6 points
At 3:30 why not ch back the flop and go for the SD with AT on 973 ?
At 23:00 You said you are checking back top pairs here 90% of the time on 985hh. Why ?
At 31:45. Same kind of spot w A9 on 953dd. What is the big difference here that makes you want to cbet now ?
At 42:00 Can you tell me little bit more why you would just flat AA vs 3xbb raise ?
Feb. 5, 2016 | 10:39 a.m.
At 8:30. What do you think about 4betting JJ mp vs BTN 200b deep ? I can come up with few good reasons to do it.
At 17:00 why do you lead the turn w Q7o on JT8 8 ? Repping trips ? Or because you block the straight or what ?
At 21:30 There is difference in 3bet bluffing with J9s and squeeze bluffing with J9s ?
At 26:30 Why not for 4bet bluff ATo ?
At 31:00 Good explanation why he could not have the nuts on the turn. He min raised the turn because of your pot bet size. He was afraid that he could not call the river again if bet pot there too. So he blocker min raised you for the potential free river.
Thx. Nice vid
Feb. 4, 2016 | 10:51 a.m.
@ 34min you are not tempted to float with J8s at table 3 ? You might be folding too much if you don't float enough back doors.
Jan. 17, 2016 | 1:43 a.m.
Thx for the reply. Still would like your opinion on my approach to balance. Is my thinking in my example any good ? Randomizing via combos is my way now.
April 3, 2015 | 3:06 p.m.
Great vid, nice lines =)
At the beginning you talk about balancing. Mixed strategies. Limping KK 4% of the time in the SB. Limping Qd with a red card. Fractional range calculations. I've been thinking these same concepts but in different spots. When I open AA on the button and good reg 3bets me from the SB. Do these balancing concepts have any merit in this spot ? If I decide to call one combo of the six combos of aces. AhAd. would be the easiest to remember. That would mean I call AA in that spot 17% of the time. 1/6=0,166666 = 17%. First I thought I would call aces with Ah in it. But that would be half of the combos. I would be calling 50% of the time with aces and may just lose to much value not 4betting.
April 3, 2015 | 8:57 a.m.
@ 29:00. Why did you consider 4betting AJ pre ? ty
March 25, 2015 | 4:04 p.m.
@ 12:00 with QQ on Q95r you say villain's range is not super strong and is draw heavy. What kind of range is this ? I would agree if it was BTN vs CO. But a 3bet againts your UTG open and Q high flop which hits your range very well I give his cbet range just 20 value combos of AA/KK/AQ/KQ.
@ 14:00 When you were searching for a right 4bet size with AK you said you wanted a size which was not committing. Are you actually sometimes 4bet folding AK vs the squeeze ? Or just looking the same size for potential A9o 4bet bluff.
March 24, 2015 | 12:50 p.m.
Just thinking your own range. The drier the flop, more back door draws, you should float.
March 19, 2015 | 8:11 a.m.
At 17:00 you said A5dd is nothing on JT6d. Looked into flopzilla thinking it was alot. Gave you 245 combinations on the flop. TT-22,AQo-ATo,KQo-KTo,QJo-QTo,JTo,AQs-A2s,KQs-K8s,QJs-Q9s,JTs-J9s,T9s-T8s,98s-97s,87s-86s,76s-75s,65s-64s,54s. May or may not be true. We need to continue with 152 combinations to deny ZeeJustin to auto profit with that bet. Continue any pair + (except 77/55/44/33/22) + AQ. That is 139 combs. We need 13 more. Now we can add A5dd there. Or not. We can add better draws. KQ in itself is 16 combos. Takes us over the threshold. Okay A5dd is not much there but lets say on K82d it is alot. There we can be calling the cbet with back door nfd that we don't fold too much on the flop.
March 17, 2015 | 7:36 a.m.
Must not auto assume QQ+ AK 3bet range vs my HIJ/UTG opens. More like (AA-TT,AxKx-AxJx,AxKy-AxJy,KxQx,KxJx,KxQy) + some bluffs. Then 4bet bit lighter for value. At least AK/JJ. Some times AQ. Today reg 3bet 99 vs my HIJ open. Big surprise. Mostly 4bet / calling if I had 4bet for value. Hate the idea of 4bet / folding AK/AQ. But I guess that is possible in some scenarios. Then there is the min 5bet. But have not seen it yet. Not the most common dynamic at low stakes Zoom. At this point I assume it is AA. But if I feel adventurous I might do it with something else =)
March 10, 2015 | 7:27 p.m.
Another great vid ! @ 28:00 what is the worst hand you 4bet with in this spot ? Whenever there is HIJ or UTG open and reg/nit involved I play weak. I only 3bet AA-QQ and same with 4betting if I get 3bet. How much value am I missing ? I do play alot lower Zoom but I guess I could 4bet in this spot vs some regs little bit wider for value. You are not thinking of 4bet snap calling shove ? More like 4betting and expecting him to snap call 4bet w AQ/AJ/KQ etc.
At the end you 3bet HIJ open w KTs from the BB. I never do that. I just leave UTG and HIJ openers alone. Maybe I should 3bet them with something other than AA-QQ/AK sometimes.
March 10, 2015 | 8:36 a.m.
Nice vid! Gonna watch em all.
@ 20:45 with J8 you are not at all worried about repping nothing? You said you can have KK but to a reg on 774 4 it does look like you dont' have much. And he has a Ax alot on doubled paired board. Looks like a good spot to bluff catch. But it is just a case of he is capped and you are going to over bet that it will be profitable ?
March 9, 2015 | 12:46 p.m.
Calls (48.9%): -75 (-36,675)
April 9, 2013 | 7:37 a.m.
April 3, 2013 | 3:29 p.m.
March 27, 2013 | 10:15 a.m.
March 18, 2013 | 2:10 p.m.
@ 41 min: Could we bet QQ small OTT ? Still value to be had vs JJ/TT. Does not cap our range. Leaves options better open OTR. We can shove/cc/cf for various reasons OTR.
8:30 JJ hand. Lately I have been playin 4bet or fold strategy when I open and reg 3bets me IP. I open 246 combinations AA-44,AKo-ATo,KQo-KJo,QJo,AKs-A2s,KQs-KTs,QJs-QTs,JTs,T9s,98s,87s,76s,65s,54s from the MP. Defend roughly top 33% when I get 3bet. AA-88,AKo-AJo,AKs-AJs. 90 combinations. I just find it weak if I just call here. So I have started 4betting my whole range. It makes villain play honestly. If I call w AQ/AJ/JJ/TT/99/88. and the flop comes most of the time I don't really know where I am at with the hand. But if I 4bet those hands I know exactly what to do vs shove or if he calls I find that villain play pretty straight forward post flop after I have 4bet. I am just info raising basically =) I get some folds which is very nice and if they call it narrows their hands alot and I find I can get to sd with mid pairs pretty easily. And if they bet mid pairs are pretty easy fold in a 4bet pot. Info raising FTW !
Feb. 8, 2016 | 8:59 a.m.