2 points
I see the SB flatting range not so wide, so he will have as many 5x as you have. He might have 54s and 65s than you not, but he probably don't have A5o for exemple, and you do (Actually I raise 65s from CO too). I also think the SB is whole lot of overcards such as suited broadways, and pockert pairs.
Said that, I think you better cbet flop small and check this turn in order to get showdown or bluff catching river, I don't think you get folds from better hands on this turn (maybe some AT he didnt 3bet, or 33). And the villan might, at least should have some leads bluff river after check-check turn.
I would keeping barreling with those no showdown hands and the ones that get some equity on this 8 turn (76 and 97 if you have those in your CO raising range).
See you!
Sept. 7, 2020 | 6:19 p.m.
ICMizer would be nice for those questionable-to-bad judgmend about shove/reraise!
I'd be more inclined to raise this lead on a such wet board. About trips. if he keep barreling would you fold top pair? probably no, right? so I think we better raise for protection here.
Other thing is that people use to bluff less when there's side pot, so if it was a dryer board, or if you had a flush blocker check is a nice option, in my opinion.
See you
Sept. 7, 2020 | 6:41 p.m.