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If rake 1 hour - 3 bb
Is it profitable for tight players and players who buy in for 50 bb.
Because it that situation you tight or aggressive you pay same rake.
I understand right that with rake 1 hour - 3 bb you need to play more aggressive and if you play tight it can be not profitable?

July 16, 2017 | 1:06 p.m.

Dear Friends,
I plan to go to London and check Victoria casino games.
I find that OMAHA rake is
PLO £2-£5 £200 / no max £8 half hourly charge
PLO £1-£2 Deep Stack £150 / £1000 max Rake 5% £10 cap
How i know standard rake is 2-3%.
So i have question for more experienced players. Is it possible to play profitable Omaha with 5 % or 3 bb/hour rake ?

July 15, 2017 | 7:54 p.m.

Dear Friends,

Live game
1/2 USD

I am on CO with Ad9d diamonds raising 11 USD, tight player from BB call. I don't have any accurate notes on this player.

POT (23 USD)
Flop come Jd7h6s i c bet 12 USD, BB calls

POT (47 USD)
Turn come 8d
Now i have flush draw with straight draw and i c bet 26 USD and opponent raise me to 60 USD
Now Pot 47 + 26 + 60 = 133 USD
I have 120 USD behind. It is 34 USD to call or 120 USD to push.
I think opponent range there 67, 68, 87, 66, 77, J8 it is all 42 combos if i push 120 USD(for 133) i think he fold 67, 68, 87 and calls with J8, 66, 77(15 combos)
15/42 = 35% he calls me.
So it looks better to push then to call ? i understand that after my shove pot will be 253 USD and he need to put only 86 USD, but i sure that he can fold 67, 87, 86.
Even if i put to range 88, T9 straight, it will be combo 61 and after my shove and fold of 68, 67, 87 it will be 34 combos to call 55% that he calls but some times after his call i win with on river with Flush o straight.

Waiting any comments

Maybe you know any software that can calculate all this and can help me with accurate calculation.


March 7, 2016 | 10:31 a.m.

Dear Friends,

What is better when you CO and have 15bb with KJs to push or 2x raise fold. I see many times how regular players raise 2x and fold to push having 12 - 18bb. Can somebody explain that ranges need to raise fold, to raise call, push when you have 12-18bb in EP, MP, CO ,BU.
Maybe somebody knows some articles about this question please give me a link.

July 13, 2015 | 6:13 p.m.

Hand History | opapa posted in MTT: 11 USD ITM BUBBLE
Blinds: t300/t600 (9 Players) BN: 32,082 (Hero)
SB: 16,100
BB: 18,907
UTG: 6,766
UTG+1: 25,962
MP: 26,918
MP+1: 14,405
MP+2: 12,380
CO: 20,563
Preflop (900) Hero is BN with T J
6 folds, Hero raises to 1,200, SB folds, BB calls 600
Flop (3,330) 9 T 3
BB checks, Hero bets 1,332, BB calls 1,332
Turn (5,994) 9 T 3 2
BB bets 3,116, Hero calls 3,116
River (12,226) 9 T 3 2 A
BB bets 13,189 and is all in, Hero folds
Final Pot BB wins 12,226

June 20, 2015 | 11 p.m.

Comment | opapa commented on Software

Maybe you know book about poker and math or articles there i can read about "If villain is folding 66% you can theoretically jam ATC." and other usefull information

June 19, 2015 | 10:59 a.m.

Post | opapa posted in MTT: Software

Dear Friends,
Is it possible to find any software that can solve next task.
For example i am BU with 15bb.
CO open 2x with 30% of his range and calling my shove from BU with 10%
SB shove with 3% after my shove to CO open
BB shove 3% too.

I want to know my profitable range to shove to CO open.
How it to calculate. Do you know any software that can help.

June 17, 2015 | 3:23 p.m.

Comment | opapa commented on 3 BET PUSH

Thank you for so accurate answer

Oct. 16, 2014 | 2:21 p.m.

Post | opapa posted in MTT: 3 BET PUSH

Dear Friends,

Please check my calculations. Is it ok ? No mistakes ? 

EV = FE *POT + (1-FE) * (Equity * (TOTAL POT with total stacks) - YOURSTACK) it is OK ? NO MISTAKES ?

1) BB - 17 blinds, POT 2,4 (1 + 0,5 +9*0,1)

Button open 2x with 40% of his range and call 3 bet PUSH with 10,86%(A8s+, A9o, 55+ )

I am big blind with 23о

EV = FE *POT + (1-FE) * (Equity * (TOTAL POT with total stacks) - YOURSTACK)

EV = 0.73*4.4 + 0.27*(0,25*(34+0,5+0,9)-16bb) ~ 1 BB

2) UTG open 2х (22+,А9+, А7s+, KJo-KQo, KTs-KQs,QTs-QJs, JTs - 16%) and call 3 bet all in 99+,AQ+ - 5%

i am BB with 27s

EV = FE *POT + (1-FE) * (Equity * (TOTAL POT with total stacks) - YOURSTACK)

EV = 0.69*4.4 + 0.31*(0,25*(34+0,5+0,9)-16bb) ~ 0,5 BB


Oct. 16, 2014 | 8:10 a.m.

Dear Friends,
Want to ask about strategy different s for MTT tournaments with 10 and 15 minutes?
Maybe it was some post earlier and somebody can give me link or
Maybe somebody have some articles for this question  and can give me link?

Oct. 3, 2014 | 6:01 p.m.

Comment | opapa commented on Skype Group

 :) I want to be in this group too :)

Oct. 3, 2014 | 5:53 p.m.

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