ring videos.
May 29, 2018 | 5:17 a.m.
Great first vid. I am wondering how you caluculate your frequencies pre and post flop to enter in the random number generator. Are you thinking in terms of GTO formulas such as those presented in Applications of No Limit Hold Em by Janda? Any tips on how to calculate these real time would also be great. I.e. do you need to just spend a lot of time with a solver (PIO, etc...) to learn these frequencies?
March 26, 2018 | 8:51 p.m.
Similar to Idon'traisemyAA, I am also wondering how you caluculate your frequencies post flop to enter in the rng. Are you thinking in terms of GTO formulas such as those presented in Applications of No Limit Hold Em by Janda? If you are not familiar, he basically provides equations based on pot size/bet size to calculate various frequencies that allow you to play Optimal. Any tips on how to calculate these real time would also be great. I.e. do you need to just spend a lot of time with a solver (PIO, etc...) to learn these frequencies?
March 23, 2018 | 9:16 p.m.
Thanks for following up serge. sorry it has take me a while to get back- I have been out of town quite a bit so haven't been on the site. Good explaination on bet sizing. Only question on that is why do we want to use larger sizing OOP?
As far as rake/variance, I began doing pretty good at NL25 and 50 and ran by bankroll up 5x of what it was before. Unfortunately, I have had some bad variance (set over set a couple times- ran great bluffs and was called down, etc...) and have lost a lot of my profits. Getting back down to close to my original bankroll ($100). Not that big a deal as I mainly play live for profit and use internet poker as a training tool, but still a bit frustrating. I have been playing on Bet Online because they seemed to have really soft games but they charge about 5.5% rake with no rakeback. I am still not sure if these games are beatable for much of a profit at this rake. I see over the last 6 months that I have paid appx $800 in rake but made $50. I am really beating the game but not the rake!! I am currently dropping down table numbers to 3 to really focus on my hand reading and making sure I am plugging any leaks. I also wonder if I need to drop my bluffing freq a bit. I feel like I am bluffing in really good spots but am still being called down too often. Obviously players at this stakes are much more stationy than at 200 NL etc... I have also been reviewing more of my sessions which has helped. Let me know if you have any other thoughts.
Dec. 10, 2017 | 6:26 p.m.
Great vid serge. Can you explain when you use 1/3 pot sized bets as cbets etc... and how you balance your range doing it (bluffs vs value)? If there is a good video that discusses this, feel free to direct me there instead of addressing. I am a low stakes player (primarily 25 and 50nl) and use 1/2 pot for cbets on dry boards for both value and bluffs and 2/3 pot on wet boards and balance value bets with semi-bluffs. I am wanting to incorporate the 1/3 pot bet, but need some direction.
Nov. 29, 2017 | 9:45 p.m.
good vid. how do you think the rake increase has affected the games on ignition. I used to play bovada but quit when they switched to ignition. Seems like $4 rake is crazy- are the games still beatable with $4 rake?
Oct. 25, 2017 | 8:33 p.m.
Sorry, you did actually flat, but said you wouldn't against regs.
Sept. 8, 2017 | 8:39 p.m.
At 22:15 you didn't flat with 44 pre. What situations do you like to flat with small pocket pairs for set mining against regs. Seems like an UTG raiser is likely the best to flat for set mining since their preflop range is likely strong. Maybe you never overcall with small pocket pairs against regs?
Sept. 8, 2017 | 8:38 p.m.
Good video. I am playing micros right now and am breaking even at $10 and $25 NL tables. I have played a little bit of $50NL and seem to do okay, but haven't played enough to know if it is variance etc.... I always assumed I would play each micro level until I can beat it and then move up, but am wondering if $10 and $25 NL is really difficult to beat due to the rake making up so much of the pot. I am playing a site with rakeback, so I am paying 3.6% rake, but still find it tough to beat, despite the players being just okay. Would you recommend just moving up to $50 or $100 NL. I have the bankroll (good job etc...), but don't want to lose a lot of money trying higher stakes if I am not ready for it. Keep up the good videos.
June 28, 2017 | 8:50 p.m.
The hand was at 35:55, not 35:04- sorry bout that.
May 19, 2017 | 9:32 p.m.
Following up on the comment by stttnnn, I understand why you are 3 betting Ax suited versus an iso raise from a reg, but why did you 3 bet KQ at 35:04 with no iso raise before? Seems like it is tough to get worse to call there. I like your agressive 3 bet strategy pre and want to try to implement it in my $25NL games, so any insight into this hand would be great. I am a new member and am really enjoying your content. Thanks.
Thanks Nick. Great work on all your vids. I noticed you have been playing on bet online quite a bit. I used to play a lot of NLHE on there and there were definite bots a couple of years ago- well known on the 2+2 community that there are several. They were mainly in the NL10 and NL25 pools. I did play some plo ($5 and $10) and thought there were a couple in there too. Did you notice this and did you have any problems playing against them? For instance, I am pretty sure Soap Opera is a bot- saw you playing against him in several of your low stakes vids.
Aug. 6, 2019 | 6:28 a.m.